I made my way down the narrow streets of Eloria, making sure to avoid the main avenues. A city that once roared with livelihood had been reduced to what felt like a small village, the occasional chatter amongst small groups echoing throughout the areas.

The anger and anguish of the citizens had overtaken the capital of Imania, and I knew a large majority of those emotions were directed toward the Dragonkin. My life obviously not in danger, but something about the atmosphere made me want to cower away in shame.magic

Maybe it was a bad idea to go to the Cadmium household.

Jay had started the war to protect me and my people... and I wouldn't be surprised if they blamed me for their son's current state. He had done so much and risked his life so many times to protect me, and I had done nothing in return.

All I could do was repent for my mistakes by trying to save him.

Before my doubts could hinder my movement any longer, I suddenly found myself right in front of the gleaming white house. My body froze, completely unable to move at all, as I stood before the wooden door.

They probably hate me...


I pictured the horrified face of Jay's little sister, her eyes beginning to tear up as I announced that her brother had become the enemy of the world. I heard Jane's soft pleas for me to leave, crushing me from within as I walked out the door silently.

"Hello?" echoed a voice, snapping me out of my painful delusions.

"U-uh..." I stuttered, my hand subconsciously reaching out before I forced retracted it. "I'm sorry, I got the wrong house."

I turned around, beginning to walk away before a massive slam erupted behind me.

"Asthia?! Is that you?" exclaimed the female voice. Footsteps thudded on the pavement below as a figure forcefully spun me around and looked right into my eyes. The woman smiled as she recognized my ruby eyes, gently pulling me in and embracing me.

Why... was I being hugged? Jane knew... she knew I was part of the reason why Jay went to war...


My arms remained at my sides, unable to reciprocate the embrace.

"Jane, I-"

She hushed me calmly.

"Come on, let's go inside. I'm sure there's a lot you want to talk about, right?" she said, pulling back and putting her arm around my shoulders. I smiled weakly, letting myself be guided into the warm house that had welcomed me all those years ago.A girl with dark brown hair met me a few steps into the house, her white attire giving her an angelic look. She eyed me with her emerald green irises momentarily, suddenly smiling as her dark brown hair waved excitedly from her small jumps.

"Asthia! You're back!" she cried, running to hold my hand.

"Alice?!" I asked, surprised by how much the girl had grown. How old was she now? She was around five years younger than Jay, which meant that she was probably 9. "Y-you've gotten so big."

"Hihi, I know, right? I'll be catching up to you soon, you know?" she added sarcastically. Her outgoing personality and ease of interaction were things I was used to. I chuckled, realizing I had gotten too accustomed to Jay's usual attitude.

"I'll go make something to drink. Asthia, please sit down," said Jane, gesturing to one of the couches that sat in the middle of the living room.

I nodded as I plopped myself down on the white couch, instantly being pushed to the side jokingly by the nine-year-old girl.

I had never had a sibling, but maybe this was what it was like? Having someone who amicably tried to tease you at every opportunity while still caring deeply for you?

"Can I touch your horns?" asked Alice out of nowhere. I was taken aback by the random question, but I slowly understood that such curiosity was only natural from a nine-year-old. Even if we had met multiple times and developed a small bond, Alice knew very little about me, and I knew very little about her.

"Sure, but be warned, touching them can sometimes make me bite you."

Alice smiled, reaching out and delicately placing her index finger on one of the black horns that lay on the sides of my head.

"Yahh!" I yelled, jumping at her and tickling her as soon as she came into contact with the rough surface. She squealed excitedly, her laughter drowning the inevitable darkness that was soon to come from my news. Did I really want to sadden this girl, who was brimming with excitement, ignorant to the calamity that her brother had become?

Jane's footsteps notified me of her presence as she returned with a silver tray. She lay it down on the low table in front of us, her eyes meeting my own before gazing downward and noticing the pendant that lay around my neck.

She seemed to have a gut feeling as to what it meant, but she decided to question me anyway.

"What's that? It's beautiful..."

"It's a ceremonial jewel," I muttered, not knowing how to deliver the full context of the item. Was I supposed to directly say that it was a marriage necklace and that her son owned the matching pair?!

"Hmmm? Ceremonial jewel," she said, raising her voice in suspicion. She sat down on one of the singular couches beside me, leaning on the armrest and giving me a smug smile. "I wonder if it means anything else, "

"!!"My face flushed a bright pink as I quickly averted my gaze, what felt like a sudden pop of warm air bursting out from either side of my head. Alice blinked in confusion, failing to understand the implications behind her mother's teasing words.

"Alice, do you think I could talk a bit with Asthia?" asked Jane, smiling at her daughter comfortingly. The girl sulked at the request, but the change in the atmosphere made her nod and grudgingly leave the room.

I knew this conversation would not be about the pendant or the engagement, but Jay's current state. The fact that he had not come up at all during my small interactions with Alice had been a relief, but I now had to remember why I had come here in the first place.

"So," started Jane, almost afraid to ask the question, "how is Jay?"

This woman, who had treated me so warmly and amicably, deserved nothing less than the truth. Revealing to the pure-hearted Alice the severity and the danger that her brother was in was a feat I wouldn't have been able to accomplish, but I knew Jane would be able to withstand the pain.

She had given birth to Jay, after all.

"He... has turned against the world. He wants to redirect all the hatred that Auroria holds towards the Dragonkin onto himself, and then bring them down with him," I responded honestly, keeping my eyes on the hazy steam that was escaping the cups of tea.

I felt Jane's attitude change as her heart ruptured at the news, but she continued to uphold her outward appearance.

"I see... he did it to protect you, didn't he? To protect the Dragons?"

I nodded, and Jane's face brightened with a radiating smile.

"Then I couldn't be prouder. I gave birth to a hero, didn't I?" she asked rhetorically, letting out a long sigh of relief. "I'm sure Bruce would feel the same."

"He's at the frontlines?" I asked calmly.

"Mhm, but I'm not worried about that idiot. We're both stronger than we look, you know?"

"I know that. How is Alice doing with all this?"

"She misses her brother and her father, but she remains cheerful for me. I can't believe my nine-year-old daughter would be supporting me through all this."

"It seems she takes up after her brother. Even if he doesn't show it, he cares deeply about those around him."

"That's thanks to you, though, isn't it? He's changed throughout the years. I hope I'll be able to see the hero he's become."

"You will, Jane. I'll bring him back," I stated confidently. The woman looked at me with a slight twinkle in her eye, her subconscious praying that my words would ultimately come true.

"I'm sure you will. That's what it means to wear that jewel around your neck, don't you think?"

I glanced at the red diamond that hung on my chest, smiling as I delicately grabbed the piece of jewelry.

"Yes, I think it does."
