The battlefield below me seemed inconsequential compared to the war I was fighting in my head. The constant cries of rage echoing from the Elder Wyvern's will felt like I would lose myself at any moment, and even if my developed core had allowed me to successfully form a contract and absorb the power, I wasn't sure if I'd even be capable of reason soon.

I eyed the thousands of silver soldiers fighting the wyverns, the bright orange flames destroying those who were unprotected. A large group of adventurers was leading the main forces, and judging by how efficiently they were taking out the aerial beasts, they were all at least A-rank.


A presence suddenly appeared right in front of me. My body reacted instinctively, electrifying the bind around me as the world slowed. The crackling violet lightning illuminated the attacker's face, my eyes momentarily recognizing him.

Ares Hearth?

I remembered seeing him a few seconds ago leading the Dwarves. How had I forgotten about him?


The electric current flowed through my body. I analyzed the S-rank's stance, preparing to deliver my blow. He had leaped from the ground below and was currently in midair, his fists already crashing down above me.

I reeled my arm back, sending my fist straight into the S-rank's stomach.


A small flash of violet burst from the impact as Ares was shot back into the grassy plains. He smashed into the floor, creating a small ravine in the earth as his body was dragged along the rough soil.

The energy from my attack caused me to lose control, a single order slamming my mind as my vision pulsed painfully:magic

Kill the enemy.


I manifested in front of Ares. The S-rank was already standing, a feat that was commendable considering the damage he had taken from my strike. My eyes flashed with rage, a single bolt of lightning escaping my pupil before I delivered my next strike into Ares's face.


The man crashed into the walls of the made-up arena. I moved my fingers slightly, bringing forth numerous chunks of rock and ramming them into the beaten body. I waited patiently, knowing full-well that the one area I was unable to beat Ares was in the manipulation of earth bind.BOOM

The rocks shattered as Ares emerged from the crater his body had created in the mountain wall, his eyes flickering with raging emotions. Thousands of projectiles floated around him, his aura naturally manipulating the earth around him.

He slammed his hand into the ground, sending forth pillars of rock that bent towards me like earthen snakes. The first one slammed into where I had previously stood, shattering the ground. I reappeared next to it, realizing that the spell's speed was far above the norm, even for an S-rank. Was Ares surpassing his limits in an attempt to defeat me?

I launched myself toward my target, quickly analyzing the oncoming attacks. I sidestepped the first two pillars, jumping over a third and using it as a small boost to my speed. Three more pillars appeared before me, forcing me to bend the ground below me and redirect my trajectory.

I slipped through the final barrage, ready to strike Ares.


The S-rank stood before me, his hand glowing with amber energy as he slammed it into me. A single question flashed in my mind as I shot back from the impact. Had he purposely missed to manipulate my position?

I opened my hands and created small gusts of wind. My velocity came to a halt, but I could already sense the next attack arriving.

"World Eradication!" roared Ares. His bind concentrated into the air above, a massive meteor growing larger by the second as my body seemed locked in place. I empowered the bind around me, preparing for the impact.


Ares's footsteps were the only things that could be heard amidst the devastating silence that had overtaken the field. Dust and debris littered the area as the man listened for a sound, attempting to locate the enemy.

A small smile appeared on my face behind the smokescreen as I slowed down time, deciding it was time to end the fight. I never intended to toy with Ares, but this had served as a way to test my new limits, and the results were more than satisfactory.

"Not bad, Ares."


Reality resumed to its normal speed, processing what had just happened. Ares gasped, blood spurting out of his mouth as he looked down. My arm had pierced his chest completely, a dark red hole visible in the center of his body.

The man dropped to his knees, still attempting to process what had just happened. I glared down at the pitiful being, my arm and face covered in blood.

Ares let out a small smile, looking at me sympathetically. "You..." he muttered softly. I could tell the man was struggling to keep clinging on to life, the light in his eyes slowly dimming. "you want to turn the world against you, don't you?"


The rage within me dwindled as reason returned, Ares's words managing to reach the boy called Jay Cadmium. I was fully aware of my actions, and I knew that my actions were required if I wanted to achieve my goal. I never asked why Ares was laying in front of me with a giant hole in his chest; I knew the answer.

"It's the only way for the Dragonkin to live peacefully," I responded calmly.

"I understand... It'll be hard, Jay. You'll have to fight your friends and family."

"I'm prepared for that."

"Haha, I'm sure you are. Just believe me when I say... it'll be completely different when you're standing before them as an enemy. Prepare yourself, Jay Cadmium."

Ares's body slumped onto the ground, the energy within his body dissipating and escaping into the atmosphere. The third most powerful individual within Auroria had died within minutes of fighting me.

I looked down at my bloody hand, the red liquid a vivid reminder of what I had just done. I clenched my fist, convincing myself that it had to be done. I turned toward the thousands of Dwarven soldiers that remained. The wyverns had been annihilated, the power of adventurers too much for them to handle.

The mass of Dwarves before me shivered uncontrollably. Their leader, who was almost uncontested in terms of strength, had been slaughtered before their very eyes. There was no hope anymore. The clanging of weapons rang in my ears as the enemy surrendered.

I opened my palm, summoning a dark flame that flickered energetically. The soldiers who noticed my actions backed away in horror. They realized that no prisoners would be taken...

"Hell's incineration."

I extended my arm, shooting the orb of fire right into the center of the Dwarven army.


I ignited the air around me as I continued my approach.

"P-Please, stop! We surrender! You've won!" cried out one of the adventurers. The girl dropped to her knees with tears streaking down her cheeks. She was young, probably around the age of sixteen or seventeen, but I felt nothing within me.

"Burn," I muttered, sending another barrage of explosives into the ranks and incinerating hundreds. I approached the female adventurer with a cold glare in my eyes, the echoing screams around me feeling almost nonexistent.


A wave of flames emerged from my hand, consuming the girl as her screams faded into nothingness. I looked ahead, seeing the mountain of burnt corpses before me. Selena's horrified expression caught my attention, but I merely avoided her gaze.

The world needed a demon... one that would unite the nations forever. To achieve that, I had to become a monster.
