I watched Typhon walk on stage, his massive greatsword strapped on his back. The minotaur was immediately showered with applause, his people welcoming back the strongest warrior in their kingdom with pride.

The thousands of monsters released small fireflies from their palms, illuminating the area. I couldn't tell if it was a ritual of welcoming of some sorts, but it was fascinating nonetheless. The pale green glow of the bugs melded beautifully with the brown tone of the area, the rough bark reflecting the small lights fluttering around.

I remained hidden in the shadows, waiting for my queue to join Typhon in front of the people of Pandora.

"I thank you, my friends," said the black minotaur, raising his hand to calm the excitement of the crowd. I noticed the change in Typhon's tone and attitude, his outwards appearance much calmer when addressing his fellow Faros. "I have news for you all about the surface, so please remain calm and listen to what I have to say."

The audience accepted Typhon's request with silence, allowing their leader to continue.

"The surface is engulfed in conflict. Fire is spreading above, and even if we here in Pandora are unaffected by the clashes of the outside world, the continent of Auroria remains our home," echoed Typhon, attempting to sway the emotions of his people.

Murmurs arose in the crowd, a mixture of responses reaching my ears as I enhanced my senses with neutral bind. Typhon waited momentarily, allowing the commotion to die down before continuing.


"However, with fire comes a new beginning. Power as we know it is being changed, and we may no longer need to live in fear of adventurers! While guarding one of the gates to Pandora, an individual approached me. This individual sought not to attack me, but to communicate with me. This person has promised to help us establish a home on the surface, a new kingdom where we can live freely."

More murmurs spread throughout Pandora, Typhon's words not being received greatly. The idea of living on the surface was miraculously incredible, but miracles were not easily achievable.

"I welcome the Supreme Commander of the Dragonkin, Jay Cadmium."

I was surprised by the respect imbued within the beast's words. I had expected him to belittle me, but it seemed like he was putting up a show for his people. That being said, I believed I had gained a tiny amount of Typhon's acknowledgment through my power alone.

I stepped onto the circular platform, the bark absorbing the sound of my footsteps. I placed myself right beside Typhon, a position I had explicitly chosen. Every little detail would be analyzed by the thousands of races in front of me, and standing next to their leader indicated that I was not below the giant minotaur in terms of strength. I stood there as his equal, challenging all those who doubted my power.

I never expected a warm welcome, and I found the silence to be more calming than any applause could have ever been. Cold glares were already arising within the crowd, a strong lizardman catching my eye.


From what I managed to understand in the brief seconds I gazed at the lizardman, he seemed to be one of the most powerful fighters currently present. He wasn't even close to Typhon's level, but he probably represented an adventurer who could potentially break through to the AA-rank.

I conjured wind bind around me, creating small currents to carry my voice outwards.

"I can create a home for you all on the surface," I started immediately, the short sentence booming across the giant cave that was Pandora. "It won't be easy, but I believe it's doable."

I paused, taking a breath before continuing.

"A war is currently tearing the surface apart, and I for one would like to have a home to return to once peace is restored. I stand here today asking for your assistance in that war. I would like your help defending the home that is dear to me, just like how Pandora is dear to all of you."

An eruption of noise broke free from the crowd, mixtures of agreement, shock, confusion, and resentment flooding across the area.

"If everything goes as planned, then I am positive that you will be welcomed on the surface as fellow citizens. It will take time for the other races to accept you, just like how a majority of you cannot accept my presence here, but it will work out," I finished, concluding my speech. It wasn't one of my most heartfelt moments, but it seemed to do the trick for roughly thirty percent of the Faros.I accepted my fate, letting the anger boil up before the first inevitable clash arose from the crowd.

"You think we should trust an adventurer?!" cried out the lizardman that had caught my eye, the monster walking to the front of the crowd. "How can you have the audacity to stand there and ask for the help of those you have slaughtered?"

I looked down at the lizard, my eyes glinting with annoyance. I viewed him as simply an obstacle in my path, one that had to be eliminated.magic

"I have killed countless monsters," I admitted, silence once again falling onto the scene. "Monsters that have thrown themselves at me and my friends savagely, attempting to tear us to pieces with their claws. Are those the monsters you are talking about?"

"We have lost countless brethren due to adventurers killing everything on sight!"

"And I have lost family to violent monsters who showed us no mercy. Tell me, what was I supposed to do when I watched my brothers get flattened under the palm of a giant? Sit there and speak to them?"

The aggression within my words infuriated the lizardman as he leaped onto the stage, staring right at me.

"You come into our home, our sanctuary, and expect us all to swear allegiance to you?! All for what? For some hunch of yours that you can miraculously fix our situation? You then belittle me in front of my own people! Do you want to die?"

Typhon didn't intervene, understanding what had to be done. This world was only ruled by one decree, a concept that I was all too familiar with.

"You can't kill me," I responded neutrally, my facial expression unchanging as I continued to eye him as if he were a bug.

"Do you know what duels are, Mister Jay Cadmium? If I were to challenge you-"

"I accept. If you really are capable of striking me down, then it would show how powerless I really am to change the world and give you all a home. If a simple soldier could kill the Supreme Commander of the Dragonkin, it would be shameful to my people. Take the challenge, show me if your beliefs are stronger than mine."

"Very well. I will show all of Pandora the lies behind your words, and the weakness behind your will."
