"You didn't have to come with me, you know?" I said, glancing back at the brown-haired girl following my lead.

"I had nothing better to do," responded Mia, pouting slightly.

"Aren't you a commander?"

"That doesn't mean I know how to lead an army. I'm surprised you even do."

"I simply follow logical thought," I confessed. "It's useless when emotions and morale are taken into account. Everything becomes too unpredictable."

Mia said nothing, switching topics.


"Where are we going again?"

"One of our scouting parties reported a large monster in the vicinity. I don't want to risk the lives of my soldiers for something I can do. I need time to think anyway."

"Did something happen with Asthia?" asked Mia, understanding the source of my conflict.

"She's not looking great, Mia. I've been there before, it's hard to climb back up into everyday life."

A shadow suddenly loomed over me, forcing me to stop in my tracks as I looked at the towering giant in front of me.

A goblin clad in steel armor stood before me. Dark red eyes glared at me with intense fury as a massive club began to shift in its grasp. I electrified the bind around me. There was no need to risk anything. If Mia were to be injured because I chose to not use the full extent of my power... I would never forgive myself.



The weapon came smashing into the ground as I appeared above the eight-mel tall goblin. My hand twisted slightly, forming a small condensed platform of air behind my feet. I used the newly-created surface, launching myself at the goblin.

Lightning crackled in my hand as a black dagger appeared from thin air, the blade whistling in the wind as it slashed through the goblin's head with a trail of electricity.magic

"Enemy... die..."


I turned around in shock as the monster's head came sliding off its body. A large thud echoed throughout the area from the collapse of the goblin's body.

Did it just speak?My eyes glanced at Mia, but I could tell by her neutral expression that she hadn't heard anything. Maybe it was just my imagination...

"Was that it?" asked the girl, slightly disappointed at how uneventful our little excursion had been.

"I told you it would be boring," I responded, dematerializing the dagger, "I only got reports of a large goblin who appeared to be an A-rank monster. It could've even been B-rank."

"Huh. I guess I'll believe you next time."

"Right..." I muttered, looking at the monster's corpse that was beginning to vanish.

If a relatively low-ranked monster such as that one really had spoken... did that mean that normal monsters were beginning to develop intelligence?

This had nothing to do with using logic within fights. This opened the door to direct communication with the natural beasts that inhabited the domains of Auroria. If we could interact with them, then there could potentially be room for negotiation.

As long as the monsters respected the hierarchy of power, then there was a leader.

And if there was a leader, then there was an army supporting them.

I shook my head, clearing the thoughts. It was true that another army was sure to turn the tide of the Western Front and most likely allow the Allies to push all the way through to Thorria, but this was all based on a fantasy.

I couldn't rely on fantasies. There were thousands of people entrusting their lives to me. They didn't know who I was, but they believed in the position given to me by Selena. Others needed me as a pillar to lean on, and I intended to do just that.

But if there was a hidden army... would they listen to a plea for help?


I scowled as the doors swung open, two guards accompanying the human dressed in bright red robes.

"You summoned me, King Glad?" he said nobly, bowing slightly with a wide smile on his face. I was well aware that his respect towards me was an act, and it was something that disgusted me profoundly.

The man standing before me knew nothing of honor. I had certainly stooped to a low point in order to try and hold the advantage over the Dragons, but I had paid the ultimate price for my cowardice. Kidnapping a random Dragon was not the honorable path of conducting war, and yet, this man saw nothing wrong with it.

For him, it was a ticket to a life of peace. I clenched my teeth in frustration.

Ares was on the front lines fighting for a race that wasn't his but that he considered family, and yet this man had turned his back on both his people and his family for the sake of provisionary protection.

"Hugo Liech," I said, "I've just been made aware that you are actually an AA-ranked adventurer. Is this information correct?"

The boy's eyes widened slightly at the news, perking his eyebrows up as if it was all new to him.

"Who told you such a thing, Your Highness?" he asked politely, remaining calm."A letter, actually. It was also accompanied with an interesting little card, if I may say so myself."

A dwarven attendant brought a small tray with both items perfectly aligned. I reached out and read the information present on the card.

"Let's see... Adventurer's identification card. Name, Hugo Liech. Age, thirteen. Class, Archmage. Rank... AA."

Hugo's expression darkened. I noticed his hand delicately touch the side of his robe, realizing the card was missing.

I placed the card back onto the tray, pleased with the outcome of the events. I grabbed the piece of parchment, clearing my throat before continuing.

"Dear King Glad,

I believe this belongs to your guest. He must've dropped it back in Eloria because it just happened to appear in my possession.


"D?" muttered Hugo.

I waited a moment before witnessing the boy's rage spread across his face. I had a faint idea of who this letter came from, but I decided to simply suspect and not delve any further.

"Due to your impressive aptitude in battle, Mr. Liech. I only see it fitting that you assist those currently fighting for your safety," I said calmly.

The adventurer looked at me with disgust, his respectful act fading immediately.

"This wasn't what we agreed to. A King who goes back on his word is pitiful."

I chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"You're absolutely right. I agreed to protect the helpless nobleman who was being threatened by the Dragons. Was that not your story?"


"If one party lies during the formation of the agreement, then I am under no obligation to respect my end of it. You will be sent to the Western Front immediately, where you will assist Ares Hearth in his conquest against the Dragonkin," I announced, raising my voice to emphasize my message.

Hugo cursed wildly as the guards led him away. A single word managed to reach my ears as the boy disappeared behind the massive doors.


I smiled. I doubted he was referencing the royal family of the Dragonkin, meaning there was another individual who had named themselves Darck. Whoever they were, they had a clear goal in mind.

The stealing of the identification, the timing of the message with the emergence of a stalemate, as well as the refusal to fully identify themselves, all they wanted was to force Hugo Liech back into their line of sight.

A chance to kill him.

It was a devious plan and one that I was not forced to play along with. However, it was clear that the sender had known why I would most likely back his objectives. Hugo was a rat who fled from danger whenever he could, and even with great power as an AA-ranked adventurer, he chose to isolate himself from those he cared about to simply avoid fighting.

A rat who had no honor had no place in my kingdom.
