Chapter 861   - Finale: Yun Zhen x Su Jingyi (1)

Timeline: One year after Su Jingyi resigned from the Yun Group.

Su Jingyi never thought that she would become the next Madam Yun nor deluded herself to believe that she and Yun Zhen could be something else aside from being business partners. However, as she looked at the stunning wedding gown on display, she had to pinch herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming at all.

"Miss Su? Is it to your liking?" the attendant asked her, breaking Su Jingyi from her trance.

Su Jingyi smiled awkwardly and nodded. She didn't even realize that she was gaping like an idiot upon seeing her wedding dress. But could someone blame her? It was just that the wedding dress was too stunning; she couldn't help but admire it.

As if knowing what she was thinking, the shop attendant smiled at her. Su Jingyi had sported the same expression of the other brides she assisted before. The only difference was that she had a fiancé who didn't mind spending a fortune on their wedding.

"President Yun insisted that it should be perfect and wouldn't be uncomfortable for you to wear on your wedding day. If there's something you want to alter, please say so, Miss Su," she said politely.


"No, it's alright. I also think it's perfect already," Su Jingyi said in response. She had never thought that Yun Zhen would dote on her like this.

It had only been three months since he proposed to her, and until this day, she couldn't help but blush whenever she thought of it. Yun Zhen could be awkward at times as he wasn't certain how to please her, but Su Jingyi could tell that he was at least trying to be romantic for her sake.

Because Yun Zhen couldn't leave his work entirely to his younger brother, he needed to fly back and forth from Shanghai to Shenzhen to do his work for the first three months of their courtship. It persisted until he decided to establish a branch in Shanghai for him to be able to stay closer to her.

Su Jingyi knew how busy he could be; yet, he always made sure to have time to spend with her, not mentioning anything related to work. That was some kind of dedication she hadn't expected to receive from him, but Yun Zhen had proven that he wouldn't easily give up on her no matter what it would cost him just to keep her by his side.

"Are you sure, Miss Su? If you don't want to change anything then we will schedule it for delivery," the shop assistant said, before filling up the form with the necessary details for the delivery of the wedding dress.

At that moment, her younger brother Su Jingli came in a hurry. He was panting for breath as he rushed to come here to accompany her. Since Yun Zhen wouldn't be able to come with her as he had a meeting he couldn't delay that day, Su Jingli volunteered to substitute for him.


"Sorry, Sis. The traffic is so bad," he apologized and saw the wedding dress his sister was going to use. "That's beautiful," he commented.

"I think so too." She nodded. "Now with one problem down, I think we can go and check the wedding cake."

The Su siblings left the shop and started walking towards the hotel where the wedding would take place in a week, which was a few blocks away from the dress shop.

"Sis, after your honeymoon, have you and Brother Zhen decided where the two of you would live? Are you going back to Shenzhen with him?" Su Jingli asked as he hooked his arm with his older sister like he used to when they were younger.

People would mistake them as lovers had it not been for the obvious resemblance between the two siblings.

"Yun Zhen said he would prefer to stay here for a few years as the new branch of Yun Group needed him here," Su Jingyi answered. However, she knew better that her fiancé only chose to stay here because he didn't want her to miss nor worry about her aging parents.

The pair walked in unison until they reached their destination. Su Jingli looked in awe at the grand hotel. He had rarely been in one and wasn't surprised that his new brother-in-law had chosen this place to hold the wedding ceremony with his sister.

He stared at the magnificent chandelier and wondered how it could stay in place up the ceiling and how the hotel staff cleaned it. The decor looked expensive as well as the furniture and the gorgeous curtains dr.a.p.ed to contrast the color of the wall. The floor was too shiny; Su Jingli was sure he could see his own reflection on it.

Su Jingli knew that Yun Zhen was loaded but whenever the latter paid them a visit, Yun Zhen never flaunted his wealth and status in front of their family. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why he easily got their parents' approval to marry Su Jingyi.

"Come on or else we would be late to our appointment," Su Jingyi called after her brother who was preoccupied with sightseeing. She dragged his arm as they walked from the lobby towards the elevator.

Once it arrived, they both stepped inside and pressed the floor where they would meet the pastry chef of the hotel. As they waited for the elevator to arrive on their floor, it stopped midway, allowing other people to join them inside.

"Did you hear that President Yun is getting married next week? It's no wonder the hotel is quite busy these days," one of the women who joined the Su siblings commented.

"Who's he going to marry? I used to think that he and Tang Moyu looked good together," her companion asked. From their looks alone, Su Jingyi could tell that even if they looked like they came from wealthy families, it wasn't the case. They looked more like those who were being spoiled by their rich lovers.
