Chapter 849   - Finale: He Lianchen x Gu Yuyao (1)

Timeline: Two years after Gu Xinjue's birth.

He Lianchen might be a corporate lawyer, but he never cared too much about inheritance as long as it wouldn't affect his life negatively. That was why he didn't mind losing his chance to inherit the He family business and did not involve himself in their family issues. He thought that by distancing himself from the He family, he would avoid making his life miserable.

He also didn't make a big deal when Gu Yuyao's grandfather asked him to marry into their family instead. He knew well that Gu Yuyao had a responsibility as she was the sole heiress of the Gu family, so he easily agreed to Elder Gu's request. Now, their son, Gu Xinjue, was expected to follow Gu Yuyao in the line of succession.

He Lianchen hadn't heard any news from his family for a while, and he wasn't expecting that they would bother him now that he was part of the Gu family. So imagine his surprise when his elder brother, He Lianxuan sent word, asking for him to meet.

"Are you sure you don't want to see nor talk to him?" Song Fengyan asked him as he closed the email on his laptop. They were both inside Feng Tianyi's office at Qing Tian Group when he received the request.

"I don't think we still have something to talk about," He Lianchen said before resuming his work.


Feng Tianyi stopped whatever he was working on his computer and glanced at his friend. By now, He Lianchen already knew why his elder brother had chosen to chase him out of their family years ago, but his friend hadn't made any indication that his opinion over the He family had changed.

"It would be better if you can settle your issues with your family once and for all, don't you think?" he asked He Lianchen, but the man refused to say anything in response. If Feng Tianyi didn't know him, he would have assumed that He Lianchen didn't care one bit about the He family but the devil knew better.

The only reason why He Lianchen hadn't returned home and settled the problems with He Lianxuan was because he was worried that the He family would turn their attention to his young son.

"I think you strayed too long." Song Fengyan nodded in agreement to his cousin. He Lianchen had been away from the He family for too long. Now that his uncle passed away from old age, there wasn't any threat for him anymore.

"Forget it. It has been over fifteen years since I left. If my brother really cared about me, he wouldn't wait for such a long time to seek me," He Lianchen said, closing his laptop before leaving his friends behind, deciding that it would be better for him to finish his work in his office than wasting time at Feng Tianyi's office.

Feng Tianyi could surmise that He Lianchen still couldn't forgive himself for not being able to protect his brother from their abusive uncle who tried to undermine He Lianxuan's position when he was still alive.


"Would he be alright?" Song Fengyan asked.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry too much," Feng Tianyi replied, resuming his work as he was also eager to return home to his family. He understood where He Lianchen was coming from but he also believed that it was time for his friend to put an end to it.

Back to He Lianchen, he chose to push away the thoughts about his family and focused on the work he currently had in his hands. He continued to work without stopping until he finished the last task he had for the day.

It was only then he realized it was already past working hours when he checked the time. After saving the files he worked on earlier, he turned off his laptop and prepared to leave. Once he stepped out of his office, he noticed that the lights in the hallways had turned dim. Even Feng Tianyi's door was already closed indicating that he'd already left, probably as soon as working hours ended.

'He surely changed a lot,' He Lianchen thought as he shook his head. It was hard to believe that the devil he served before had turned into a new leaf as soon as Feng Tianyi met the empress.

Not that He Lianchen could blame the devil, the things he could do for Gu Yuyao's sake could also drive him insane. Now that they had a son, his overprotectiveness towards his family only intensified.

When he returned home, he found his wife attending to their son's needs. The moment he stepped inside the room, Gu Yuyao lifted her head and beamed, immediately dispelling his exhaustion from his long day at work.

"Look, Baby. Daddy is finally home!" Gu Yuyao cooed to their young son, lifting him up for him to see He Lianchen.

Gu Xinjue wiggled and giggled once he saw his father, making He Lianchen smile. He reached his hands to hold the child but Gu Yuyao pulled their son back.

"No touching until you washed your hands first, Daddy," she reminded him. Gu Yuyao had been strict to anyone who wanted to hold their baby. Even her parents and older brother had no choice but to yield on her demands for them to be able to hold her son.

"Go and wash up first, Daddy, then we will have dinner together," she sang out before tickling the sides of their son, as another round of giggling filled the room shortly.

Seeing his wife and son like this only made He Lianchen think that it didn't matter if he couldn't go back to the He family because having Gu Yuyao and Gu Xinjue in his life was enough for him already.
