Quite Stupid, Are You? 1

When they were younger, there were times when Meng Yanran had given her old and spare clothes as well as things she didn't want anymore to Lin Qianrou. Since Lin Qianrou was born into a poor family, she was grateful for the things Meng Yanran had given her.

Until that fateful day, during their high school years, when Meng Yanran had embarrassed her in front of her friends by taking back a bracelet Meng Yanran had given to her.

"I-I thought you said I could keep it?" She stuttered when Meng Yanran and her friends cornered her in the girls' bathroom.

Meng Yanran checked her well-manicured hand while she crossed her arms.

"I changed my mind, Qian. It's Daddy's birthday present to me last year. It was mine anyway so would you give it back?"

Around them, her friends gave Lin Qianrou a disgusted look.


"Yanran is so kind, but how could you give her such a precious gift?"

"Well, it belongs to Yanran anyway. Since she was the one who gave it to her, she could also take it back, no?"

Lin Qianrou felt her cheeks burn in shame and removed the bracelet from her wrist. It was really such a beautiful piece and she'd never owned one before.

In the end, she returned the bracelet, but she started to be careful around Meng Yanran. She'd been careful not to cause trouble with her cousin, that was also why the next time Meng Yanran gave her something, she tried to convince herself that it wasn't hers and they were something Meng Yanran could take back anytime.

But Xu Wenyang wasn't a thing Meng Yanran could take back at will, but Lin Qianrou was also fed up by his habits. She didn't think she would be able to stay with the way he was treating her.

Whatever love she felt for him would never be enough to make this marriage work anymore. She didn't want any expensive gifts, she only wanted her husband's attention and love. She was really stupid to think that love was enough to keep it going.


For fuck's sake, three years and yet she remained faithful to him, always waiting, always forgiving, so what about her? Didn't she deserve some of his precious time?

Divorce was the only option he'd left for her. Even if it would kill a part of her heart, she had no other choice but to leave him, as she couldn't continue deluding herself that he would even take notice of what she truly wanted from him.


Meanwhile, Xu Wenyang arrived at Shenzhen at two in the morning. His sudden departure to oversee what had happened back in Guangzhou at his grandmother's insistence was futile.

What a damn waste of time traveling to Guangzhou, when he could have stayed here in Shenzhen to celebrate with his wife. Speaking of Lin Qianrou, Xu Wenyang pulled out his phone and saw several missed calls from his wife. His guilt for standing her up on their dinner date started to eat him from the inside.

He should have called her earlier to inform her about the problem in Guangzhou. He considered bringing her with him, but he remembered Qian didn't like to travel that much.

Qian had been looking forward to their dinner date and yet he ruined all of her plans. He rubbed his temples and chastised himself. He'd really messed up this time and he wouldn't be surprised if Qian would make a big deal out of it.

He sighed. He didn't even want to go to Guangzhou earlier. He should've insisted for his grandmother to let his sister oversee the situation back there. This would surely cost him Qian's anger, not that he would blame her.

When he arrived home, the usual lighting at the ground floor welcomed him. As he made his way upstairs, he was dreaded to see Lin Qianrou's state. Would she throw a tantrum at him? Would she make a deal out of it?

He'd never felt this kind of a pain in his heart with other women before Qian. She'd made him feel emotions he'd never known he had before. She made him feel complete and worthy.

For once in his life, he was scared that Qian wouldn't want him anymore. He was at a loss regarding what to do anymore.

He went inside his home and he suddenly felt that it was empty. No matter how luxurious the furniture and decors were, it left him a sense of loss not seeing Qian right now.

"Master Wen?" The housekeeper met him in the hallway leading to the master bedroom.

"Auntie, why are you still awake?" He asked.

"I'm waiting for you. Madam sent someone to take all her things this evening." The old housekeeper explained.

Xu Wenyang felt like someone had painfully stabbed him on his chest. Qian left him? She already moved out without waiting for his explanation?

'Why wouldn't she? You idiot. You've just killed the love and she's had enough of you.'

His hands shook and his lips pressed in a thin line. "I see. Is that all?"

The old woman shook her head and excused herself, leaving Xu Wenyang alone in the hallway. When she was gone, he dreaded to see the half-empty room he shared with his wife. He opened the door and was shocked to see that there wasn't a thing missing inside of it.

Didn't the housekeeper say Qian had taken her things? Then why were all the jewelry he'd given to her still in her vanity?

He looked around and checked their walk-in closet and bathroom. Nothing much had moved, but when he checked the space where Lin Qianrou usually kept her old stuff, he realized that she didn't take anything he'd given her.

Taking a seat on the edge of their bed, his eyes caught a slim folder on top of his bedside table. Flipping it to see the content, his fingers shook.

Qian had gifted him the divorce papers a day after their third anniversary.
