Chapter 1231: Unexpected Reinforcements  

“Boom!” It wasn’t the city wall that collapsed first, but the kingdom of Dursa.

The 2 strongest Abyss lords had already made it difficult for Dursa to hold on. Even with the help of Kelsa, they were barely in a stalemate.

Kelsa’s strength could not withstand a blow from the Abyss lord, and she would be annihilated by just a rub of the greatsword. She could only use Dursa’s kingdom and try her best to use various magic skills to fight. It was already her limit to be able to hold on until now.

In many cases, quantity could not replace quality. If there were no 2 elite Abyss lords, even if the large number of blazing flame witches doubled, Dursa would not be afraid. However, now she was exhausted and close to collapse. The attack frenzy of the Abyss army set off again as a large number of blazing flame witches flooded into the sky. The crazy charge of the blazing flame witches, regardless of casualties, became the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

When the 2 sharp sword lights flickered, Dursa’s kingdom was finally torn apart. What she could do was to condense a high-intensity wind blade with all her strength and slashed off the arm of the Abyss lord who was rushing toward Kelsa.

However, the Abyss lord was extremely powerful. Although its arm was chopped off, the attack still did not stop. With a slash, Kelsa, who had lost the protection of the kingdom, was divided in half. The Kingdom Level peak stage Kelsa couldn’t resist the sharp sword at all. The 2 halves of the body were instantly annihilated by the strong wind.


Dursa was filled with grievance, but her kingdom had collapsed. Even her last trace of strength was exhausted, so she was unable to rescue at all.

What made her even more desperate was that the dangerous breath of the Demi-God level appeared in the distant sky and the ground once again. It should be that a new elite, the Abyss lord, appeared again!

This round of attack by the blazing flame witches not only crushed Dursa’s kingdom, but it also crushed all the resistance forces on the Blue Glory Capital side. The griffon riders and the Holy Sanctuary warriors were almost wiped out.

The situation on the ground was equally critical. The firepower of nearly half of the magic shooters and archers had been significantly weakened, unable to contain the crazy surge of the Abyss army. The magicians had already exhausted their magic power. In the face of such an absolute strength gap, even with Sandro’s command talent.

The Abyss monsters who came forward quickly approached the city wall and began to climb. The enchantment of the city wall had been completely destroyed. Many powerful Abyss monsters stepped on the bodies of their companions and jumped directly onto the city wall, killing a large number of archers and gunmen.

The large shield warriors of the hobbit showed strong melee combat ability. The monsters who rushed up the city wall were either beaten down or chopped into several pieces by an axe. The bravest one was Hobbit King Ovge. Like a meat grinder, the approaching Abyss monsters were turned into pieces one after another. Landbis and Philly also went into battle under the protection of elite guards to boost morale.


However, as more and more monsters climbed to the top of the city wall, the casualties of the defending soldiers increased in the tragic hand-to-hand combat. The situation quickly became one-sided, and the entire city wall seemed crumbling.

The golden sword in Landbis’ hand glowed with blue fluctuations. When she swung it, the Abyss creatures were wiped out in a fan-shaped range. As a busy ruler, she had not fought such a high-intensity battle for a long time. This slash alone consumed a lot of strength. Just when she was exhausted, she suddenly had a sense of danger.

The last female elite guard beside Landbis rushed up and blocked in front of her. 2 bone spurs flew through the young girl’s chest and abdomen, then the gap demon rushed from behind and threw her to the ground.

Tears flashed in Landbis’s eyes. She gritted her teeth as she wielded the long sword again. The storm-like power shot out. The female elite guard and the gap demon behind them were torn apart by the sword. She was already on the verge of collapse, unable to wave the sword anymore.

She didn’t retreat, because everyone else was fighting desperately. Besides, in the current situation, even if she retreated, the result would be the same.

It had been less than half an hour since Landbis came to the city, and she couldn’t hold on anymore. She couldn’t imagine that the soldiers had fought this monster all night. Now that a loss was almost guaranteed, the only choice was to fight to the end. At least, as a ruler, she did not choose to escape cowardly.

The choice in life cannot be turned back, just like when I had chosen a deal with that man at the beginning.

If I had chosen another one, would he appear today regardless of everything? Just like in the Holy Light Mountain, he fought the archangel to rescue the woman imprisoned by the church?

Deep down in her mind, she had indeed envied that woman, but life would not start again, and neither would choices. Since I have chosen, don’t regret it.

If I had chosen him in the first place, whether it was the Demon Realm, rebellion, or nothing, I would follow him without hesitation.

The truth is, when I chose the throne, I would keep going even if I was alone, even if I faced death.

This is me, Landbis. Sherbert.

Looking at the sky covered with blood clouds and flames, Landbis calmed down even though she felt that death was approaching like never before.

All of a sudden, Landbis felt the light in the sky darken. Is this the feeling of death?

No! It’s a ‘dark cloud’!

Giant dragons!

Landbis finally reacted, and she cheered up. The reinforcements from the dragons!

The Dragon Valley has finally sent reinforcements!

Hundreds of giant dragons appeared in the sky. They shot dragon breath toward the blazing flame witches one after another, restraining the blazing flame witch’s ferocious charge.

In front of Elf Elder Dursa, a figure appeared like lightning. He actually grabbed the greatsword with bare hand, allowing Dursa to escape the end of being cut in half.

This was a young man who wore silver light armor. He had a stern face and deep facial features.

“Gueroas!” Dursa had recognized this man. He was the elder of the Dragon Valley, and his strength had reached the intermediate stage of the Demi-God. Just now Gueroas had no choice but to grab the blade in a hurry and didn’t release his power in time. His palm bled immediately. If he hadn’t been the holy dragon with an extremely strong body, this palm might have been broken.

Gueroas’s reaction was extremely fast. Before the Abyss lord could exert power again, his fist quickly hit the opponent’s chest. This punch contained the power of the intermediate stage of the Demi-God. A hole appeared in the Abyss lord’s chest, then its body was shattered immediately.

After eliminating the Abyss lord, Gueroas moved again. His hands turned into countless overlapping images. Under his swift attack, another Abyss lord with a severed arm followed the footsteps of its companion.

“Be careful!” Dursa’s voice sounded. Gueroas sensed a warning in his mind at the same time. He flickered and disappeared. When he reappeared, the silver armor on his chest had cracked. Blood was flowing out from it.

more elite Abyss lords appeared ahead: 1 at the intermediate stage of the Demi-God, and 2 at the early stage of the Demi-God. These 3 were the new reinforcements, so their power was by no means comparable to the previous 2 Abyss lords who fought overnight. Gueroas’s mind moved, and he flew toward the battlefield below. The 3 Abyss lords pursued him closely.

There were more and more blazing flame witches coming from the sky. The dragon breaths gradually couldn’t suppress them anymore. magic

At this moment, Dursa suddenly heard a strange booming sound, like some kind of machine. As she turned her head, she saw a mass of black things behind her. They were huge with a metallic luster. They flew neatly in the air, forming a formation that looked like a huge mobile castle.

“Assemble puppets?” Dursa, who was secretly protecting Princess Elf, had seen this kind of huge war machine in the Golden Estate, but she didn’t expect to see it here – Right, these are the troops of the Demon Realm!

I remember when the demons dispatched thousands of war puppets, it had already caused panic in the Human Coalition Army. The number of these puppets is… at least tens of thousands!

Is this the true strength of the Demon Realm?

If these assemble puppets were dispatched at the Golden Estate…

Just thinking of this, those dragons had already retreated as the assemble puppets immediately launched an attack on the blazing flame witch.

Their attack methods were similar to those in the magic game. First of all, they launched long-range missiles. The power of the missiles was quite amazing. After hitting a blazing flame witch, a violent explosion occurred. The other witches beside were also blown to pieces in an instant.

The formation of the assemble puppets was very particular. They were divided into 3 groups to launch in turn. The whole sky was trembling as the flames and bloody light quickly faded away amidst the violent shockwave and gunpowder smoke.

The power of this kind of aoe attack made Dursa secretly stunned. Even a powerhouse at the Kingdom level, under such a round of violent explosions, will probably be blasted to pieces… Her attention then shifted to the battle of Gueroas and the 3 Abyss lords below.

Gueroas did not fight head-on. Instead, he kept evading to avoid frontal combat.

When the 3 Abyss lords were chasing after him, 1 of them was suddenly shocked and hit by a bolt of lightning that appeared all of sudden. The power of this lightning was so great that even Dursa, who was proficient in wind element magic, couldn’t help but sigh. The Abyss lord who was struck by the lightning was scorched and fell straight from the sky. Before it touched the ground, it was struck by successive lightnings and fell hard into the Abyss army.

Immediately after that, a dark cloud condensed by energy appeared in the sky. Countless lightning poured out from the dark cloud. All the Abyss creatures within the range turned into coke, the land was melted and solidified, and the Abyss lord was turned into ashes.

Dursa was surprised to see the huge figures who killed an early stage of the Demi-God Abyss lord with super lightning power. She blurted out, “Titan!”

And it’s Demi-God titan!

Based on her experience, she naturally knew that such giants existed in Storm Island, but she had never heard of a Demi-God titan, let alone imagined that the titans, who were always aloof, would come to support the Blue Glory Empire.

Is it because of the dragons or because of… the Demon Realm?

The next moment, countless lightnings shone with raging storms. The source of which was the neatly arranged titans, at least thousands of them.

The lightning and storm talents of the titans were astonishing, just like thousands of magic crystal cannons firing at the same time. A large portion of the Abyss army was wiped out instantly.

The blood red that had already rushed to the top of the city was also replaced by pieces of crystals. When one looked closely, it was a demonic beast the size of a buffalo. The whole body was crystal clear as if it was made of crystal.

The fierceness of these demonic beasts was no less than that of the Abyss monsters. The monsters that invaded the city were wiped out instantly.

Landbis was also stunned by this scene; more of it was shocking. When she subconsciously turned her head, she saw a vast expanse of crystal behind her. There were many huge figures and women floating in the air — It turns out that the real reinforcements are not dragons, but these powerful armies that have never been seen before!

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