Chapter 1226: I Have a Dream  

The Human Coalition Army stationed in the Golden Estate began emergency dispatch, moving eastward in batches to the Blue Glory Empire for reinforcements. Many neighboring empires near the Blue Glory Empire were in chaos as citizens migrated westward.

The people’s nerves were already tense because of the battle with the Demon Realm. After seeing the announcements in the magic game and magic phone, the nerves almost erupted because an enemy more terrifying than the Demon Realm appeared. This enemy was so powerful that it destroyed the Iron Gate Empire and the Silver Moon Celestial Capital of the elf tribe. Even the strongest Holy Church, the 3 archangels, could not win. In this critical situation, humans were forced to join forces with demons who were enemies before.

However, the Human Coalition Army quickly mobilized, but the ‘temporary’ reinforcements from the demons never showed up, which made many people suspicious. Are the demons trying to take the opportunity to attack with the monster from both sides and completely exterminate humans?

In fact, this was nothing more than an unfounded delusion. The real reason was that the Demon Realm was currently in a violent commotion.

The cause of this commotion was not only because of the ‘monsters’ that appeared in the human world, but also because of the mindblowing news from the Demon Coalition Army, which was the identity of the 3 empires’ Prince Consort ‘Aguile’.

Aguile, is a human.


The only husband of the 3 empresses of the Demon Realm, the uncrowned king of the Demon Realm, is actually a human!

This turmoil quickly spread to all parts of the Demon Realm, and protests erupted everywhere. Many soldiers even refused to join the army supporting the human world. If it weren’t for the thorough rule of the 3 empresses, there were already riots.

No matter what contribution ‘Aguile’ has made to the Demon Realm, no matter whether he is manipulating the Demon Realm or not, he is a human after all!

The empress of the 3 empires received the joint advice of the ministers, requesting Her Majesty Empress to ‘divorce’ the prince consort and announce it to the world. However, the 3 Royal Majesty Empresses had remained silent. They had not issued any statement to explain this. Until one day, the magic television played a movie.

This movie was screened simultaneously on all channels of the Demon Realm, and there was also a live broadcast in the magic game.

To be precise, this was a documentary filmed from a third-person perspective.


The content of the documentary could be said to be a personal biography.

The first scene was a desolate and barren estate. If one didn’t see the stele of the estate, it was almost unimaginable that it was the most prosperous and largest estate in the Demon Realm, Dark Moon Estate. The protagonist of the documentary was not the well-known Empress Shea, but a blond-haired and golden-eyed human, the famous human financial officer, Chen Rui.

The blond-haired human slowly put on a mask.

Next, many representative characters were fleeting in front of the camera, the former the Fallen Angel Empire top genius potioneer Sandro, the former financial officer Joseph of the Dark Moon, the top swordswoman Athena, the Dark Moon Princess Royal Shea, Little Princess Alice…

There was no redundant narration, only light music, which made people immerse themselves in the story involuntarily.

The increase of characters and buildings in Dark Moon Estate reflected the change of the entire Dark Moon Estate from dilapidated to gradually prosperous. The indifferent music gradually became passionate. Then, a magician hidden in the darkness appeared and bowed to the masked human. The scene of war appeared immediately. The coalition army of Lord Josh of Red Spirit Estate, the former Regent Obsidian of the Fallen Angel Empire…

The war scene was only a dozen seconds long, but the scene was quite grand. The shooting angles were constantly changing: The duel in the battle formation, close-up combats… The most eye-catching was the undead legion of the Dark Moon. The commander of the legion was the magician.

The dynamic image gradually froze. Subsequently, there was a scene where Shea held up the Sword of Fallen Angel and all the troops surrendered. Beside Shea was the bloody man in a cloak with a head in his hand, the head of Regent Obsidian.

This was the process of the Fallen Angel Empire Empress Shea ‘counterattacking’ Regent Obsidian and pacifying the Fallen Angel Empire. The man in a cloak who had always been with the empress was ‘Aguile’, that was, the rumored dead Chen Rui!

As everyone knew, the human Chen Rui, who was known as the first famous minister of internal affairs, was the most critical figure in the prosperity of the Dark Moon Estate and even the entire Fallen Angel Empire. However, from the current point of view, not only internal affairs, this inconspicuous human also dominated the entire war.

The music slowly transitioned from passionate to simple and solemn. In the picture, the masked man put a crown on Shea, and Shea sat on the throne, declaring that this Princess Royal had truly ascended the throne as an empress. At the same time, the image switched to the Fallen Angel Capital, the development and prosperity of various estates, and the alliance with the Dark Shadow Empire.

The captivating music then became heavy as a large map appeared on the image. In the map, countless densely packed troops gathered toward a base. The label of the place name was the Warlock Fortress.

The base was magnified. There was a fierce fortress defense battle scene. Then, the former Bloody Empire Emperor Raizen appeared. The masked man fought to the death to protect Shea. Fortunately, the Dark Shadow Empire Catherine came and finally repelled Raizen.

Afterward, the 3 parties began to negotiate. The masked man pointed to the map of the 3 empires and made a joint gesture, but Raizen shook his head resolutely, raised his fist, and pointed to the Iron Fist Estate of the Bloody Empire.

The audience all understood that after the battle of the Warlock Fortress, Chen Rui proposed the idea of ??3 empires’ alliance, but he was rejected by Raizen. Raizen’s proposal was to hold the Demon Realm’s first martial battle competition in the Iron Fist Estate after 2 years.

Amidst the gentle and elegant music, the wedding scene of the Fallen Angel Empire empress appeared. The slender hands with the white gloves were put into the palm protruding from the cloak, and the whole empire was celebrating. The picture showed a close-up of Shea. In Her Majesty Empress’ purple eyes that were as indifferent as ice, showing rare tenderness. The beauty displayed at this moment almost made everyone fall for her.

During the period, various scenes were interspersed. People read newspapers, enjoy magic television, drink aromatic millet wine, watch battle ball matches, wear the magic game helmet, and so forth. These things that had become so popular today were all ‘invented’ by Chen Rui.

The picture and music changed again, from festive to panic as people crowded at the entrance of the magic bank. Their facial expressions seemed anxious. The goods in the store were looted, and the streets were full of patrolling soldiers. This scene was still fresh in the memory of many people. It was the sudden outbreak of the economic crisis at that time.

The picture of the economic crisis faded away, and it switched to the Fallen Angel Empire, where the military parade ceremony was being held.

At the military parade ceremony, people not only saw new weapons such as magic guns, but they also saw powerful ancient guardians that had never been heard of before. Behind these guardians was the figure wearing a cloak and a mask.

The image changed again. The scene was the first martial battle competition of the Bloody Empire.

In front of the man in a cloak, the opponents were knocked down one by one. The most intense battle was in the semi-finals with the ‘little girl’ Lalaria who easily defeated Raizen the Great. In the end, the man in a cloak won.

The opponent in the final was the Dark Shadow Empire Empress Catherine. The 2 confronted each other, and the soundtrack became sad. The man in a cloak seemed to be talking, but Catherine just looked at him quietly and said 3 words.

Although there was no sound, it could be distinguished from Catherine’s mouth shape: It’s worth it.

The people of the Dark Shadow Empire still remembered these 3 words.

The man in a cloak slowly took off the mask, and it was another strange face. Now everyone understood that this face was not the real face, so it was the answer that ‘Aguile’ gave to Catherine. Then Catherine and Chen Rui held hands, and between them was a cute little girl. The brisk and soft music made the audience feel warm and blissful.

Following the warmth and bliss was peace and tranquility. The 3 empires signed a formal alliance contract, but it was not over as there was an unexpected scene. In a sunny place, a woman was imprisoned. Beside her were 2 angels: 1 with 8 wings and the other with 12 wings. The man in a cloak distracted the 12-winged angel, defeated the 8-winged angel, and rescued the woman. As the camera zoomed in, the people of the Bloody Empire immediately recognized the woman, the current Bloody Empire ruler, Tiffany!

When the man stretched out his hand, Tiffany hesitated for a moment, and she finally put her hand in his palm slowly. This was a featured story. Not only Tiffany, the 2 empresses just now also had similar feature stories.

Although this scene was short, the story between Empress Tiffany and Chen Rui could be seen. Meanwhile, defeating the legendary angel also showed Chen Rui’s incomparable strength.

It was said that the Demon Coalition Army who returned from the Golden Estate battlefield described that what they saw with their own eyes was that ‘Aguile’ fought against 3 12-winged angels with his own strength. Rumor had it that those 3 12-winged angels were the 3 archangels who were the strongest in the human world and the closest to God!

So, Chen Rui is the real top powerhouse of the two worlds!

Finally came the ending, the marriage of the 2 empresses and Chen Rui brought the Demon Realm into a truly prosperous and peaceful era.

In the last scene of the film, Chen Rui stood on a high platform, staring into the distance. Below was an endless army of ancient guardians. Then, this scene gradually faded away. In the end, the deep eyes stagnated, and all the images disappeared. The entire documentary ended. magic

The scene at the end, including the faded body and the deep gaze, gave countless people a strong sense of familiarity. This was the opening title of the magic game the ‘Infinite Warrior OL’. It contained an advertisement that people didn’t know.

——True courage is not conquering, but protecting.

There was not a single narration in the whole documentary, but the subtext of the final scene ‘protecting’ had explained many things.

After the documentary was broadcast, the dissenting voices of the Demon Realm suddenly subsided. People had personally experienced this journey from turmoil to peace. The documentary was playing real facts without overstating.

No one could deny that Chen Rui, the human named ‘Aguile’, had played an irreplaceable key role for the Demon Realm was where it was today. He single-handedly created an unprecedented peaceful and prosperous world. All the people were the beneficiaries.

Most of the emotional stories between him and the 3 empresses were just briefly played, but it was obvious that the 3 empresses and him were not only a relationship of interests, but also partners who helped each other in times of trouble.

More importantly, strength.

Chen Rui himself was the strongest powerhouse in the 2 realms. He also had countless powerful ancient guards at hand, and almost no force or individual could match him

“He has strength and wisdom beyond imagination. If he wants to, he can easily destroy the entire Demon Realm without force. There is no doubt about it. Everyone should remember the bank currency crisis back then.” This was quoted from Empress Shea in an interview with the Empire Channel.

Catherine the Great said, “Although he contributed to the confederation, he never really ‘manipulated’ the confederation. He eliminated the war of the Demon Realm, brought peace and development, and this prosperity will continue forever. This is his promise to me, and he has interpreted this promise with actions. The past, present, and future will still remain unchanged.”

“The Demon Realm is his home.” Emperor Tiffany’s words were the most concise.

Chen Rui’s 3 sentences were published in all the newspapers the next day.

I have a dream, which is to let the people of this land stay far from barrenness and war.

I have a dream, which is to protect this home forever, to protect the people I love forever.

I have a dream, which we don’t have to hate each other, we don’t have to conquer each other, because what we have and what we protect, is beyond what can be obtained by conquest…

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