Chapter 1202: ‘Him’  

Chen Rui suddenly realized – It turns out that the order of the illusion should be reversed!

It’s like watching a movie backward from the end!

Then the correct course of events should be: The ‘eye’ opened in the space, the power of the ‘giants’ was devoured, their bodies were split open, and then something that caused the power of the ‘eye’ to be torn apart and scattered. Subsequently, the giants were also drained and turned into ‘corpses’!

No wonder the ‘corpses’ stood up so awkwardly before!

With this understanding, Chen Rui made a correct judgment in the next scene.

In the void, the huge ‘eyes’ slowly opened, making the ‘giants’ feel extremely frightened.


The certain overall ‘object’ that summoned the ‘eyes’ reappeared.

That body broke apart, but it did not completely disappear. It gathered into this ‘object’, which was the same as the previous scattered. It seems to be… 7 rays of light!

——In other words, it was the object formed by the annihilation of this body, which summoned the ‘eye’ that was enough to destroy that kind of ‘huge existences’. In other words, this body summoned the ‘eyes’ at the cost of death.

That body… The image before the split began to appear in his vision.

Compared with those ‘huge existences’, this body was relatively small, but it was this small and even neglected figure that had caused unimaginable results.

It was a tall and thin man with 12 wings on his back. The wings were half white and half black. He looked up at those unattainable existences in the sky.


The facial features and body were blurred, but the persistence in the gaze could be sensed even if it could not be seen clearly.

After this image was paused for a while, the image of the space became blurred. Finally, he gradually returned to a familiar place, the hut.

Alucier’s cabin in the Psychedelic Forest.

Chen Rui’s mind was like a stormy sea. He knew very well that just now was just a ‘video’ of condensed spirit power, and it was not complete. However, this incomplete image had revealed a shocking secret, at least a corner of the secret.

Twilight of the Gods!

What happened before?

What level of existence is the ‘eyes’?

The person who summoned the eyes is…

When Chen Rui was thinking about it, he suddenly senses a hint of danger. A pair of eyes looked at him in front of him— The eyes of the man in that ‘video’!

This is not an illusion! But real… Sensing the extreme danger, Chen Rui’s vigilant suddenly rose. He looked at these eyes vigilantly, but perhaps because of some kind of space force, the [Analytical Eyes] did not have a special prompt.

There was no special coercion in these eyes, but they were full of the hint of seeing through as if nothing could be concealed. Deep emotions were hidden in it: Indifference, sadness, affection… There was even a touch of boredom. All kinds of contradictory emotions merged into an incredible whole. With just one glance, he couldn’t help but be attracted. With such a peculiar gaze, Chen Rui was sure that it was the first time he met his eyes, but he felt a sense of déjà vu as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Right! Chen Rui was slightly shocked. He finally remembered.

Elemental world! Tree of Nature!

The man who caused the annihilation of Elemental Goddess Rafferty!

It is actually him!

The man’s facial features and body also gradually became clear. His eyes just stared at Chen Rui quietly for a long time before he said 2 words.

“I lost.”

Chen Rui tried his best to calm down, yet another shock was unstoppable, because he thought of the last 2 sentences Alucier said before he disappeared.

Yes, you won.

I won too.

The former sentence ‘you won’ was addressed to Chen Rui, and the latter sentence ‘I won’ referred to Alucier himself.

Originally, Chen Rui didn’t understand what Alucier meant, but the sentence ‘I lost’ from the man in front of him seemed to make the whole incident coherent and clear…

At this moment, Chen Rui seemed to understand something.

When choosing 1 of the 3 key figures in the mirror world, Alucier also said another thing: This gamble had reached the most critical moment.

That’s right, the gamble!

“My time is running out.” The man’s voice sounded again, revealing a deep charm, “I can answer 1 question for each of you; only 1.”

Each of you? Chen Rui suddenly felt something, and he saw a graceful figure appearing in the forest beside him.

She looked heroic wearing silver tight armor, which perfectly complemented her graceful figure. She was holding a spiral purple sword in her hand.

Gabriel. magic

Judging from the messy hair and the cracks on the armor, it was not easy for Gabriel to come here whereas Raphael’s figure could not be seen. It seemed that Raphael was still trapped in the illusion array of the Psychedelic Forest.

Gabriel didn’t close her eyes as usual, but she just stared blankly at the man standing in the air with a hint of unknown flowing in her gaze.

At this time, the door of the hut in front opened. It was not Alucier, but Kilanya who came out.

Chen Rui once heard Meria say that Kilanya was not only Alucier’s direct apprentice, but also his daughter, so she should be exempt from the illusion array here. It was not surprising that she appeared directly in the hut from the previous archery field.

Kilanya looked at the sky in surprise. It took her a long time for her to understand that this should be a remarkable existence. She had heard what the man said before, so she summoned up her courage and asked, “Sir, can I also ask a question?”

“Of course, Alucier’s daughter.” The man seemed to have known Kilanya’s identity for a long time.

“Sir, may I know where my father went?”

“He will never appear in front of your eyes again. Specifically, he went to a place where he wanted to end some kind of ‘beginning’. Unfortunately, the result is likely to end himself.” The man sighed, “As a guide who serves fate, he actually intends to reverse fate; it is really intriguing. This is the path he chose.” The man’s answer was esoteric and difficult to understand, but Chen Rui already understood that Alucier was not dead. Instead, he chose to leave.

However, Chen Rui once heard from Finoia that Alucier was subject to some kind of special restriction and could not leave the Psychedelic Forest. So, now the legendary prophet has left the forest and the Silver Moon Celestial Capital of the elf tribe. What does this mean?

Before Chen Rui returned, especially when he realized that the choices in the mirror world would directly kill the real people in this world, he was full of anger and killing intent toward Alucier, because this had directly threatened the lives of Athena and the child whom he wanted to protect with all his might.

However, now, Chen Rui’s hatred gradually faded. Things were not as simple as he originally thought. As such, he became more and more confused about what kind of role Alucier played.

Nonetheless, Kilanya understood a little more, and she lowered her head sadly.

“Tezaneer.” The man’s eyes turned to Gabriel. The name made Gabriel tremble slightly, and she walked over slowly.

Looking up at the man in the air, the inexplicable emotion in Gabriel’s silver and red pupils grew stronger as she just stared into the man’s eyes.

After a long time, Gabriel asked, “Why did you choose that?”

The man’s eyes softened and he sighed.

This question released some things that had been suppressed in Gabriel’s mind, and the calmness on her face was long gone; only the excitement that was almost out of control, “The dawn star of the Gods, the son of the morning, the proudest archangel, why did you choose to fall? My former comrade-in-arms and partner, I… why did you choose to leave me?”

Although Gabriel asked 3 questions in succession, it was actually equal to 1.


Chen Rui remembered that when he entered the Psychedelic Forest, he once told Gabriel that if he lost these things, he would rather choose to face death. When Gabriel heard the word ‘choose’, her emotions fluctuated strangely. There seemed to be deep sadness in her gaze.

It was because she regarded Chen Rui as ‘him’. In her mind, ‘choice’ was the biggest knot.

Chen Rui suddenly thought of a passage in the ‘Book of Isaiah’ that made Gabriel cry in the mirror world, “O bright star, son of the morning, why did you fall from the sky? You, the conqueror of the nations, fell to the ground…”

This passage actually overlapped surprisingly with Gabriel’s current question.

This seem to describe someone’s downfall?

That passage seemed to overlap with Gabriel’s ‘fall’ today. Chen Rui’s memory suddenly became clearer than ever before, including that vague name.

The star of the dawn in the Bible, the most powerful and highest-ranking angel in the legend, and the most famous fallen one, often appeared in the theology and legends of his previous world.

Even Chen Rui, who was not very familiar with Western theological culture, was familiar with it.

Some people confused him with Satan, but in many classics, the 2 were actually separate.

Especially in this world.

Is that the man’s name?

By the way, I remember that when Sariel misunderstood Chen Rui as someone and begged for mercy before being devoured by Python, he once uttered a word in horror, “Lu…”

That’s right!

It should be ‘him’.

Meanwhile, the man looked deeply into Gabriel’s eyes as he spoke up, “Tezaneer, you never let go of this matter. You didn’t have the courage to question me back then, and now finally… then, let me answer you formally — My former comrades-in-arms and partner, the woman who watched me silently… I’m sorry, because that was my choice.”

This answer was tantamount to no answer, but Gabriel seemed to have got an answer as a tear slowly fell from the corner of her eye.

“Sorry, Tezaneer, I can’t answer any more questions for you.” The man moved his eyes away from Gabriel and landed on Chen Rui, “Now… it’s your turn, incredible Soul Existence!”

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