V3 ch373

Because we wasted so much time outside before class, I didn't get a chance to tell Kaylee about Jeremy's offer until after class. She looked exhausted and annoyed with her arm bulky from a cast. She had it in a sling to keep it elevated, but I don't know how much help that was since it looked to be irritating her opposite shoulder where the strap went.

I shared Jeremy's offer with her as soon as the bell rang for class to end. She stopped struggling with zipping up her backpack to look at me. "Are you serious?"

"Here. I've got it." Noah took her backpack and fixed the papers sticking out before zipping it up. He continued to hold the backpack. "I'll help you carry it to your next class."

Kaylee twisted her lips like she wanted to object. But then sighed like she let out all her pent up frustration. "Okay. Thanks."

"Sure thing." Noah shrugged. "So do you think you want to see Dr. Shanfield? He looked at Jake's leg last summer when he hit a foul ball off it. The man works with pros so you know he's good at his job."

"Absolutely." Kaylee said with determination as we started to walk. "I saw a local surgeon yesterday and he wants to put a bunch of metal in me."


"What?" I asked, not sure if I heard right.

She pursed her lips. "He thinks my arm won't heal right since I'm on the border of being a kid and being an adult. Because my growth plates are set, I might not heal right. He was talking about pins and screws like I was a damn wood shop project."

I cringed. "That doesn't sound good."

"Right." She sighed and started walking. We flanked each side of her and guided her to class. "That's why I've been a little moody. Besides you guys getting another championship ring, I have to face the tough reality that my arm might carry a bunch of metal in it."

"Maybe it's for the best?" I offered. "It should keep everything stable."

"It's my throwing hand, Jake." Kaylee deadpanned. "Have you ever heard of a player having screws and pins in their dominant hand?"


I looked to Noah for help.

Noah shook his head. "No one. That isn't just to keep it stable. It'll lock you up. Make you inflexible." He slowly nodded. "Yea, definitely see what Dr. Shanfield has to say. Maybe he'll have something different to offer. If not," He paused. "Then you get the screws and pins placed. And then it might be possible to get it taken out later? Like after you do all the healing."

"Guess that might be an option." Kaylee stopped to dig her phone out of her pocket, using only her left hand. She fumbled with it before looking at me. "What's his number? I want to tell him yes please. Get me in asap."

I glanced down at how awkwardly she was holding her phone with just her left hand. "It's okay. I'll get him to text you instead."

"You don't think I can do it, can you?" She asked. "I think he thinks that you'll take too long." Noah explained. "The bell is about to ring and we're going to be late for class. You know how anxious Jake gets."

"Ok. Yea." She slid her phone back in her pocket before looking at me again. "Don't forget to tell him. I want to be able to get my parents to agree right when I get home."

I nodded. "Sure. I will."

Noah held Kaylee's bag out to her and she took it by the handle and went into her class after a brief word of thanks. The bell rung again just as she left us out in the hallway.

"There it goes." Noah muttered and shook his head. He looked to me. "I'll walk you to your class."

I glanced around the empty hallway. "I don't need it."

"It's fine, I want to pop in and say hi to Coach Luis anyways. It's been awhile." Noah started to walk with me.

I didn't think I needed him, walking through the bare halls, but when he opened the classroom door and all eyes went to me, I froze.

Noah gave my back a push. "Sorry, Coach. Made Jake late. Think you can write me a late pass to my class?"

Coach Luis walked from his podium in the center of the room to his desk and waved for Noah to come over. "Don't make it a habit."

I lowered my head and found my seat near Mitchell and Sean. I sunk in my seat and prayed that everyone would stop staring at me.

"You good, Jake?" Sean whispered.

I nodded.

"It's not like you to be late." Mitchell pointed out.

"It was nothing." I assured them.

Noah got a pass from Coach Luis while casually talking to him about baseball. He waved as he left and Coach Luis resumed class like normal, taking attendance and laying out the lesson plan. magic

When Coach Luis let us do our classwork on our own, I found the opportunity to text Jeremy, explaining Kaylee's new situation. I gave him her number and asked him to text her about arranging an appointment with that doctor. He responded right away. By the end of class he sent me another message saying that he got Kaylee an appointment for Friday when the team was back for a home series. He then invited for me to come to the games this weekend, but I explained that our end of season banquet would be this Saturday. He countered that I could come on Sunday when it's just a day game. I said I would ask Mom and Dad when I saw them at dinner.

Noah was hyped to hear that we could possibly be going to the game on Sunday and talked about it during our short break. He talked about it some more at the beginning of lunch when we were walking to our table, but was cut short when Joey appeared. "I almost forgot about him." Noah murmured as Joey walked up to our table.

Joey stood at the head of the table, looking back and forth at the empty space next to Noah and the one next to me. "Where should I sit?"

"This side." Noah scooted over a little more. He pulled out his lunch and started to unpack it. I did the same. Noah glanced at Joey next to him. "So? What's up?"

Joey didn't have a lunch to unpack. He didn't even take his backpack off. He just sat down and put his folded hands on the table. "I wanted to get your opinion on football."

I tilted my head, confused.

Noah laughed. "You want my opinion on football? Dude, I don't even play. Hardly even watch. I think you have a good arm though so quarterback suits you."

"How would you feel about playing though?" Joey asked.

Noah shook his head immediately. "I've never even considered it. It's always been baseball for me." He put his bag of carrots down. "Are you trying to ask me to tryout or something? Are you guys that hard up for players?"

I ate my sandwich, completely invested in this conversation. Joey and us don't run in the same circles so what brought this on? Are they really short for players? I looked Noah up and down and couldn't imagine him in all that gear.

"Yes, I do want you to play." Joey admitted.

"What makes you think I can even play?" Noah was flabbergasted.

"Your fielding. Your speed." He said. "You would make a great wide receiver. You have the talent and the ability. I think you can make our team better. Give us a real chance for the playoffs."

Noah was already shaking his head. "Sorry, man. You're hitting up the wrong guy. I mean, I think you're right. I am good at fielding and my speed is definitely the fastest on the team, but football…I don't think it'll translate well. Besides me not even knowing how to play."

Joey looked defeated. Then he made eye contact with me. He smacked the table, making me jump. "That's it!" He pointed at me. "Look at Jake. He didn't know how to play baseball."

Oh. I relaxed and picked up my bag of cookies.

"Jake knew how to play." Noah argued. "He just didn't know all the rules. He spent his whole life in the cages. He's held a bat. Seen a baseball. I've never even played with a football."

"Don't be lying." Joey argued. "All boys have played with some kind of football. Even if it was a toy as a kid. Like the styrofoam kind."

Noah looked at me. "Ever thrown a football before?"

I shook my head.

"Just hear me out. Give it a chance." Joey said. "We have a summer camp in August just like the baseball team did. Heck, I can meet you at a park and we can just run some routes together so you can get a feel of what a wide receiver does."

"I think you've lost it." Noah told him. "I'm a baseball player. Heck, I've got plans for most of the summer to play baseball. In the fall, I like playing all those scrimmages and doing drills that the coaches organize. Football isn't even interesting for me to watch."
