Chapter 1137 V3 ch371  

On the way back to the school, I sent a few texts. To Jeremy. Zeke. And Kaylee. Jeremy didn't reply right away; maybe he was already asleep. Zeke replied almost immediately like he was waiting. Mom or Dad probably sent a bunch of updates as he played his own game. A game that his team had won as well. I kind of expected a reply from Kaylee, but got nothing. Maybe she was sleeping already. She did say the painkillers made her really drowsy.

The drive home was incredibly long. Two hours after a night game and it was practically bed time.

"Don't you dare skip school tomorrow." Coach demanded as the bus pulled into the school parking lot. "You boys better not forget that you're student-athletes. And the student part comes first. I want to see a whole team of scholar athletes when we do our end of the year banquet."

"When's the banquet this year?" Jason asked.

"We should do it after I get drafted." Kyle said. "That way we can just keep on celebrating."

"Nah, better to have it before." Garret said. "I don't want to embarrass you by our difference in round numbers." Kyle threw his hat at Garret. Garret easily caught it and tossed it back. "Don't worry, I'll give everyone autographs before I go."


"We'll have it this weekend." Coach announced. "Not because either of you said anything, but because it's been booked for months. It's a banquet. Not a pizza party. Wear your Sunday best."

The bus parked and we started to unboard. Just as we were grabbing our bags, the other bus of students showed up and it kind of turned into a party in the parking lot. Everyone wanted to talk about the game, the win, and whether we would get rings like in the World Series. It felt like forever until we could get out of there.

Noah really took charge, telling everyone that we would be in school tomorrow so it wouldn't be too late to talk then.

"Man, I'm starving." Noah groaned as we got buckled into our car and headed home. "You would think that those guys would be hungry too."

"Why would they be? They got to eat in the stands." Kyle laughed. "They're probably all hyped up on sugar and caffeine. Running high on our win. We didn't just win a championship; we won bragging rights for our school and for everyone who goes here."

"Hey, did Marie stay home with Kaylee today?" I asked Kyle. "I haven't heard back from her today."


"You sent Kaylee a text?" Noah asked, surprised.

I nodded. "Yea. Of course." "That's kind of ruthless." Kyle was the one to tell me. "Even I didn't text Marie. They just lost their chance to be champions. Kind of feels like you're bragging."

"No, I was informing." I hurried to correct him.

Noah gave a small shrug. "Kind of with Kyle on this one. It doesn't sit right for me to tell her."

"Well, I told her. Because she's my friend. I don't want her to feel left out." I defended.

Dave pulled the car into our driveway. "Don't care about them, Noah. I think you did the right thing. When Rhys had surgery, he was depressed and it took a lot of effort from Zeke to get him feeling good again."

"Kaylee isn't as weak-willed as Rhys." Noah stated.

"I'm going to tell Rhys you said that." Kyle laughed and opened his door to get out first.

"If she isn't, then why are you afraid to send her a text?" Dave asked rhetorically. He got out too. "Don't forget to bring in your baseball bags."

"I'll send her a text too." Noah pulled out his phone. "Just saying that you're worried she didn't reply."

For some reason that sounded odd to me. But I am worried so I guess he's right.

We dragged our bags inside the garage and left them there. Our backpacks made it to the bottom of the stairs as we ditched them to go eat dinner. It's been a long day and it's been hours since we ate.

"You all should have let me stay at home in order to cook a real meal for these boys." Grampa complained to Mom. "Just look how hungry they are. That one is on his third piece already. That can't be healthy for them." Grampa pointed me out just as I bit into my third slice.

I felt guilty and set it down.

"Don't listen to him." Noah told me. "He's just being difficult." He looked at Grampa. "Weren't you happy to see us win the whole thing, Gramps?"

Grampa answered. "Of course! But I never doubted you kids for a second. I didn't have to be there to see. I should have been here, making a nice steak dinner for you boys."

"You can do that for us tomorrow, gramps." Dave pointed out. "Then we can compare it to the banquets this weekend." magic

"That reminds me." Mom cut in. "You boys try on your best formal clothes, including the shoes. So we can figure out what we need to get. Dave, Kyle, you two know the drill. If it doesn't fit, pass it on to Noah and Jake to let them try."

"Why not just buy them new suits?" Grampa asked. "They deserve it. And we can afford it." "Trying to teach them not to be wasteful, Dad." Mom put a hand to her head, exasperated. "If it was something they actually planned to wear multiple times a month, then I might consider buying them new suits."

"I think I should get a fully new suit." Kyle spoke up. "I can wear this weekend. Then during the draft. Then-"

"You would wear a suit at home?" Noah interrupted. "That's lame. No one would even be here but us. Who you trying to impress?"

Kyle glared at him. "I want to dress the part of a professional." He cleared his throat. "As I was saying, I could also wear the suit during the signing of my contract. Then there are times I'll need a suit to look good before games. It'd be a good investment."

"Sounds good." Dad spoke up for the first time at the table tonight. "I think you have the right idea." He looked at Dave.

Dave rolled his eyes. "I do not need or want a brand new suit. It's good enough if I get new shoes because I keep growing."

"You don't think you'll need a new suit to wear in college?" Mom asked. "Zeke wears his formal clothes often enough to get it dry-cleaned once a week."

"I can worry about it then if it's a problem." Dave waved his hand carelessly. "For now, I'll wear what I have. Double check the shoes. Honestly, I think Jake will need the most new items. He's grown the most this year."

Noah nodded in agreement. "Yea. And he's like a beanpole so the twins stuff doesn't look right on him."

Somewhat of a plan was laid out for us to try on clothes tomorrow after school. We wouldn't have practice to worry about after all. If items were needed, we would have to join Mom and Kyle to the mall.

After eating, Mom excused us to go shower and get straight to bed while she and Dad cleaned up the dining room and kitchen.

I was struggling to stay awake through my shower and climbed into bed with my eyes barely cracked open. If Coach didn't threaten us earlier, I really might have tried to skip school.

"Kaylee said she'll see us in class tomorrow." Noah said, getting into his own bed, phone in hand.

I frowned and looked at my phone, feeling a little more awake. I didn't have any reply from Kaylee. No Jeremy either. Just Zeke still.

"She doesn't think she'll stay the whole day." Noah continued. "Maybe try a class or two."

"We'll get to see her no matter what then. We share the first class together." I got comfy, trying to not feel a little sad about not getting a reply.

"I wonder what they'll do for their end of season banquet." Noah muttered. "It's got to be super awkward or even outright awful to celebrate the end of a season when you didn't win."

"It's just a team party, bro." Dave said. "You guys are just spoiled and don't know what it's like to end the season on a low note."

"They might not have that luxury next year." Kyle came in the room and sat on his bed. "Without us and Garret, I think they'll be giving up more runs. Jake will have to work hard to keep up."

"Jake doesn't even get to hit half the time." Dave pointed out.

"You guys are just jealous. You know it won't really be like that." Noah argued. "We'll have Bryce and Brian to take the lead. Joey and Marshel can also hold their own."
