Chapter 1137  : This Is My Home

Qin Shu did not want to be accused of being a spy, so she shouted those words.

However, she immediately regretted her words.

She should have shouted, “I’m looking for my mother!”

President Ba curled in on himself with his paws over his ears as he lay in the grass, staring at his mistress in dismay.

The Platinum-level martial artists about to pounce on her stopped and looked at Qin Shu.

The noisy courtyard was now terrifyingly quiet.


The lead guard looked at the man, who suddenly barged in. The guard could not distinguish the man’s features in the poor lighting.

Why would he attempt a forced entry into the President’s manor to look for his father?

“If you’re looking for an excuse, why don’t you think of one that makes sense? You could have said you were lost, or something close to that effect,” the lead guard said, his voice a wintry chill in the night air.

Qin Shu backpaddled, “You’re right. I’m lost. Please show me the way.”

The leader immediately knew that he was lying but was in no hurry to expose him. “Where do you want to go?”

Qin Shu paused, weighing her options. Eventually, she decided to drop her master’s name. “I’m looking for Feng Jiuxiao.”


At first, the lead guard was taken aback, but that soon transformed into anger. “How dare you address Master by his name. You’re no native. You snuck into the President’s manor with ill intent. Guards, seize him!”

Qin Shu did not waver. She shouted at the leader, “Wait a minute! I’m looking for him to find out if he is my father. Whether he is or isn’t will come to light as soon as I meet him. Why not let me see him before insisting on my arrest?”

“Humph! As if Master would have the time to meet a fraud like you. No relative of his would sneak into the President’s manor to seek an audience in the middle of the night. Please stop insinuating that you possess any relationship with him; you’re just wasting your breath. Guards, arrest him. Lock him in a cell,” the guard captain said. He was too lazy to entertain the buffoon.

Qin Shu was escorted to a cell by a few guards. She knew that no one would believe her, and she did not expect them to believe her either. After thinking for a while, she asked, “Is Jin Cheng around?”

Jin Cheng was a name her mother had mentioned once when arguing with her master. She accused her master of deceit and grilled him for masquerading as Jin Cheng to get close to her. Qin Shu believed that it must mean her mother shared a good relationship with this man surnamed Jin.

Hence, she took the chance and brought up Jin Cheng’s name.

The leader snorted coldly. “Do you think you can see whoever you want? Is the President’s manor your home?”

Qin Shu did not rise to the bait. Instead, she followed her captors obediently, trying her best not to burst into laughter. Her mother was married to her master; therefore, one could say she was the young mistress of the President’s manor, and it would not be farfetched to say it was her home.

“Who says it’s not my home? At least it’s half a home. Maybe it’s my home. You won’t let me see Feng Jiuxiao or Jin Cheng, so how am I to prove that this is my home?”

The guard captain ignored the fraud’s prattle as he stood eyeing the man in his cell. “Enough! You are a suspected spy. Until you are charged accordingly, you shall remain here in this cell.”

Qin Shu was not in any hurry to enter her newly appointed residence. She held onto the bars and glared at the unreasonable man. “If you won’t let me see Jin Cheng, you should at least let me see Jiuyan,” Qin Shu groused.

“I’d advise that you think before you speak. First, you ask to see Master, then you demand to see Deputy Jin, and now you want to see Jiuyan. Who do you think you are?” The guard captain hissed impatiently.

Hearing his ill-mannered words, Qin Shu’s temper flared up, “Why are you being so unreasonable? All I asked was for a chance to meet Feng Jiuxiao. You denied me. When I requested to see Jin Cheng, you also said no. Now that I wish to see Jiuyan, Feng Jiuxiao’s subordinate, you think I’m asking for the world! What are you trying to say?”

It was the guard captain’s first time being called unreasonable. He stood rooted to the spot, stunned. Perhaps it was shock or the reprimand he received that prompted him to ask the next question. “Why are you looking for my master?”

“Haven’t I already said I’m here to look for my father? I want to know if he’ll recognise me... as his son.”

Qin Shu stumbled on her words, remembering that she was currently dressed as a man. A paternity test would solve all her problems, after which there would be no room for doubt.

“...” the guard captain could not even find it in himself to show disdain for the fraudulent bumpkin. The nerve! How dare he besmirch his master’s reputation. He had thought of giving the man a chance but decided against it. If the man could not recognise an olive branch when offered, then he did not deserve it. “Lock him up,” he ordered.

Qin Shu’s face darkened. She glowered at the man who was trying to lock her up. She held Broken Moon tightly in her hand. She lashed out with Broken Moon and held it against the guard’s neck as he turned away from her. All she needed to do was exert some strength, and he would bleed to death.

The guard captain blanched. He could feel the press of cold metal against his skin, causing chills to run down his spine. He tried wriggling free, but Qin Shu immediately stopped his attempts and said, “Don’t move. Broken Moon has not tasted blood in a long time, and I doubt you want to be its next victim.”

Everything happened so quickly that the guards present had no time to react. They were stupefied, not daring to step forward, fearing what the black-clad man would do to their leader should they try to help him. The guards could only eye Qin Shu warily.

The guard captain did not believe Qin Shu would risk the country’s ire. The man holding a knife to his throat was not exerting any pressure, so if he played his cards right, there was a chance he would escape his captive situation.

“What are you doing?” The guard captain asked in a deep voice.

“I want to see Feng Jiuxiao.” The guards would have notified her master of an intruder earlier; he could not be unaware of a breach in security. Now, all she had to do was wait.

“I won’t take you to see Master. I won’t betray his trust!” The guard captain proclaimed with a stiff neck.

Qin Shu could not help but roll her eyes, though she did not argue with him because it would be pointless. The guard captain was loyal to a fault.

“It’s fine if you won’t take me to see him. At least let me see Jiuyan.”

The guard captain narrowed his eyes but nodded. “Stand down. I will take our guest to see Jiuyan.”

His companions looked at each other and retreated a few steps away.

Qin Shu gripped Broken Moon tightly, her eyes darting to the guards, wary of sudden movements. At the same time, she sized up the President’s manor.

The guard captain was painfully aware of the blade kissing his skin, its cold surface glinting in the lamplight. “Why are you looking for Jiuyan?”

“I have something to ask him,” Qin Shu answered.

She wanted Jiuyan to bring her to her mother.

Now was not the time to confront her master.

The guard captain digested the information quietly as he led the way.

Qin Shu was not familiar with the compound’s layout. After walking for a while, she could not help but ask, “Where is Jiuyan?”

The guard captain knew that Jiuyan was out searching for their master’s wife, but he could not give up such sensitive information to an unknown. He was still trying to formulate a plan to escape the spy who held him at knifepoint.

“Jiuyan should not be back yet,” he replied, stalling for time.

“He’s not back yet? Where did he go?” A trace of doubt flashed in Qin Shu’s eyes. It was already past midnight. Could Jiuyan have gone out to do something?

Qin Shu never heard his reply. She felt a sudden chop to her neck, and before she could react, she fainted; Broken Moon tumbled out of her hands, clattering on the cobblestone path.

Fortunately, someone was behind her and caught her before hitting the ground.

Jin Cheng’s martial arts were far above Qin Shu’s, so she did not notice him when he snuck up on her.

Danger averted. The guard captain hurriedly expressed his thanks, bowing before Deputy Jin respectfully, “Master Jin.”

Jin Cheng grabbed Qin Shu’s hand, staring at the person in his arms. Earlier, the light was too dim, and he could not see clearly. Now that he could see more clearly, the person in his arms was a thin man. He could easily wrap an arm around the man with room to spare.

