Plane and World

Garen’s scales were brand new like a mirror, and there were no signs of time passing at all. His dragon claws were thick, his dragon wings were like sails, and his dragon tail was like a spear. His entire body emitted a powerful aura.

The most eye-catching thing was his pair of platinum dragon eyes, as well as the closely connected and embedded ring of black scales on his neck.

The baby dragons of the dragon race were between the ages of 0 and 6.

However, Garen, who was only about a year and a half old and was still in the baby dragon stage, already had the body of an adolescent dragon, equivalent to the body of a dragon who had lived for more than 25 years.

This growth speed stunned Garen.

It was as if time was circulating much faster on his body.


However, after understanding his own strength, Garen gradually accepted this monstrous growth speed.

As he grew up after sleeping many times, in Garen’s vision, this world was not just the sky, the ground, the snow, the living beings… He also saw an illusory river that other creatures could not see.

This was the River of Time.

To be precise, it was a physical form of time, but it appeared to be a river in Garen’s eyes. Perhaps in the understanding of other creatures, it was a huge tree that reached the sky or a breeze.

The entire main material plane, no, all the planes, even the phlogiston layer between the plane’s crystal walls, was in the River of Time.

The River of Time enveloped everything. The falling snow, the flowing ice river, the cold wind…


When Garen breathed, other than inhaling air and elemental energy, he would also swallow strands of the illusory river water of the River of Time and obtain a unique power that Garen called the power of time.

The power of time he obtained was also the source of energy he used for Time Manipulation.

As for why he first grasped the time acceleration instead of deceleration or reversal, it was because the River of Time would always flow forward. It was always much more difficult to go against the flow than move with the current.

As a baby Time Dragon, he was like a strange creature loved by the River of Time. With the help of the river, his growth speed was more than ten times that of ordinary dragons.

Moreover, other than making him stronger, the River of Time did not leave any bad effects on him.

For White Dragons, the scales that were as bright as mirrors when they were born would gradually become rough and show signs of aging.

However, Garen’s scales were still as beautiful and resplendent as a mirror, as if they had never experienced the baptism of time.

Only natural disasters and man-made disasters could kill the Time Dragon. The flow of time was harmless to them.

At night, Garen, who had grown a lot, was a little worried.

“The White Dragon Mother has been looking at me more and more strangely recently. She probably doesn’t want to raise me anymore.”

“Without the White Dragon Mother, my stable and safe life will never return.”

Logically speaking, the Dragon Mother would at least raise the baby dragon until it passed the current stage and became a child dragon with a certain ability to protect itself. Only then would she chase it out of the nest and leave it to die.

No matter how cold and cruel an evil dragon was, it would not let the baby dragon fend for itself.

However, Garen, a baby dragon who was only a year old, already had the body size of an adolescent White Dragon.

The way the White Dragon Mother looked at Garen was filled with vigilance and impatience. It would probably not be long before she expelled him from the dragon nest.

Although the current Garen already had a certain ability to protect himself and had also grasped a new ability other than Time Manipulation, he was still inferior to an actual adult dragon. In this dangerous world, he could only be careful after leaving the White Dragon Mother and tread on thin ice.

Garen was already making plans for himself.

From time to time, he would take the risk to fly to the edge of the White Dragon Mother’s territory and look into the distance from a high place, looking for a suitable place to develop so that he could find a safe place as soon as possible after being expelled.

A wandering life was not what Garen wanted. That was too dangerous.

Under the night sky, Garen flapped his wings. The mirror-like dragon scales on his body did not attract attention because of the reflection. Instead, they reflected the night sky environment and turned into a very good camouflage.

If someone with poor eyesight saw Garen fly through the night sky, they would most likely treat him as a black cloud.

At this moment, in the Northern Ice Fields, the night sky was dotted with spots. Stars and moons appeared at the same time. The scenery was beautiful, like a scene that could only be seen in a dream. Garen flew under such a night sky and felt that the surrounding air seemed to be much more lively.

Although this was not the first time he had flown, the freedom of flying in the sky made Garen feel happy no matter what.

A moment later, Garen flew to the edge of the White Dragon Mother’s territory.

Apart from the huge ice cliff that was a thousand meters tall, the place where the White Dragon Mother was was generally a relatively empty plain environment. Thousands of kilometers south was a continuous mountain range formed by countless mountains and hills. Countless magical creatures, humanoid creatures, and crypt monsters lived in it.

The direction in which Garen flew was towards the vaguely visible huge continuous mountain range.

If possible, he actually did not want to approach the continuous mountain range, because it was more dangerous than the Northern Ice Fields.

Garen had once crossed the thousand-meter-tall ice cliff and continued to move deeper into the Northern Ice Fields. However, the further north he went, the colder and more barren the environment was. The creatures living there were pitifully few.

In such an environment, Garen was not confident that he could find enough food.

He had a huge appetite and had to eat food that was several times his weight every week to barely satisfy his needs. If he went deeper into the remote Northern Ice Fields, perhaps he would starve to death before he was killed by the foreign enemies.

If word got out that a Time Dragon had starved to death, it would make all intelligent creatures laugh their heads off.

Although he was flying towards the southern mountains, he was only looking for a suitable place. Before he had enough strength, Garen did not plan to leave the Northern Ice Fields.

This was because the most dangerous creatures in this world were actually humans.

One of the beautiful names that human adventurers loved very much was called the Dragon Slayer. Once the figure of a dragon was discovered, countless human adventurers would swarm over, wanting to become the hero who slain a dragon.

Be it teeth, claws, or scales, the body of a dragon was a top-notch magic material. In the human world, it meant countless wealth.

“My previous kind is the most guarded against me now.”

Garen felt that fate was unpredictable, and the previous life’s blue planet appeared in his mind.

He thought that after he was strong enough, he might be able to return and show his power in public.

This was not impossible.

The rules of matter in different planes were extremely different. Because the rules of matter between Earth and the main material plane were roughly similar, there was a high chance that it was somewhere in the main material plane.

In Garen’s current understanding, a plane referred to the collection of countless worlds.

These worlds were of different sizes and shapes. They might be a piece of land, a planet, a galaxy, or a vast universe.

The relationship between the plane and the world was like a large bubble wrapped in countless small bubbles.

The membrane that separated the “bubble” was called a crystal wall. Between the crystal walls was an amber liquid called phlogiston. Apart from powerful items like teleportation arrays, magic ships, and some special spells, some powerful creatures had the ability to directly travel through worlds and planes.

The Time Dragon was one of them.

Garen had a feeling that after he became stronger, he could definitely travel through the River of Time and even head to the past and future.

Back to the topic, he was still a baby dragon who was worried about being expelled.

Garen circled in the sky and looked at the ground, searching for a suitable place to hide.

A moment later, his eyes lit up and he locked onto an area.

About 15 kilometers away from his current location, there was a small, winding ice river.

Any dragon was a sea, land, and air creature. Garen felt that he might be able to live underwater for a period of time in the future.

Be it concealment or safety, building a nest at the bottom of the ice river should be one of the best.

Thinking of this, Garen decided to go near the small ice river to investigate and see if there were any creatures that he could not provoke, such as the Frost Giant, the Winter Wolf, and other ruthless figures.

He turned to look at the location of the dragon nest and took a deep breath before leaving the territory of the White Dragon Mother.

After leaving an invisible boundary, the pressure that was constantly emitted by a powerful dragon disappeared.
