Legion Commander White Night and Mage Tower Master White Night.

The material world's Jiangshi White Night and the digital world's Cyber Lich White Night.

Whose side will I take?

This was a branching quest that also occurred in the game. Depending on the choice made, the progression of events would change.

If I support Legion Commander, Jiangshi White Night:

The Lich Legion becomes independent from the Demon King's forces, forming a third faction and becoming hostile to the Demon King.

The defense battle against White Night and her Lich Legion at the Crossroad is also skipped.


If I support Mage Tower Master, Cyber Lich White Night:

The 8th Zone's Mage Tower expands its influence, engulfing the entire district, turning it into a friendly area.

In short, supporting Legion Commander White Night allows skipping the defense battle and gaining additional benefits in subsequent defenses.

Supporting Mage Tower Master White Night means skipping the 8th Zone's free exploration and gaining additional benefits in subsequent explorations.

Tower Defense or Dungeon Offense. The choice depends on where the emphasis is placed. Deciding who will be the real White Night.



However, I know through the game's memory.

Both choices come with risks to be faced later.

"I wanted to negotiate with you like this. It's not yet time for me to join the battle, but I came to meet you in advance."

White Night said this nonchalantly.

"Just so you know, after this invasion, the next opponent you'll face is me. There'll be no room for negotiation then."

"Thanks for the clear warning."

Stage 25 opponent is this Grand Sorceress, huh?

Perfect as a troublesome boss monster to start the third year.

"I'm strong, Player. It might sound like arrogance, but me and my legion are in no way inferior to those Demon King's Guardian or the Black Dragon Swarm."

Of course, that's expected.

A legion of Lich magicians, centuries old.

Considering that magicians in this world are compared to fighter jets in terms of strategic weaponry, and these ancient magicians hold the essence of magic now lost in modern times.

This legion of undead magicians would indeed possess earth-shattering power.

"But if you're so strong, why ask for my help? Why not just use the power of you and your legion to attack the Mage Tower and kill your other self?"

"That's impossible."

White Night exhaled a long sigh mixed with the smell of nicotine and alcohol.

"We know each other too well to kill each other. We're aware of all the moves the other can make."

The Mage Tower controlled by Mage Tower Master White Night is a powerful magical stronghold.

It's the strongest base in Zone 8, filled with various magical traps and artifacts.

The reason I could clear it easily before was because Mage Tower Master White Night allowed me to enter.

Even the mighty Lich Legion couldn’t penetrate it. Plus, both White Nights thoroughly understand each other's thoughts.

They were stuck in a stalemate, unable to kill each other.

"That's why I'm asking you. If you've managed to kill other Nightmare Legion commanders, you might be able to kill my other self too."

"What about your monstrous friends?"

"A joke, right? Those fools wouldn’t stand a chance against the other me, entrenched in the Mage Tower."

White Night snorted and gestured towards me with her chin.

"The living variable itself... the Nightmare Slayer. You're the most likely to succeed. That’s why I'm asking you."

"Appreciate the high regard."

I grumbled and gestured back.

"What if I refuse this offer?"

"Then the upcoming defense battle will be much harsher than you expect."

A monstrous, threatening smile appeared on White Night’s lips.

"Who do you think persuaded the Gorgon sisters to join the last defense battle?"

"...It was you, of course."

When the Gorgon sisters invaded in Stage 23, before dying, one of them said,

- White Night, that damned one... deceived us... led my sisters to death again...

The one who brought forward the Gorgon sisters, originally meant to appear in the third year, was... this monster before me.

"Why did you do that?"

The city suffered significant damage from the Gorgon sisters, and precious lives were lost.

As I glared and asked, White Night smirked and put a cigarette to her lips.

"I wanted to show and prove my ability in advance. If I put my mind to it, I can coax even the higher-level monsters, who normally wouldn't join the battle, to strike first."


"So think carefully, Player."

White Night was openly threatening.

"If you refuse my offer, in this invasion, not only the Bird Monster Legion but all sorts of other higher-level monsters will be mixed in and sent out. That would make this winter a particularly dreadful season for you, wouldn't it?""..."

"Even if you manage to survive, in the next invasion - I will personally destroy humanity."

White Night did not emit the terrifying evil energy like the other Legion Commanders.

She simply, quietly produced darkness.

Like cigarette smoke. Quietly, covertly, and lethally - the rising darkness eroded everything around it.

"But if you kill the other me."


"You'll have a powerful Lich Legion at your disposal, capable of commanding other monster legions and possessing the means to kill the Demon King."

- No need to ponder, right?

White Night mumbled, looking at me with cat-like eyes.

"Above all, you can understand us, right?"


"You can empathize with our situation. That’s why I approached you."

The pale lips of the Jiangshi monster curled into a sinister smile.

"You're a fake too, Player."


"A copy, implanted with someone else’s personality."

I clenched my mouth shut and glared at White Night.

...How does she know?

That I am a being patched together, overlaying a personality from another world...

White Night laughed leisurely, smoking her cigarette.

After a moment of silence.

I slowly opened my mouth.

"Fine. I'll do as you say. But I have a condition too."

White Night raised her eyebrows, signaling me to continue. I went on.

"Show me your sincerity first."


"The monsters invading in this defense battle... the Bird Monster Legion, deal with them yourself."

Let's skip Stage 24 for free.

It was a shot in the dark, but White Night surprisingly nodded readily.

"That's easy as pie. Is that all you need?"

"Just verifying your sincerity."

"Deal. I’ll gladly kill that Bird Monster King for you! Don’t worry. Your winter will be very peaceful."

Then White Night leaned in close to me.

"But Player, you know, right?"

Her tricolored eyes and mine locked in a stare.

"You can’t just take my goodwill and not deliver. If you do, I'll make you pay back several times over later."


"Let’s both make sure it’s a wise and satisfying deal."

White Night slowly pulled away from me.

That's when it happened.


A tear appeared in the darkness from afar, and a blinding light burst forth. I squinted towards it.

Emerging from the split darkness was a familiar figure.

Draped in tattered robes, long white hair trailing on the ground.

Holding a dazzlingly bright, ancient iron sword –

The dungeon’s merchant NPC and the rightful heir to the Lake Kingdom.

Princess Nameless appeared.


Nameless swung her sword, cutting through the darkness as she rushed forward and shouted urgently.

"I'm here to save you!"

"Oh dear, this is unexpected."

White Night clicked her tongue and quickly ducked away.

"The valiant Champion of Light has come to rescue the frail prince. The evil witch better run away quickly."

"Even you seem to have trouble handling that friend of yours, don't you?"

"Well, yeah. For monsters like us, that princess’s 'light' is the worst possible match. But..."

White Night chuckled briefly.

"That won't last long.""...?"

"That princess, she's reaching her limit."

Leaving these meaningful words behind, White Night snapped her fingers.

"I'm going to make my escape now! Let's both keep our promises~"

As she snapped her fingers, the table with food and drinks, and the smoking pipe all disappeared, and White Night too was enveloped in a thick fog-like darkness and vanished.


Nameless, who had swung her sword at the empty air where White Night had been, gasped for breath roughly.

"Haa! Haa! Haa... Did she escape?"

With the departure of the Nightmare Legion commander, the darkness around slowly began to recede. Only then did I realize where we were.

Endless rows of seats and a huge stage.

Dungeon Zone 8. The Grand Theater.

The final dungeon of Zone 8 and the stronghold of the Lich Legion. They had dragged me here...!

Fortunately, no other monsters were in sight. It seemed White Night had taken care of them all.

I quickly ran towards the gasping Nameless.



Nameless smiled weakly with an exhausted face.

"Again with the reckless actions."

"It's you who’s reckless... You came all this way to save me?"

"I happened to run into your subordinates... They told me you were kidnapped, begging me to save you. So, I rushed here immediately."

"Are my subordinates safe?"

"They are strong. Even swept up in this darkness, they all survived."

I tried to rush over and support the staggering Nameless, but she refused and then collapsed onto the floor.

"Go back to your subordinates quickly."

"And you?"

"...I'll rest here a bit and then return."

Nameless shook her head slightly.

"Don't worry. I'm just a little tired... A bit of rest, and I'll be fine."magic

Behind Nameless, something unprecedented was there.


The darkness, like iron chains... binding a prisoner's legs, was wrapped around her back and limbs, sprawling on the ground.

Seeing her entwined in this unfamiliar thing, a sense of unease overwhelmed me.

- Nameless realized that her fate was nearing its end.

The words of Coco the Severer ominously echoed in my mind.

The image of the final boss, 'The Sleepless Lake Princess,' whom I had defeated once in the game, also flashed before my eyes.


I still didn't understand why Nameless transformed into such a state at the end.

Nor did I know how to save her.

Yet, I firmly said, wanting to give her what I could.

"I've been looking for you, too."

I had been searching to meet her again for quite a long time, but due to Nameless's seclusion, I never had the chance to tell her.

At my words, Nameless blinked in confusion.

"Me? Why?"

Her eyes, once clear as a tranquil lake, were now clouded with fatigue.

Looking into those eyes, I smiled warmly.

"I created an alliance in the outside world called the World Guardian Front. All the free-willed nations have joined... It's a coalition fighting against the monsters."

"You've accomplished such a thing in the meantime? Impressive, Ash."

"Join us."


The hazy look in Nameless's eyes suddenly sharpened.

As she looked at me in confusion, I nodded my head.

"As a representative of the Lake Kingdom and as one who fights against darkness... you and the Lake Kingdom should also join the World Guardian Front."


"After all these battles are over... when the Lake Kingdom returns to the world of light, to become a part of the world once again. It's necessary."

Nameless, with a dazed expression, listened to my words. Her parched lips slowly moved.

"Return? Really, can my country return?"

The black iron chains wrapped around her limbs shivered and vibrated.

"Can I... escape this darkness and enter into the light?"

--TL Notes--

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