’First on the list, the magician, Lilly.’

I quickly skimmed over the mediocre stat window and launched Lilly’s trait tab.

[Lilly (R)]

- Equipped Trait (1/3)

Flame Skin

There it was!

Just as anticipated, straight from the game. Flame Skin.


[Flame Skin]

- A trait evolved from an extreme fear of being touched. Transforms your body into flames to evade physical attacks. Depletes MP with each dodge.

It was a commendable defensive trait. A fine trait, but the hitch was that Lilly was the primary damage dealer of this party.

And she was a fire mage with a significantly high mana consumption.

The moment Lilly begins taking physical blows, it signals the party teetering on the brink of annihilation.

And in such a predicament, instead of triggering this trait, one should attempt to wring out the remaining mana to conjure an offensive spell.


That would be the tactic in a typical game.

But the current scenario was extraordinarily unique. I was scheming to actively exploit this trait.

’Next, the shield-bearing knight, Ken.’

I opened the trait tab in Ken’s stat window.

[Ken (N)]

- Equipped Trait (1/3)

Urchin’s Survival Method

There it was. The Urchin’s Survival Method.

[Urchin’s Survival Method]

- A habit nurtured during your urchin days. When danger is sensed, you drastically diminish your presence, escaping the attention of those around you. Drains a considerable amount of HP with each use.

Again, an impressive trait. If only Ken wasn’t a shield knight.

Ken was a shield knight who goaded enemies from the front line, grabbing their attention and bearing the hits with his physique.

But a stealth trait?

And it drains a significant amount of HP.

It would make sense for a rogue class or another melee damage dealer, but for Ken, a shield knight, it was a clashing combination.

But, I needed to exploit it.

Since orthodox methods are futile right now, I have to harness every variable within my reach.

’And finally... Damien.’

Swallowing my parched saliva, I opened Damien’s stat window. Please, let it be there, please!

The traits of the other characters were merely supplementary, just extra gimmicks we could utilize.

But Damien’s trait was, throughout this entire game, the most disruptive factor. It was absolutely indispensable for strategizing!


[Damien (N)]

- Equipped Trait (1/3)


There it was!

This insane game-wrecking trait was present here, in this reality, just as it was in the game.


- A trait acquired due to the gods’ blunder at birth. See what you want to see, hit what you want to hit.

It was truly absurd.

The description might be vague, but in the game, it was an outright insane trait that added +50 to individual field of view and +999 to accuracy.

In the game mechanics, if the accuracy score exceeds 100, no matter what you shoot, it unquestionably hits. But 999?

It simply means you hit, end of story. You could launch an arrow from one edge of the stage map to the other, and it would pinpoint a needle’s eye.

But the problem was... the one who possessed this trait was Damien, a healing priest.

In the game, the system placed restrictions on gear based on character classes.

Damien, being a priest healer, was only allowed to wield a staff. His skills were characteristic of an N-grade healer - nothing more than plain healing magic.

Healing skills always hit their mark, they never missed. But what use was it to have an accuracy as high as 999?

In the game, there was no means to take advantage of this. It was akin to a picture of a feast, a completely worthless trait. Merely a sadistic prank by the game developers.

’But this is reality.’

It could be employed.

And incredibly effectively at that!

‘Games are meant to be conquered.’The thoughts in my head started falling into place, beginning to forge the only pathway to victory.

‘They’ve thrust me into a level that’s unbeatable?’

A smirk formed on my face.

Unintentionally, the corners of my mouth began to rise.

Every time I discovered a strategy to breach a seemingly impervious level, I would wear this grin that made my viewers beg me to turn off the camera during broadcasts.

‘Then I guess I have no other option but to cheat...!’

Just hold on, you bastard who threw me into this.

I’ll absolutely clear this goddamn game. And grab you by the collar, and assuredly give you a punch you won’t forget...!


Back to the present moment.

I cast a glance at Lilly, Ken, and Damien.

“Lilly. You were stung by a fly in your childhood, right?”

Lilly’s eyes bulged in astonishment.

“How... how did you know?”

“It was a scar left by a horde of goblins that stormed the village. After that incident, you developed a phobia of flies and couldn’t even handle a kitchen knife at home, correct?”


“But you gained something as well.”

I fetched a dagger from my belongings and thrust it into Lilly’s hand.


Everyone was too taken aback to react swiftly, and Lilly was petrified in surprise.


The dagger passed through Lilly’s hand and lodged into the table. Lilly’s hand, pierced by the dagger, flickered with flames.

“After that occurrence, you gained this trait, Flame Skin.”


“As long as you possess enough magic, you can evade all physical attacks. Am I mistaken?”

Lilly, who was shivering, slowly nodded her head. I yanked out the dagger and stowed it back in my belongings.

“I apologize for demonstrating it so abruptly.”

“No, it’s... it’s okay, Your Highness. But how did you know...”

“That’s not the primary concern at the moment.”

I shifted the conversation and turned my gaze towards Ken.


“Ye, yes?!”

Ken, assuming that I would also hurl a dagger at him, recoiled in anticipation of an attack. I chuckled and signaled him.

“You were a thief in your younger years, correct?”


“You originated from a slum, with quite a few family members to provide for. It must have been grueling to keep everyone fed through petty theft.”

Ken remained stiff and didn’t respond, but his silence was confirmation enough. I nodded my head.

“You eked out a living through thievery until adulthood, and then immediately enrolled in the military as a volunteer. From there, you diligently worked your way up to the position of a knight... You’ve had a hard journey.”

"Uh, ah, how, how did you..."

"The crux of the matter isn’t how I unearthed your past. So, tell me, what are you capable of?"

I held the gaze of Ken, whose eyes were quaking.

"You have the ability to vanish from sight at will, right? Fade from the perception of others and become invisible?"


"Respond. Or do I need to offer yet another demonstration?"

"No, that’s not... Yes. I can do it."

"Good. Then you will follow my instructions."

I averted my gaze from the stunned Ken, shifting my focus to Damien, who had taken refuge in a corner.



"You have exceptional vision, don’t you? ’Excessively’ so."

Damien glanced at me, a scowl etched on his face. I crouched down to meet him at eye level.

"So the memory of your friend’s demise is etched vividly in your mind?"


"It’s as clear as if it’s playing out right before you, impossible to forget, isn’t it? That’s why you’re constantly in tears."

Damien remained silent, offering no response. I waited patiently."...He, he was a friend from my hometown. From the same orphanage."

It was after a few minutes that Damien found his voice. His tone was gruff.

"That orphanage was a dreadful place... when we turned fifteen, Ban and I fled."

Ban must have been his deceased friend’s name. I listened in silence.

"Ban was gifted with swordsmanship... and I was fortunate enough to have a talent for healing. We scraped a living as mercenaries."


"I was a third-tier mercenary, terrified of monsters and easily spooked at the sight of blood... Ban, already a top-tier mercenary, guided me. We toiled together, vowing to support our younger siblings back at the orphanage."

Damien hid his face behind his hands.

"But, he died. Just like that."


"A Black Spider targeted me when I was drained, and Ban shielded me, taking the brunt of its attack. He was ripped apart right in front of me! All in an effort to save someone like me!"

The rest of the party observed the weeping Damien with uncomfortable expressions.

"He wasn’t meant to die here. Ban had dreams and the skills to make them a reality. But here, in this place..."


"Why... why did you summon us here, Your Highness? Why? Is there a grand purpose to all this? Or are our lives, so easily expendable, merely a source of entertainment for you?"

Tears flowed from Damien’s parched eyes.

"Please resurrect Ban. My friend... I want my friend back...."

I quietly absorbed Damien’s words, then gave a slight nod.

"Detest me, Damien. Harbor resentment against me if you must."

I laid my hand on Damien’s shaking shoulder.

"But remember, your friend Ban sacrificed his life to protect you."


"And yet, are you just going to sit here and await your end?"

The trembling that had gripped Damien’s frame began to fade. I pushed more energy into my words.

"So, are you going to throw away the life your friend died protecting, simply because death is looming due to some worthless commander?"

"I... "

"You must fight."

My hand squeezed Damien’s shoulder a bit more.

"Seek vengeance!"


"Destroy the spiders, survive this mess! Make sure I get a taste of hell, too."

I wore a wicked smile.

"Damien. Do you wish to wipe out those spider creatures?"

Behind the smudged lenses, his large eyes still echoed fear, but they were steadier now.


"Do you wish to kill me as well?"

At my inquiry, the other party members recoiled in surprise.

Damien’s inner battle was short-lived, and his response was honest.



I let go of Damien’s shoulder and gestured towards myself with my thumb.

"Promise me this. If we survive this ordeal, no matter when that may be, your hands will be the ones to end my life."

"Your Highness?!"

Lucas, caught off guard, tried to interject, but a swift hand gesture from me silenced him.

"If the operation falls apart, we’re all destined to die anyway. But even then, it will be by your hand that I meet my end. This I promise, on the honor of the royal family."


"So... Even if it’s only for tomorrow, follow my orders."

As Damien gazed up at me, the turmoil in his eyes began to ebb. I grinned, pleased with the outcome.

Even animosity could be harnessed as fuel when needed.

Even if that animosity was directed at me, and I’d welcome it.

Damien made an effort to stand, eventually finding his footing.

I surveyed the four party members before me, a broad smile gracing my face.

Finally, my plan was in place.

"Alright, everyone."

Whether my strategy turned out to be a total failure or the ultimate winning move was yet to be seen.

All that remained was to make the final push.

"From this point forward, I’ll be issuing the commands!"

--TL Notes--

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to support me or give me feedback, you can do it at patreon.com/MattReadingmagic
