Lilly, standing before the kings, showed evident signs of tension.

Continuously swallowing dry saliva, Lilly turned to look at me.

"Your, your, your Majesty. Do I really have to do this...?"

"Of course. And you will do it very well."

I gently patted Lilly on the shoulder.

"Please, Lilly."



Wheeling her chair forward, Lilly stepped up. The dense gazes of the kings poured onto her.

One of the kings, an old man with a long white beard, asked in wonder.

"Who are you?"

"I, I am... Lilly."

"From which royal family? Or, are you a leader of some faction?"

"I am a commoner of the Empire. And, the Senior Mage at this frontline."


"A commoner? And a Senior Mage at that...? So, essentially a mercenary, is that it?"

Anger crept across the king's wrinkled face.

"This is a gathering of leaders from all over the world to discuss the future of the world! It's not a place for an ignorant commoner mercenary to step in! Can't you just step back?"


Lilly, her shoulders hunched, tried to step back.


But I stood firmly behind her, holding onto her wheelchair.

After smiling gently at Lilly, who looked back with a pale face, I faced forward.

"This mage, Lilly, has been a precious companion since my first battle."

Staring fiercely at the discontented old king, I growled.

"She has braved unimaginable, perilous battlefields, vanquished countless monsters, and set them ablaze."


"She is a commoner mercenary. But she is also a hero who has achieved great feats. Please treat her with the respect she deserves."

Reluctantly, the old king turned his head away. I smiled at Lilly once more.

"Lilly. It's okay."


"So... please."

Lilly's face grew a bit paler, but she bit her lip hard, held the seed in her bosom, and then...

Slowly, she began to speak.

"...It has been two years and six months since I first came to this frontline."

Lilly began her story calmly.

What I had asked of Lilly was... to tell the kings about her experiences at this monster frontline.

That was all.

Initially trembling, Lilly soon found stability and continued her story in peace.

Slowly. Without exaggeration. Just plainly.

How she ended up in this southern backwater.

Jumped into battle with a prince, parachuted into a commander's position, only to be severely wounded in the back.

Becoming unable to walk for life, confined to a wheelchair.

Wanted to retire but the commander wouldn't allow it, so she worked in the alchemy workshop.

Battling pouring monsters while seated in a wheelchair, going down to the dungeon below the lake...

Met Godhand.

Initially hated Godhand, as an elf had killed her family in her childhood.

But gradually opened her hearts to each other.

Eventually fell in love.

Through brutal battles, heartbreaking misunderstandings, and the festive nights that came...magic

Passing through fleeting happiness, then came winter.

Lost Godhand.

Before she could even despair, she realized she was carrying a new life in her womb.

Through countless torments and nights spent in tears...

Lilly decided.

To live with this child.


I stood erect behind Lilly, listening to all these stories.

The two years of stories were long, sometimes disjointed, and occasionally emotional. But all of it was true.

Initially, the kings' faces, not understanding why they had to listen to such a story, gradually turned serious.

Past the Spider Queen, the Vampire King, the Wolf King, the Goblin God King... up until the Medusa just a few days ago.

Facing the countless legendary monsters that had poured forth, she, a mere human, had done remarkable deeds. The battles her companions had fought.

And how this child, Sid, in her womb... came to be.Her not so short story came to an end. Lilly gasped for breath, her face pale.

"Thank you, Lilly."

In the silent meeting room, I gave Lilly a warm smile.

"Sid and you seem tired. Take a break."

"Yes, your Majesty."

Lilly bowed to the kings inside the meeting room and then slowly exited. Serenade gently pushed Lilly's wheelchair out.

"What a moving story."

The white-bearded old king from earlier stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"But why tell us this story?"

"Because the banner that this monster frontline, and... the World Guardian Front to be launched here, must hold was in that story."

I looked around at the kings and smiled.


And then, I asked.

"What makes us human?"


Faced with this sudden question, the kings were unable to respond. I continued.

"What makes us human? What differentiates us from those monsters?"

What makes a person human.

What divides a person from a monster.

Faced with such abrupt questions, the kings were silent, and I looked at each of them in turn.

"What makes us, who hate each other, come together here to talk? What exactly is our common ground?"


"I think it's... the fact that, no matter how much we hate each other, we can try to understand."

I know. It's a cliché and trite statement.

But sometimes people need cliché and trite stories.

"We are different."

I emphasized with my voice.

"Just by listening to Lilly's story, can we, who walk on two legs, understand even 1% of what it's like to be Lilly, who must spend her life in a wheelchair?"


That would be too much to expect.

"Lilly lost her whole family to goblins when an elven slave lowered the village walls in her childhood."


"But by hearing this story, can we fully understand the hatred she harbored for the elves, and the fear she had for the goblins?"


That would be too much to expect.

"Yet, to understand her heart for loving an elf despite all that. And her decision to bear and raise a half-elf child, conceived with that elf lover she lost."

I shook my head slightly.

"Can we dare to understand?"


Absolutely impossible. But.

"But we can try to understand."

I looked intently at the old king.

"We can lend an ear to the story of a mere commoner mercenary, and try to comprehend her pain. Just as you all would kindly treat your subjects."

People cannot understand each other's differences.

Those born in the desert cannot understand those born in the snow, and those who have not experienced war cannot understand those who have.

Those who have faced monsters and those who have not see the world differently.

"We are different. We have to be. Our origins, backgrounds, values, situations... everything is different."

There are more reasons to hate than to cherish each other.

There are unforgivable acts in the world, unbridgeable gaps. That is an undeniable truth.

"Yet, we are the same. Despite everything, we have gathered here."

Across the unbridgeable chasms, shouting indistinctly at each other, even cursing if need be. Because we can talk.

Yet, it's because we strive to understand, that's why... we are still human.

It's due to such efforts that the world hasn't lost its shape.

'Lilly and Godhand were completely different beings.'

Their disabilities were different, their races were different, their genders were different.

Lilly lost her family to elves, and Godhand lost his country to humans. There were countless reasons for them to hate each other.

But they tried to understand each other.

And as a result, a new life was born.

That's why I regarded this birth as great. And from this birth, I saw the path this frontline should take.

"The banner of this monster frontline is simple. Kill the monsters, protect the people."

From the beginning, now, and in the future. This remains unchanged.

"And a human being is an entity that tries to understand each other. That is how I define it here at this frontline."Even that much common ground is enough.

Just that much makes us the same people.

And if they are people, I will do whatever it takes to protect them.

As I paused in my speech to catch my breath, the old king with the white beard grumbled.

"...So, what's the point of this story?"

I faced the old king. He blurted out.

"If we can understand each other, then what? Are you suggesting those who hated each other until yesterday, join hands and dance here?"


"How absurd, third prince of the Empire. Even spreading gold and rights would barely grasp our hearts, and you spin such a dreamy tale. What for?"

The old king's voice grew more intense.

"Do you think you can sustain the frontline with just lofty ideals? Are you trying to keep us here just with ideals and causes?"

"Can't we?"


"If we are held here by just ideals, causes, and principles, is that not enough?"

The old king's face twisted in disbelief, but I smiled.

This is a fantasy world, after all. A world with the romance of kings brawling with each other.

Then, isn't it okay to expect a romance that pursues ideals over a few coins?

"Those who remain at this frontline should be people who, despite being different, try to understand each other."

I raised my voice.

"It doesn't matter if they were enemies, of different classes, slaves, or masters. For the next year, everyone here is part of one equal army, with a single goal."

I raised my index finger.

"To protect ourselves and our people from the monsters."


"If anyone here disagrees with this objective and this banner, please leave this frontline immediately. We don't need you."

"What, what did you say...?"

Not only the flabbergasted old king, but other kings' faces also hardened in shock.

I snorted. What, did they think I would prostrate and beg them to join the World Guardian Front?

Did they think I'd promise gold and rights, cling to their legs, and plead with tears?

Absolutely not.

On the contrary.

"If you can't resonate with this banner, with these ideals, there's no need for you to be here. Please leave the World Guardian Front immediately."

Then, the red-faced old king stood up as if he had been waiting for this moment.

"How arrogant, young prince! Do I look so foolish to stay after hearing such words!"

As he turned to leave, I smirked at his back.

"But it will be quite a sight to see the prestige of the countries that didn't join this frontline after the world is saved."


"What are you waiting for? Please go. Turn your back on the war to save the world, curse for not receiving gold and rights, and leave quickly."

The old king's shoulders tensed abruptly. I grinned.

"That cowardice will be remembered for generations. The international community will mock you forever."

Think about it, kings.

In one way or another, the World Guardian Front will be established.

And with a noble cause, carrying pure ideals on its back, it will fight to save the world.

And if the world does not perish, if the monsters are somehow held at bay.

The World Guardian Front, formed around the Empire and its allied nations, will undoubtedly exert significant influence on the world thereafter.

'Don't whine about a mere year of conscription, you short-sighted fools.'

If you do not participate in this World Guardian Front here and now.

In a year, or even starting right now, your country will be isolated in the international community, and your long-term plans will collapse.

If you can't even see this trend, how do you wear a crown?

'I'm not the one begging you to fight at this monster frontline.'

Politics is ultimately a battle of framing, of constructing narratives.

And framing can quickly draw a different picture, depending on how it's flipped.

'It's you who should be begging.'

Even if the Everblack Empire falters, it's still a world power, and I am the most likely to become the emperor.

The new world order I lead is right here at this World Guardian Front. There's even a cause and a justification.

Instead, it's you who should be crying and begging to fight alongside us, offering gold and rights if necessary, you fools...!

"Prince Ash..."

The old king turned, trembling with rage, and spat out.

"Are you... threatening me? Us?"

"Not at all. I am merely requesting. Very earnestly."

I smiled warmly at the kings. They looked at me with eyes filled with revulsion.

Really, I'm serious. I am asking. Sincerely. Purely.

But if they take it as a threat, well, that's on them.

--TL Notes--

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