Krrrung, krrrung...

Dark clouds that had been hovering over the Imperial Capital since morning gradually thickened,


And soon, the rain began to pour down.

Under the fiercely falling rain, the sight of Imperial Capital New Terra was surreal.

Throughout the city, clashes erupted between the citizens and the Aegis Special Forces.

The citizens struggled desperately to destroy the shutdown protocol magic circles installed beneath the city, while the Special Forces worked hard to prevent it.


In the center of the city, a black bramble tree proliferated as if nesting, with one large stem rising in the middle.

Enveloping the entire imperial palace, like a giant hand gripping it.

"This is a complete mess."

And outside the Imperial Capital.

Surrounded by the Imperial Capital Defense Force and the 2nd and 3rd Imperial Legions, Dusk Bringar let out a hollow laugh.

"Never thought I'd live to see such a scene."


Black smoke rose from various parts of the burning Imperial Capital. The flames were not easily quenched even by the pouring rain.

The black bramble tree that soared in the center of the Imperial Capital devoured its surroundings with a terrifying vigor.

Screams and shouts echoed throughout the city.

It was as if the end of the world had come.

"To think that New Terra would end up like this..."

A smirk formed on the lips of Dusk Bringar.

"What a world we live in."


Around the calm Dusk Bringar, the other kings of the World Guardian Front wore faces taut with tension.

The World Guardian Front had declared surrender.

They were disarmed and bound. Imperial Legion’s menacing spears and swords were pointed at them from all sides.

"Is this really okay..."

"What if they get angry and decide to kill us...?"

Apart from a few, everyone was trembling with fear. But Dusk Bringar remained unruffled.

She observed the opposing command.

The captains of the Imperial Capital Defense Force and the commanders of the 2nd and 3rd Imperial Legions were in a heated discussion.

"We must follow the orders of His Highness Fernandez!"

"Are you out of your mind? Didn't you hear what the real His Highness just said?!"

"If we make the wrong decision here, we become traitors! Act wisely!"


Dusk Bringar chuckled.

Even in such a world-ending situation, the sight of them seeking their own safety and preservation was quite amusing.

But the situation did not proceed as comically as one might expect. The Imperial Capital Defense Force and the other legion commanders drew their swords against each other.

"How dare you ignore His Highness’s orders, you traitor!"

"Who is His Highness? Fernandez is the real traitor! You are the traitors!"

"Drop your weapons! Surrender and we'll pretend this never happened!"

As the commanders drew their weapons, their subordinate officers also unsheathed theirs.

This caused the rest of the Imperial Legion, who had been pointing their weapons at the World Guardian Front, to turn their weapons on each other in confusion.

The tense situation was resolved in an instant.

The 2nd and 3rd Imperial Legions united against the Imperial Capital Defense Force, who supported Fernandez, pointing their weapons at them.

The power of the 2nd and 3rd Legions, who had heavy cavalry compared to the outnumbered Imperial Capital Defense Force, was significantly stronger in such close-quarters situations.

"Damn it...! These cursed traitors...!"

The commander of the surrounded Imperial Capital Defense Force, with a spear tip pressed to his throat, clenched his eyes shut and raised his hands.

"...I surrender."

"Subdue them! Capture all of the Imperial Capital Defense Force!"

The situation began to take a strange turn.

The Imperial Capital Defense Force, which had been one part of the encirclement, was completely subdued and forced to kneel on the ground.

And then the commanders of the 2nd and 3rd Legions approached the leadership of the World Guardian Front.


As the two legion commanders drew their swords, the kings of the World Guardian Front all swallowed dryly.

And then,

Tuk, tuk-tuk.

The two legion commanders skillfully used their swords to release the kings from their bindings.



Among the bewildered kings, Dusk Bringar calmly freed her wrists.

The two legion commanders then respectfully saluted Dusk Bringar.

"It's been a while, Dragon Lady."

"Hm. It has indeed. Have you been well?"The Bringar Duchy was originally a sister nation to the Everblack Empire.

Before diplomatic relations suddenly worsened and war broke out, the two nations had been closely interacting.

Moreover, as Dusk Bringar held a duuchess's title in the empire, she had extensive connections within it.

Additionally, unlike the 1st Legion that directly invaded the Bringar Duchy, the 2nd and 3rd Legions had no direct conflicts.

Now that the war between the two countries had ambiguously come to a halt, there was no reason for the old acquaintances to be hostile to each other.

"...I seek your counsel, Grand Duchess."

The two legion commanders, sweating profusely, looked towards the Imperial Capital.

"What should we do?"

"Haha, you really seek my advice in such a situation?"

"Weren't you a long-time guardian of His Majesty? And now you align with forces like Prince Ash..."

"If you could give us some assurance, perhaps we could act more decisively..."

The two legion commanders hesitated. Dusk Bringar narrowed her amber dragon eyes.

Even in this situation, their inability to act without orders from above and their attempt to find a way to escape responsibility was, in a sense, very soldier-like.

"No, I will not offer you any advice."

Dusk Bringar brushed off her wrists and stood up.

"You must choose and act on your own."


"Think for yourselves. What are you protectors of? The Emperor's orders? Or is it the lives of the citizens?"

The two legion commanders looked at each other and then nodded heavily.


"Then act accordingly. Having drawn your swords, shouldn't you cut something down?"

Dusk Bringar pointed towards the southern gate of the Imperial Capital.

"Go and open the gate!"

A mischievous smile appeared on the lips of the Dragon Duchess.

"And protect what you vow to protect."


West of New Terra. Plains.


Amid the pouring rain, the warship Geronimo slowly landed in the field. The massive body touched down, and the two propellers gradually ceased rotating.



Emerging through the hatch of Geronimo was a dwarf pilot - Kellibey.magic


Kellibey, his beard wet with rain, looked up at the sky.


More than a dozen airships surrounding Geronimo hovered in the sky.

Kellibey shouted towards them.

"Our fight no longer has any meaning!"

The airfleet didn't budge. Regardless, Kellibey continued.

"The world is falling apart, friends!"

Everyone here had heard the Emperor's speech and seen the situation in the Imperial Capital.

That's why the entire airfleet did not prevent the sudden surrender and landing of the enemy ship, merely watching the events unfold.

"What you need to do now is not to capture or shoot me down!"

Kellibey pointed with his thick finger not at the airships but at the Imperial Capital behind them.

"It's time to correct the mistakes you've made all this time!"


Imperial Capital Underground.

Drip, drip-drip...

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Rainwater seeped into the underground cavity as well.

Reyna, standing under the dripping rainwater, put a cigarette in her mouth.


Lighting it, smoke spread out.

The damp sewer smell mixed with the sharp scent of burning tobacco. Reyna, chewing on her cigarette for a while, slowly lifted her head.

Koong, kooong...!

The sight of the endless bramble palace soaring was visible from afar.

"...Looks like the situation is coming to an end."

As soon as Reyna finished speaking, a frantic voice came through the walkie-talkie attached to her waist.

「Reporting from the Special Forces Headquarters, Captain Reyna! The external magic circle of the shutdown protocol has now sustained over 30% damage!」


「Moreover, the 2nd and 3rd Imperial Legions and even the airfleet have betrayed us! All the magical troops on the city walls have been neutralized by them. The situation is extremely dire!」

"..."「There's a surge of surrenders from both the Special Forces and the magical troops! We're finished if this continues! We need a plan!」


「Captain Reyna! Are you listening?! Please inform His Highness Fernandez! We need orders-」

"Shut up."


Reyna turned off the walkie-talkie.

"Weren't you given an order at the start? Just stick to that. Is it that hard?"

Muttering to herself, Reyna stamped out the butt of her cigarette and turned around.

"Well, since my cigarette's done, maybe I should also... complete the order I received at the beginning."

The activation of the shutdown protocol.

That authority was with Reyna.

‘Over 30% damage? So what?’

This was a massive magic circle.

Even partially destroyed, it would still function. Its power might be reduced, and it may not exert even half of its intended effect, but what of it?

Such things no longer mattered.

‘I'll execute the order I received. That's my duty.’

That was all there was to it.

Whether it succeeded or failed was out of Reyna's hands a long time ago.

She would complete her mission.

For a soldier like her, that was enough.

And so, Reyna moved towards the central magic circle of the shutdown protocol-


She was stopped.

By her ankle.


Reyna let out a soft sigh and slowly looked behind - and then down.

"Ha, ha... urgh...!"

There was Junior, lying on the ground which was beginning to pool with rainwater, in a bloody and battered state. However, her eyes still shone fiercely.

She was holding onto Reyna's ankle, trying to stop her.

"...I told you, Junior."

Reyna, clicking her tongue, slowly aimed her fingertips at Junior.

"If you want to save your little remaining life, stop this nonsense."


Junior glared at Reyna, gritting her teeth.

She was no match.

Despite being harshly trained on the Monster Front over the past two years and having a certain pride in her abilities, she stood no chance against Reyna.

"Sure, as a magician, your talent may be one, no, several steps above mine."

Reyna muttered, shaking her head slightly.

"But as a killer... it seems I'm far superior."

In mano-a-mano combat.

Reyna's skill in ‘killing people’, honed over a lifetime as a soldier, was overwhelming.

Moreover, as a member of the shadow unit who had dealt with numerous allied magicians, her combat prowess as a grand magician was also tremendous.

On the other hand, most of Junior’s combat experience was against monsters.

In the art of killing people, there was a world of difference between Reyna and Junior.

After a few exchanges in the battle, Junior was driven into a corner, and Reyna ruthlessly tore her apart with magic.

And so - it came to this.

Reyna stood unscathed, while Junior lay miserably on the ground.

Tsk, Reyna clicked her tongue.

"Above all, you, you don't have the heart to kill me."


"How could you ever stop me with that attitude?"

Junior silently put more strength into the hand gripping Reyna's ankle.

Reyna shook her head slowly.

"This is reality."


"Someone as weak as you, who can't make a choice and hesitates... was never fit to be a magician in the first place."

A whirlwind began to gather at Reyna's fingertips.

"Since that attitude won't let you live long as a magician anyway, fine. I'll end it for you."


"Give my regards to your mother."


A wind bullet shot from Reyna's fingertips, aimed straight at Junior’s head.

--TL Notes--

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