Deciding to postpone the report until the following day due to the late hour, I indulged in a meal and took some time to rest.

I reasoned that I would only fret the night away if I listened to a problem I couldn’t immediately solve.

Having spent the entire day engrossed in the dungeon, I succumbed to sleep the moment I lay down. No dreams disturbed my slumber, just a profound sleep.

So, come morning, I promptly summoned Aider to the reception room.

"What do you mean, there are no reinforcements?"

When I probed further, Aider, who had been anxiously shifting his gaze, responded while watching my reaction.

"Well, isn’t the empire presently at war with the enemy nation on the western front?"



"From the central command, they’re claiming they’re amassing troops on the western front, pulling all the reserve forces from various locations. Naturally, there are no reinforcements to dispatch to this monster front..."


I narrowed my eyes. Something was amiss.

The Empire was always a nation in conflict. It was incessantly at war with neighboring countries, indifferent of day or night.

But suddenly, they pulled troops even from the cities in this southern wilderness?


Just when I happened to request reinforcements?


While something ominously suspicious was afoot, it was a situation where I was powerless to intervene.

I’m merely the commander of this monster front, I have almost no authority over the imperial forces. The most I can do is request support.

So, I must rely on mercenaries.

"What about the mercenaries? Are there any new recruits?"

"Any mercenaries arriving at the Mercenary Guild are being hired without exception. However, not many new faces have turned up yet...."

Aider’s voice trailed off.

To begin with, only a few days had lapsed since the last battle. Expecting the guild to be immediately filled with mercenaries was unrealistic.

I groaned, nursing a headache, my hand clutching my chin.


What to do? Reinforcements were crucial for progressing to the next stage.

Just then, Aider flashed me a subtle smile. What on earth?

"Is there a way to get more troops?"

"Well, there actually is...."

"You should have mentioned that Margraveier. Why were you keeping it a secret? Elaborate promptly."

"But it might cause you a headache."

"Is my headache the issue right now? The issue at hand is overcoming the next stage. Say it quickly. Where can we gather more troops?"

With his subtle smile undimmed, Aider gestured towards the outside of the room.

"Very well. Then, please follow me."

Aider led the way, and I quickly trailed after him.

"Your Majesty, have you awakened?"

That’s when Lucas, who unusually overslept, finally hastened over to join us. His hair was a tangled mess, this guy.

I gave Lucas’s disheveled hair a firm pat.

"Did you sleep well, Lucas? You seem to have had a good rest."

"I apologize for my tardiness, Your Majesty. The escort knight... "

"What’s with the constant apologies? Enough, let’s go. Aider seems to be leading us somewhere."

The three of us stepped outside the mansion. The morning air was rather crisp, perhaps owing to Margravey spring.

Aider promptly made his way to the stable and brought out three horses.

"We don’t have to go too far, but we do have to leave the city."

Lucas, who had quickly mounted a horse, asked,

"Where are we going now, Assistant Aider?"

"To the former lord."

Lucas and I opened our eyes wide in surprise. Aider repeated himself.

"We are heading to the mansion of Cross, the Margrave!"


What is a Margrave?

Simply put, it’s someone who safeguards the frontier.

Traditionally, a Margrave was usually a local feudal lord who effectively governed the region.

However, a Margrave possesses slightly more authority than a regular Margrave.

That’s because they’re tasked with protecting the frontier from enemy nations, monsters, disasters, and the like.

In other words, they’re not just local feudal lords, they’re also military commanders responsible for the region’s defense.

"From the time people first gathered here at Crossroads, the House of Cross has ruled here."

Upon leaving the city on horseback, we headed straight southeast. Aider continued explaining as we rode.

"The fortress’s name itself was derived from the name of the Margrave’s castle."The Cross family built the road. (TL Note: The Author is trying to be cheeky with the wording, he means that the Cross Family were the pioneers)

And so, the fortress built upon it was named Crossroad.

"It’s a prestigious family that has protected this place since the fortress was founded."

"But why would a Margrave give up his lordship here?"

I tilted my head, not understanding.

This place is a remote southern frontier far from the imperial center.

Frankly speaking, the Margrave here has more authority than the Emperor. The ruler of this land is the Cross Margrave himself.

However, he voluntarily abdicated his lordship and asked to be governed by the central authority.

This vacant lordship is where Prince Ash steps in, which is the beginning of the game scenario.

Giving up the land they’ve ruled from generation to generation? Why?

"There were various complicated circumstances. It’s better if you hear it directly."

Aider flashed a teasing smile, seeming to know something but not revealing it.

Oh, come on, give me a little spoiler!

"We’ve arrived. This is it."

After about a 30-minute horse ride, Aider stopped his horse. I glanced around, lifting my head.

On a hill where a grove of pine trees could be seen in the distance, an old mansion stood.

The mansion, with its faded, soft-lit walls, was covered with dense ivy, and its windows were so dusty that you couldn’t see inside.

It was evident at a glance that it wasn’t well-maintained.

"This place was originally built as a country house for the Cross family. The Margrave moved here after giving up his lordship."

"Do people still live here....?"

"Of course. I regularly send necessities here."

I dismounted from the horse. Lucas and Aider also followed suit. I cautiously approached the old mansion.

Why had the margrave, who should have ruled this region like royalty, renounced his lordship and taken shelter in such a place?

A storm of questions raged on.

Just then, as they crossed the mansion’s fence and stepped into the courtyard, a worn-out voice cut through the air.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Taken aback, they turned to find an alarmingly thin old man stepping out from the mansion, his face flushed as he barked out his words.

"Do you even know where you are? Just strolling in here, huh?"

He was a worn-out old man. His chin was hidden beneath an untidy beard, and his eyes were bloodshot.

A powerful stench of alcohol hung about him, suggesting he had been drinking only moments before.

The old man brandished an empty liquor bottle in his hand.

"Get lost, all of you get out of my house!"

While Lucas and I stood, frozen in surprise, Aider quickly stepped forward.

"Oh my~ Lord Margrave! How have you been? I am Aider!"

"Eh? You’re our aide, aren’t you? It’s been a while."

The old man’s demeanor visibly softened at the sight of Aider.

But this Aider, how had he addressed this old man? Lord Margrave?

’So this drunken old man is... the Lord Margrave of Cross?’

The former ruler of this city?

Aider carried on the conversation with the Lord Margrave of Cross.

"I was worried, so I came to see how you’re doing. Is there anything you’re uncomfortable with?"

"I’m doing well... but the booze you’re sending is a bit sparse. Send one more cart full of booze from next month."

"Oh my, you’re already drinking plenty. If you drink more, it’ll severely damage your health!"

"I’ve already decided to die drunk. Send more without arguing."

After a brief squabble about the alcohol delivery, Aider changed the subject.

"Now, Lord Margrave! More importantly, we have a guest! I’ve brought a guest!"

"What? A guest? Haven’t I told you not to let anyone find me?"

"Just have a little conversation. It’s a very important and special person."

Aider introduced me with a pointed finger.

"The newly appointed Lord! His Highness Prince Ash ’Born Hater’ Everblack!"

At the mention of my name, Lord Margrave’s eyes widened.

Lord Margrave and I locked eyes, and I offered a slight bow.

"Pleased to meet you, Lord Margrave of Cross. I am Ash, the youngest son of His Majesty the Emperor, and the newly appointed Lord of Crossroad."

Even if Ash is a wayward prince, he couldn’t speak disrespectfully to Lord Margrave.

It would be akin to a newly transferred lieutenant speaking casually to a senior officer.

So, I addressed the Lord Margrave with a somewhat awkward formality.

"I have come to consult with you..."

"Get out.""What?"

"Get out. Didn’t you hear me?"

With a stern face, the Lord Margrave gestured towards the exit. A dark and deadly intent swirled within his eyes.

I stood there, bewildered, facing the sudden disrespect from the Margrave.

This was crossing a line.

The Everblack Empire was founded on a rigid hierarchical system.

Regardless of how much Cross, the Margrave, professed to be the practical ruler who had overseen this place for generations, to dare to insult the crown prince at their first encounter? Moreover, to impose a ban on guests?

"You are insolent, Margrave! Let me remind you of the hierarchy between you and me..."


Just as I was about to speak, the Margrave unexpectedly hoisted something that had been resting at the mansion’s entrance.

It was an immense knight’s spear and a shield. Despite his frail, elderly frame, he lifted it as if it was weightless.

"...No need. Hmm."

I immediately backed away.

What did the act of wielding a weapon toward a royal family member signify in the Everblack Empire, a strict hierarchical society?

It meant he was a reckless madman.

And the best tactic when dealing with a madman is to steer clear. This is an eternal truth. Damn it.

"All of you, get out."

Cross, the Margrave, barked menacingly as he raised the tip of his spear.

"Get out while I’m still asking nicely! Get out!"

Lucas was about to charge forward in rage, but I raised my hand to halt him.

"...We will visit again, Margrave. I hope we can have a proper conversation then."magic

I led the departure from the mansion. Lucas, with a disgruntled face, and Aider, looking terrified, followed me.

As we retreated, the Margrave continued to holler at our retreating forms in a raspy voice.

"Don’t dare to show up again! Leave me in peace here! Understand?!"


Cross, the Margrave. Full name: Charles Cross.

He had never actually featured in the game "Protect the Empire".

However, I remembered that old man because he was the father of ’Evangeline Cross’, the strongest defender in the game.

Evangeline was one of the most sought-after characters among the SSR heroes appearing in "Protect the Empire."

Her extraordinary capabilities made her an essential acquisition for players, consistently ranking among the top five most desirable characters.

I desired her so intensely, I thoroughly scoured her profile, searching for any clues about her recruitment conditions.

There were no hints in her profile, but it did contain the name of Charles Cross, Evangeline’s father.

Thanks to that, I remembered.

’I have to somehow deal with that drunken old man.’

Having been expelled from the mansion, I was deep in thought.

’Addressing the shortage of troops is crucial, but it might also aid in recruiting Evangeline.’

As with other SSR-grade hero characters, recruiting Evangeline was a challenge.

Her appearance rate was low and the success rate of recruitment was likewise low. Even in my most determined attempts, I hadn’t managed to secure Evangeline.

But here was her father.

’Perhaps if I play my cards right, it could trigger a recruitment event?’

Crossroad was now visible in the distance. I glanced back.

"But how is that old grouch going to help us solve our troop problem?"

Aider was quick to answer.

"Lord Cross has his own private army. They’re elite soldiers, loyal only to him."


"If you could sway Lord Cross, his private soldiers would follow you, greatly helping our troop shortage."

"I’ll have to find a way to persuade him then..."

However, Lucas appeared skeptical.

"Do we really need to involve such a wild character? Plus, as a local, he could potentially disrupt your rule in the future."

"We need him regardless of the potential issues."

We could tackle problems as they arise. Right now, survival was paramount.

"But how do I even begin? He didn’t even let us hold a proper conversation."

"There is a method."

"Oh? What is it?"

Aider, wearing a self-satisfied grin, made a gesture like he was holding a drink and taking a gulp.

"There’s a way to cozy up to a drunk."

His meaning was unmistakable.

I muttered an expletive under my breath, spitting out a harsh word.

"Damn it."

I had hoped to lead a simple, diligent life, but this world just wouldn’t let me be. Damn it all.

--TL Notes--

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