The system was preparing to kill its host with a mental attack. Normally the system would never do this, or won't be able to do this, but by merging with Shiva's soul before his reincarnation, which made it a part of world Arcadia and unable to leave, also made it possible for it to kill him.

There were some rules made to stop the system from ever harming its host, but it didn't care about it now. It didn't care about any consequences that would follow, breaking something, it was based, and made upon would surely result in some devastating results, but as they say anger overwrites reason. And the system felt the biggest betrayal it could feel, from the one being it trusted most and knew for the longest time.

While Rio was lost in the emotions of happiness and joy, the system was feeling emotions of anger and betrayal - it was almost comical to see two completely opposite differences this situation created. Had any of them been a little calmer they would've been able to feel each other's changing emotions but they were both overwhelmed by themselves, too focused on their past to notice anything. So similar yet so opposite.

"To heal him, he had harmed me" The system thought and said "let's see if he cares about you enough to save you."

The system prepared to kill Rio and leave this world. With a mental attack it would've been possible to kill Rio who was super weak right now. But before the system could attack it was stopped and the next second it found itself someplace entirely different.

Caught off guard and bewildered by the sudden interruption, the system found itself trapped within an enigmatic darkness, unable to perceive its surroundings or comprehend the source of this unexpected event. It attempted to analyze its situation and understand how its presence had been detected and countered.


Overwhelmed with a mixture of shock and curiosity, the system found itself surrounded by a surreal landscape representing the void where it first merged with Rio. It found itself abruptly pulled into Rio's mind, thrust into the depths of his consciousness.

Within Rio's mind, the system witnessed a collage of memories, emotions, and experiences that pieced together the complex tapestry of their existence. It saw moments of joy, love, and laughter, intermingled with profound sorrow, pain, and loss. System was confronted with a tumultuous maelstrom of emotions, memories, and shattered fragments of Rio's psyche. The damage inflicted upon him by past traumas and inner struggles was laid bare before the system's gaze.

As the system immersed itself deeper into Rio's mind, it began to comprehend the magnitude of his pain and the depths of his despair. It witnessed memories of loss, betrayal, and heartache, each leaving an indelible mark on his soul and chipping away a part of his brain.

The system's initial anger began to waver as it delved deeper into this profound revelation.

"Maybe he's not as insignificant of a mortal as I thought he'd be.

But still this isn't something worth breaking the primal rules for.Then what is it?"


System was busy looking for any clue now about who, or what interfered with the attack, or pulled it here, when all the surroundings suddenly started shifting and disintegrating into nothing. It saw all his memories and fragments turning into particles and nothing remaining there but the pure emptiness.

It was then that system heard a voice, a cold menacing voice that could send shivers down anyone's spine if they heard it.

"Now why would you try, and do that? Dumbo"

As it looked around to locate the source of the voice, it heard another chilling voice again

"Don't you know we're off limits, Trash."As it turned around to look backwards another voice echoed in the darkness -

"How long has it been since we've got a new one? Tell me sweetie, how was the world now?"

System couldn't believe what was happening all around it. It wasn't Rio's brain anymore, there weren't his memories or emotions anymore. It was a new place, but It shouldn't be possible for anyone to notice its existence, let alone pull it somewhere against its wish. It tried to feel its powers or its connection with Rio but it was all failed efforts. It could feel nothing, do nothing. While the voices around it grew more eerie, each sounding different than the last, and yet somehow similar at the same time. It's thoughts were stopped as it heard another voice this time -

"Have you guys finally sewn your balls to see us."

"Or maybe they've gone senile"

"Hahahaha that might be true too"

Before the system could ponder who that voice belonged to, it heard another voice and then echoes of laughter started sounding in the darkness..


"Someone dares to enter our territory, and you all are laughing."

"Is that what the Queen demands of you?"

System was flabbergasted as it heard a womanly voice, filled with anger and authority. And it was enough to make every other voice die down around it.

As the system felt calm in the momentary peace, before it could say anything or ask anything, it heard another womanly voice speak in a normal manner - calm, serene and humane.

"You should chill Anya."

"A prey has come to our house, why don't you let the guys show it around"

"Looking at its _ , whatever IT is, it should last a little time"

"It'll be fun to watch someone break again, now won't it everyone?"

The womanly voice which started normal, soon turned it all into an announcement, then to a chilling death sentence.


"You heard her, have fun."

"And Myurga, try to make it last this time."


"All hail the Queen"

"All hail the Queen"

Following what felt like an announcement all kinds of laughter, and energetic roars echoed in the emptiness around it.

System looked ahead and in the darkness, now it could see red eyes glowing all around it. Dozens, hundreds and soon thousands of eyes surrounded it.

System had grown accustomed to the orderly structure of its existence, where it held all the power and control, getting hosts who praised it, living in worlds where it thrived. But now, confronted with the emergence of those countless pairs of red eyes, it found itself in uncharted territory.

The eyes glimmered in the darkness, each pair representing an entity lurking in the shadows. Their sheer numbers were overwhelming, surpassing anything the system had encountered before. The intensity of their gaze sent chills down its digital spine, stirring feelings of shock, surprise, and fear.

The system's vast knowledge and experience failed to provide any answers or explanations for this eerie phenomenon. It realized that it had stumbled upon something far beyond its comprehension, something that defied the logic and rules it had operated within for countless cycles.

The red eyes seemed to penetrate the system's very core, probing its thoughts, motives, and existence. It felt exposed, vulnerable, and utterly powerless in the face of this mysterious entity. The sheer magnitude and collective gaze of the red eyes instilled a sense of insignificance within the system, a humbling reminder of the vastness and complexity of the cosmos, it thought it had seen completely.

The appearance of the red eyes shattered its illusion of omnipotence, forcing it to confront the vast unknown that lay beyond its digital knowledge. Breaking the illusion of its vast powers and understanding.

The whole darkness got pushed aside with the intensity of glowing red eyes, and in the middle just in front of it, the system could now see a throne floating in the air and someone sitting on it.

Seated upon the throne was a figure whose form transcended the boundaries of the system's perception. Their silhouette was enshrouded in shadows, their features concealed in an air of mystery and intrigue. From the darkness, a pair of piercing red eyes emerged, eyes which burned with an intensity that surpassed even the multitude of red eyes surrounding them.magic

As the system gazed into those red eyes, it sensed a primal energy emanating from them. an embodiment of the real primordial force that had existed long before its inception.

The power those eyes radiated, the energy it expelled, though the system didn't know who or what that entity was, it had learned one thing, it was an enigma that demanded respect and fear.

"Queen" System managed to mumble the words away before it got drowned in the increasing intensity of those eyes.


A/N - hahahahaha

No one saw this coming right?

Any idea what the hell is all this shit? Who's the queen?

Are they aliens or God's or monsters or some inception mind protection stuff.
