As Rio calmed down his thoughts started going back to normal, he got up from his bed and decided to take a walk outside.

Shiva loved the night sky, he could just lie down and keep staring at it till he fell asleep. He missed that now. The sky and environment of Arcadia weren't much different from earth on a base level, it just grew richer and more beautiful because of mana.

Rio strolled along the open hallways, the cold wind brushing against his face as the sky gradually transformed into shades of twilight. The evening sky gradually darkened, revealing the twinkling stars one by one. As he walked, he allowed himself to be immersed in the beauty of the setting. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds and crickets created a serene symphony that calmed his brain. The rhythmic sound of his own footsteps echoed in the quiet corridors, a reminder of his own presence in this vast space.

Rio paused for a moment, leaning against a balcony railing, and gazed up at the starlit sky, lost in his thoughts about the impending dinner conversation with his parents. He contemplated the questions they might ask, mentally preparing his responses. Now that worries of his awakening had ended, he had to think about how to explain the methods he used and why? Artemis and Agnus would surely ask him about the mana suction method and about Nyx.

As he immersed himself in his thoughts, a familiar voice called out his name, interrupting him. Rio turned around, his eyes looking in surprise as he saw Amelia, standing there. She had a mischievous smile on her face, radiating an innocence that always warmed his heart.

The face of Ria came to his mind and she looked just like her now. Her black hair cascaded in soft waves, framing her delicate face with an irresistible innocence. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and wonder, reflecting the purity of her soul. Dressed in a loose night dress of delicate pink, she looked just like a vision of pure sweetness. The dress, adorned with playful patterns and ruffles, added an extra touch of whimsy to her already adorable appearance.


But it was her smile that truly captivated those who beheld it. An innocent smile, brimming with genuine joy and warmth, adorned her rosy lips. With each grin, her dimples peeked out, adding an extra layer of charm to her already angelic countenance. Her infectious laughter and boundless energy brightened even the dullest of days.

"Brother!" Amelia exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "I've been looking for you everywhere! Why are you standing here all alone?"

Curiosity piqued, Rio approached Amelia, a mixture of surprise and calmness filling his mind. Just looking at her face had that effect on him.

Amelia spread out her hand and showed him a small box wrapped in some messy colored papers. The cover of the box was adorned with colorful doodles and patterns, each stroke a reflection of her playful imagination. Though it may not have been meticulously crafted like a professionally made gift, its imperfections only added to its charm.

"This is something I got for your awakening, but mama put me to sleep and I couldn't give it to you before. You're not angry are you, it's all mama's fault. I should complain to father."

"Here, take it, open it and see if you like it or not. I had to work real hard to get this. Not like you who got me Mr Bear by cheating my money." Rio was surprised and curious as he looked at Amelia's gift, this would be the first gift he receives from her or anyone else in Arcadia. He smiled when he heard Amelia talking about it non-stop, with a warm smile on his face, Rio extended his hand to accept the gift box from Amelia.


As his hands inadvertently brushed against Amelia's while accepting the gift something happened that pulled his thoughts out from this happy moment. He couldn't help but glance at his status screen which suddenly started floating in front of his face.


[New shop item unlocked _

[Check to see details -

Rio looked at the notification and was surprised as according to the system he needed to meet certain requirements to access the items, but in just one day 2 out of 4 items were opened and he didn't know how or why?

Rio gave a command in his mind to open shop menu, as he was curious what this new item was -

[Host has met the set requirements to use the 2nd item given by ???



However, as his eyes scanned the information before him, a mixture of shock and disbelief washed over Rio's face. He knew that Amelia was similar to Ria, but he never expected it to be _ .

His heart skipped a beat as he tried to understand what it truly meant. The realization filled him with a mix of curiosity, excitement, and a tinge of fear.

Caught off guard by this startling revelation, Rio's steps faltered, and he instinctively began to retreat from Amelia. His mind raced, trying to process the newfound information he learned. The weight of this revelation was too much to bear in that moment, leaving him feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed.

Leaving Amelia momentarily stunned and confused, Rio hurriedly made his way down the hallway, he needed to be alone and some time to collect his thoughts. The mix of emotions swirling within him—astonishment, uncertainty, happiness, fear, nervousness —made it difficult for him to fully comprehend the magnitude of what he had just read.

As he walked away, the echoes of his hurried footsteps resonated in the corridor, reflecting the turmoil within his mind. magic

Amelia, left bewildered by her brother's sudden departure, stood there with the gift box still in her hands, her innocent eyes filled with questions and concern. She couldn't comprehend what had just transpired. Why did her brother leave so suddenly? Did she do anything wrong? Why did he look at her like that? Why was he crying again?

Remembering the sad look in her brother's eyes a slight tremor coursed through her delicate frame, and a single tear welled up in her eye.

Feeling the moisture gathering in her eyes, Amelia blinked rapidly, trying to hold back the tears. Yet, the memory of the sadness etched on Rio's face remained vivid in her mind, tugging at her heartstrings.

In that moment, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed Amelia. She felt a surge of empathy, yearning to understand the hidden turmoil that Rio seemed to be wrestling with. A sense of helplessness washed over her, for she didn't possess the maturity or insight to understand his emotions like her mother did.

Amelia clutched the gift box tightly against her chest, the vibrant colors of the wrapping paper blurred by the gathering tears. Amelia wiped away the tears that had escaped her eyes, and started walking towards her mother's room. If she couldn't understand him then she could ask her mother for help.


Rio in a hurry reached his room and closed the door behind him, the weight of his racing thoughts and overwhelming emotions crashed upon him like a tidal wave. He stood there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling in rapid succession. Each inhalation felt labored, as if the air itself couldn't fill his lungs quickly enough to calm his racing heart.

Feeling the need for support, Rio's legs gave way beneath him, and he slowly slid down to the floor, his back pressed against the door. With his palms pressed firmly against the ground, he sought stability, a momentary respite from the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume him.

Confusion, fear, and a deep sense of vulnerability swept over him, leaving him feeling raw and exposed.He closed his eyes, attempting to find solace in the darkness behind his lids. After that ignoring everything he called for system and with his trembling hands opened the notification -

[Host has met the set requirements to use the 2nd item given by ???

??? wishes you another chance and a happy life ahead of you

--------- Memory crystal (Ria - host's sister, planet earth) 🔻

Cost --- 60000 SP


A/N - Guess you didn't see this one coming this way huhh.
