When Rio reached Artemis, she was standing outside the training grounds, watching over Amelia's physical training. Asher was training her today or more like playing tag with her, as they were just running in circles for now.

Artemis looked at Rio and said - "Are you feeling fine now."

"Yeah, don't worry. It was just a nightmare." Rio reassured.

Artemis nodded her head, while saying - "Don't stress too much, once your body is perfectly fine, the effects of the curse will all vanish. Till then just take proper rest."

"Okay." Rio replied, while busy watching as Amelia was now laying on the ground, huffing loudly while Asher was standing a little far from her acting to be tired. Rio smiled a little when he saw Amelia suddenly stand up and jump to catch Asher off guard, only to fall face first on the ground.

Artemis too looked at the scene, said without turning her head - "Myra said you're planning on taking the potion first. Any reason why you're feeling confident about it."

"The book had detailed information about the potion recipe and it's effects. It's a completed research journal, so don't worry." Rio said while looking at Artemis trying to see what she was thinking, only to be stumped cause he couldn't read any expression on her face.


Artemis finally turned her head and looked at Rio, and this time asked in a much serious tone, while looking at Rio's face Unblinkingly - "Myra also said you're planning to get a slave from Belmonts."

Artemis watched as Rio's face turned serious at that mention and gone was the playfulness from before, she then continued - "You do know that even if we don't fight within ourselves. The other Duke's families are our competitors, Plus your father doesn't like slavery, you sure about your decisions."

Rio took a deep breath, knowing all his future plans depended on this moment. if he couldn't convince Artemis, then there's only one option left for him and that is to act as a seer.

'I really don't want to take that route. Though it would benefit me at the beginning but as the plot progresses and I change stuff, my seer card will turn useless.'

Rio opened his eyes and said in a serious tone - "She is Esme's sister, mother."

Rio watched as Artemis had her eyes widened, a surprised look for a second and then her eyes started turning red in anger.


'So she already knows about Esme. Fuck'

Artemis was surprised cause just yesterday she figured about Esme being a vampire spy, who was using a bloodline suppressor artifact to conceal her vampire traits. Artemis thought that Rio was doing this cause he was emotionally attached to her or maybe it was one of Esme's schemes to ruin the relationship between 2 Duke houses.

Rio already expecting what Artemis was thinking, continued saying - "I already knew about her secret mother."

If Artemis was surprised at learning that there were spies planted in her house then now she was shocked that her own son who knew about it, had hidden the fact. "How and since when?" - she asked, her tone a little bit colder now.

Rio without avoiding her eye contact said - "It's been a long time." Rio watched as Artemis clenched her fists in anger but before she could ask anything else, he took the charge for the conversation and continued - "She's not the enemy mother. At least not now. She was also the one who told me about Beric and Chiron, and in return I promised to help her in freeing her sister. "

Artemis took a deep breath to calm down as she thought about everything that I said and any possible motive for Esme in helping us catching the traitors. When she couldn't figure that out, she asked the other question - "You still haven't explained how you knew about her being a vampire and why you decided to keep that information to yourself."

"I had signed a contract for secrecy, mother. Before you ask, it's not with Esme , and I can't tell you anything else about this. Not till my awakening atleast." Rio said.

"You didn't agree on becoming an avatar of some God, did you?" Artemis asked in a high pitched tone. She forgot all about previous problems, this one took all priorities, if her son is tricked into being an avatar of some random God - the effects it could have on his future would be unimaginable.


*** [Becoming an ������ meant being selected as a chosen one of any God. Now this is good news, as you can get the full legacy and all of the powers of that God. But it also brings you trouble too, as that God's sole successor - his followers, his friends and his enemies will all take notice of you. And getting thrown in that mess while not having the strength to protect yourself, would only lead to certain death.

-- Though losing an avatar would affect the God too, as they'll lose one of their power for forever, which their avatar was most proficient in. But some Gods still trick people just to entertain themselves.-- One God can only have one avatar at a time. but Blessings can be given to anyone,anytime without any restrictions but the avatar/chosen one needs the approval of both parties.]


Rio held her hand and said in a calm tone - "Of course not mother. It was only about me not sharing their identity till my awakening, nothing else. Don't worry."

Hearing his words Artemis calmed down, as the worst results that she expected didn't happen, but still a God who hides his/her identity, was a big red flag in her eyes. She got lost in her thoughts as lots of questions started rising up -magic

'Is it a fallen God or some evil one?'

'why would they sign a contract with a kid?'

'when did this even happen, why didn't she know'

'and what kind of God watches when their contractee is cursed & dying'

'should I ask her for help. her magic is practically a loophole for secrecy contracts'

When the last thought crossed Artemis's mind, she finally calmed down. It looked like she had found the perfect solution and in a way she had. But Rio didn't know anything, so he was relaxed seeing Artemis. If he did he'd be cursing his luck for N'th time today.

After all, Artemis planned to ask for help from someone who was the avatar of greek goddess Psyche, her sister - the queen of Schilla - Athena von Schott, Also known as seer of soul.


As Artemis had figured out a way to learn the secret identity of this God or whoever it is, she had calmed down. About Rio's request for helping Esme's sister, since Esme did help them in catching the traitors and all she asked in return was freeing a slave, she agreed too. But Rio's next words surprised her again.

"I also want you to release Esme from prison, mother." he said.

Artemis glared at him and asked - "Why?"

"Because she's not the one who cursed me." said Rio.

"Even if she didn't, I won't allow her to stay anywhere near my children. And that's the end of it." Artemis said in a stern tone, clearly stating her final terms.

"That's _ fine. At least she'll be alive." Rio sounded disappointed like he reluctantly agreed since he had no other choice. While in his heart he was jumping happily that he finally did it.

Artemis smiled and pulled his ear - "Don't try to act smart with me kid."

Rio whose head turned 45° sideways as Artemis rolled his ear, said trying hard to act just like how original Rio used to in these situations - "Ahh ouch ouch mother it hurts."

"Say this is what you wanted right." replied Artemis pushing his hand away with mana.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rio said as he looked the other way, trying to whistle but all he did was blow air.

"Don't forget I'm your mother my dear Rio. and you are still a 10 year old kid." said Artemis as she let go of his ear, which was now deep red in color.

'She really does like to tease & torture her kids huhh' - Rio thought as he massaged his ear which was stinging in little pain now.

"Hmmm should I share what you used to do when you were my age. Aunt Athena was a little too happy to tell me all about your secret adventures, when she visited us last time." Rio said in a smug smile, after all he knew all too well what kind of character this villain's mother had. It was only after she married into Blake Family that her personality changed a little, otherwise she was practically a soaring trouble magnet.Artemis coughed and avoided the look, while thinking about teaching her sister a lesson on not spilling her secrets to her son.


Far away from Damascus, in the capital city Haven, an enchantingly beautiful lady who was currently playing with a little girl, had a shiver run down her spine as she looked towards the North direction, confused by this sudden instinct to hide. As for just confirming her doubts, she heard a sweet voice in her head which said - "It was nice knowing you human. we'll meet each other soon."

The lady pouted in response as she thought - 'Damn Psyche, you better save me if something happens. I'm your favorite girl right.' Which earned a soft chuckle from the voice as a response and nothing else.

'looks like one of the kids ratted me out' The lady said in her heart.

"I warned you to keep quiet." the voice said.

The lady looked at the little girl playing alone and thought - 'Should I cancel her birthday celebration.'


Artemis cleared her throat and asked - "So what do you plan to do with Esme?"

Rio said - "Her sister is sick, and she promised me some gifts, if we take care of her."

"Gifts which were enough to entice you, my little Rio. Are you getting greedy or is she being generous." Artemis asked in a teasing tone, intrigued to learn what kinds of gifts this vampire promised which could make the heir of a Duchy agree for help.

[Though Rio was a kid, he was taught by the best people in the empire, so his knowledge about the world was far beyond what kids his age should have, plus the genes of 2 geniuses also helped. So no one doubt why Artemis didn't think Rio agreed to help for a lollipop.]

- "Don't worry, I'll share." Rio said while smiling.

Artemis just hummed a little and said - "That aside, it looks like you've been keeping lots of secrets from me Rio. Do you not trust us Or did you grow up too fast."

Now this was a question which stumped Rio, as he had no answer for this. Though he could continue lying like he did till now, but something told him that Artemis won't ignore this.

So he used his trump card, the divine move, an act that he knew would never fail, something which he learned from original Rio's memories. He went ahead and hugged Artemis and planted a kiss on her cheeks, as he said - "I'm always my mama's boy. So just trust me this once, pretty please."

Artemis smile bloomed on her face as she heard those words and said - "Fine."

'Damn so embarrassing' Rio thought as he looked at Artemis's face but a little smile did form on his face as he watched her smile.

Artemis patted his shoulder and said - "But you better explain everything before Rebecca's birthday."

She smiled a little when she saw the shocked look on Rio's face and thought 'that's what you get for trying to act smart with your mother. humph'

With that she left to play with Amelia, who was now hiding behind a tree, peeking every few seconds, holding her laugh as she looked at Asher looking around for her.


Rio who was left standing there alone, had a grim look on his face after hearing those words, as he understood the true meaning behind them, he thought - 'dammit. solved one problem and another arises.'

'I could've fooled Artemis by putting all the blame on the goddess who will give her blessing to me during the awakening, but how the hell did I forget about her powers.she'll know everything in just one glance.'


'Though on a side note, I do wonder what my soul would look like in her eyes.'

'wait , am I getting distracted so easily - damn being a kid sucks'

"I should just go and get my vamp first"

