The Albarian Capital

“I understand that none of you wish to accept this, but the Crimson Blade has betrayed us,” the emperor declares within the Council of Generals, uncaring of the dismissive glares being sent his way by the others.

The Eighth General leans his cheek against his hand, his elbow resting on the seat as he says, “Lysandre, with all due respect – what little respect you deserve at least – it’s only been a week since we sent them out. And Warrant Officer Crimson is not the only one yet to return.”

Before the emperor can say anything, the Fifth General speaks up, “Just admit it, emperor, you simply want to discard your blade now that she is growing out of your control. Or am I wrong?”

The generals all know perfectly well that the emperor's influence and power have been slowly dwindling throughout the last decade. Especially after he killed the Crimson family, not that they could find any proof to arrest him for it.

Even his wealth, which boosted a large part of his remaining influence, has decreased.

And now that his influence is starting to hit rock bottom, not one of the generals believes he won't try something to get rid of the girl.


“How dare-” the emperor begins, only for a hologram to appear at the center of the council chamber showing the Fourth General with a wide smile on her face.

“The teams belonging to Captain Striker, Captain Vargos, and Warrant Officer Crimson have all returned with excellent news!” she exclaims, a sort of smug excitement on her face as she glances at the emperor. “Warrant Officer Crimson has destroyed five of their food storage huts and three of their weapons storage huts, along with the food and weapons inside of them. She also caved in a tunnel connecting the base at the end of the Mountain Pass too, further in the Great Divide.” Her smile turns into a grin. “All while returning safely and without any trouble.”

All nine of the generals look at the emperor, taking more than a little amusement with the shock, fear, and disgust on the man’s face before the First General stands up from her seat and declares, “For her efforts in the war against the invaders and everything she has done against the Arterians, I hereby promote Warrant Officer Crimson to First Lieutenant, skipping past the rank of second lieutenant! Are there any who oppose this promotion?”

None of the generals oppose, each voicing their own support. Regardless of whether they care about the Crimson Blade or not.

Because every general agrees that she deserves the promotion.

On the other hand, the emperor immediately voices his dissatisfaction with her promotion, but his complaints are quickly dismissed, and the promotion passes.


“Furthermore, as according to the rules and regulations of the military, I will be bringing the first lieutenant into the First Army, under my direct control,” the First General, General Elara Crescent, declares while waving her arm through the room once. Further angering the emperor.

But there isn’t anything the man can do. Not without any real power within the council, his own vote counting for less than half of a general’s vote.

“Fourth General,” Elara asks, making the general nod her head.

“Right,” she says. “Captains Striker and Vargos both learned a great deal about the enemy’s leadership. First, they’re from an Empire known by their own as the Arbos Empire, and are led by their Emperor. However, they are unable to cross the Gate connecting our world to theirs whenever they please. So the one in charge of the invasion is the Sixth Prince of the Empire, Lucius Cornelius Caesar. Beneath him are the legates, who are each in charge of a force of soldiers known by their armies as a ‘legion,’ consisting of between twenty to thirty thousand soldiers. Then there are the tribunes, who are the second highest ranking officer after the legates. Followed by the prefect, the centurions, the lower ranking officers, aquifer, optio, and tesserarius, and the rank and file soldiers. Whom they call a munifex, with the new recruits being tyrones.”

The generals and even the emperor stay quiet as the Fourth General continues, “The enemy has a total of fifty thousand men on the Northern Pass, with an additional fifty thousand on the Southern Pass, as we learned from Captains Lance and Mandez yesterday. Furthermore they have an unknown number of forces in between the two bases.”

Silence fills the council chambers after hearing of the enemy soldiers’ numbers.

“On a side note, the enemy Ability Holders are all weaker on average than our own, averaging at Category two and three Ability Holders,” the Fourth General continues, sharing some good news. “We also aren’t the only ones fighting with them.”

The generals and the emperor all nod at that, understanding that the enemy forces will be split dealing with both them and Arteria’s forces.If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.

“Wait, you said that the enemy cannot activate the Gate whenever they wish?” the Second General asks, his eyes narrowing slightly.

The Fourth General nods her head in his direction with a grin and says, “Yes. Meaning they won’t be able to replenish the supplies First Lieutenant Crimson destroyed.”

Rowan Vale, the Second General, rubs his chin slightly in thought before smiling slightly. Proving to the others that the first lieutenant had just likely gained another supporter amongst the generals.

“Let’s move onto the next topic at hand,” the First General says, bringing everyone’s gaze back towards her. “How we will handle the invader threat.”

AriaTen Years Ago

I giggle as Uncle Jake performs another magic trick, making a coin vanish in the palm of his hand. Then he flips his hands over again and makes it reappear.

“How do you do that?!” I exclaim, holding my hands clenched in front of me out of excitement.

He tilts his head for a second before answering, “It’s a secret.”

I pout and cross my arms as the car continues moving down the private road, through the trees, with our family’s driver trying to act like he’s not paying attention to us. But I catch him shooting a look at the mirror, so I ask, “Mister Ralk, you want to know how he’s doing it too, right?!”

The man looks back out the front windshield again as he answers, “Yes, but don’t you think it’d be more fun to figure it out yourself, Young Miss?”

That has me opening my mouth to complain, only to close it again when I see something over the horizon. “Why’s there smoke?”

Both my uncle and the driver seem to notice it as well and share a glance. Then the driver speeds up, and we quickly go through the rest of the private road until we arrive at our manor home.

A home that is currently burning down to the ground.

I burst out of the car despite my uncle’s shouting before running up to the manor. And I quickly find several dozen soldiers standing there holding torches.

“Mom! Dad!” I shout, my voice cracking from my volume. “Adrian!”

The soldiers turn to look at me with surprise before the one wearing fancier clothing in the center points at me, making a ball of flames appear in front of his finger. Then the ball shoots towards me, making my eyes widen in fear and shock moments before I hear my own voice screaming and my vision goes dark.

I find myself in a pitch black darkness for an unknown period of time before I slowly feel awareness returning to me right as my body is being lifted and put into some sort of vehicle. Only to find the very same soldiers from earlier stopping their conversation to turn towards me. At which point I find dozens of corpses outside of the manor belonging to most of those soldiers, leaving only half a dozen left.

“She’s still alive?” the leader mutters before raising his hand and sending another fireball at me. And I find my body feeling too sluggish to move out of the way fast enough, making the fireball strike me directly as I scream in pain.

Then I black out again.

And just like before, I wake up at some point to find the very same soldiers still looking shocked. But this time around not much time seems to have passed compared to the last time. Since all that’s changed is that the doors have just barely shut in the car they’re loading me in.

I push myself upwards, feeling more energized than the last time. Then I jump off of the little tray they had me on and stumble over to the door, grabbing onto it and opening it. Only for my eyes to quickly find Uncle Jake and Mister Ralk.

Both dead on the ground.

I begin screaming again, only for a strong force to impact the back of my head, making my vision go dark again.

I think it takes longer this time, but I gradually open my eyes to find myself in the same car as before. This time we’re driving on the road though, and I’m strapped to the tray, unable to move.

A conversation from the front of the vehicle filters into my ears, “Yes, Your Majesty. It would appear that the rumors of the Crimson daughter’s ability are true. She cannot be killed.” A short pause. “Yes, I understand, Your Majesty. We will be sure to test the bounds of the ability.”

My eyes widen in both shock and fear.

How?! My ability should’ve been secret, so what rumors are they talking about?!

My worries about that slip away again when I look down, out the window of the vehicle and find the smoke rising from my home. A sight that reminds me of what just happened.

I feel tears running down the sides of my face at the thought of never being able to see mom and dad again. Or my brother, Adrian. Or anyone else from the estate.

Soon enough I begin sobbing hard, unable to control myself. But whoever is at the front of the vehicle simply ignores me and continues driving.

AriaThe Present

My eyes shoot open, only for me to feel dampness on my face as I sit up from my bed within my room at Delta Base. And when I reach my hand up to touch my face, I feel my hand getting wet from tears. Probably the first tears I’ve shed in years.

Why did I have to dream about that now?

I grit my teeth as I think of the torture those soldiers put me through after that in their attempts to find a way to kill me. Only for them to eventually give up and decide to use me as a weapon instead.

And that was when I was only nine fucking years old.

That emperor is going to pay.

My thoughts are interrupted when a knock sounds from my door, followed by a voice, “First Lieutenant Crimson, you are to prepare your things to move out to the capital for your one week of academy training before you return to duty. Be ready to leave by noon.” Then footsteps echo from the hallway as the officer leaves.

I lie back down on my bed again with a sigh, reaching up and putting my arm across my forehead with my eyes closed while my other hand reaches for the crystal that I wear even when sleeping.

Right. When I got back, I was immediately told by the Fourth General that I was skipping the rank of second lieutenant and moving straight to a first lieutenant. And that the usual two months training has been shortened to one week.

So it looks like I’m heading back to the capital now.

Several seconds pass in silence before I open my eyes and glance at the clock, only to shoot up when I notice that I only have a couple hours till call time.

Right. I should get ready.

I get up and head over to the shower to start the day.

It’ll be nice having a shower again after being stuck in the freezing snow and rain for a week.

A smile stretches across my face at that thought as I walk.
