
I rest my cheek on my knuckles as I lean over the table at the cafeteria reading through the information given out to every officer in the army. Information we’re supposed to spread to our subordinates, but since I don’t exactly have those, I don’t need to do anything with it but read it.

The information is rather interesting, and it makes me a little curious about the outside worlds.

Otherworlder Key Intel

Otherworlder Greater Powers include the following:

Rex Dynasty of the Dead: Nation worshiping death. Ruled by an emperor equivalent called a pharaoh.

Eternal Dynasty: Nation of merchants with an interest in pursuing immortality. Ruled by an emperor.


Council of Darkness: Universal scale organization of assassins led by a council with a single leader.

Arcadian Society: Nation of mages led by an archmage.

Grand Silvian Empire: A relatively peaceful but powerful nation led by an empire.

Dread Empire: Empire led by a tyrant, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Famine. Leader grows stronger through the starvation around him.

Crimson Flag: Warmongering nation led by one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War. Leader never grows tired while fighting. And he grows stronger the more he fights, whether he wins or loses.

Vest: A planet where a single person lives. Another of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, who is known for spreading plagues to nearby worlds, slaughtering everyone just to test out his new creations. Grows stronger from spreading pestilence to others.


This doesn’t include anything that I didn’t already hear from the second lieutenant himself. Although the fact that these are just the top powers in the universe, yet they include all three of the other Horsemen certainly puts things into perspective how powerful we Horsemen can grow.

Makes me understand a bit better why the System decided to go and announce my presence to everyone.

I continue reading past the section about the Powers.

Commonsensical Facts and Differences in Culture:

Revival is possible if a strong enough void mage is present. They are capable of pulling a soul from the void and placing it back in the body at a significant cost of levels from the one revived. However, conditions have to be fulfilled for the revival to work. Such as the being who is getting revived needing to be at least level 10 for a void priest to revive them. However, a Void Spirit may revive them regardless of their level so long as they fit the other unspecified requirements.

Every world has a World Core where the users of the System are allowed to reset or lower their levels. However, these changes are permanent and cannot be revoked. Furthermore, people are not capable of forcing others to reset their levels as the System will detect attempts to do so.

Invasions of new worlds are considered an honor for those who participate, and entire forces are created just to prepare for invasions, filled with people who have either stopped themselves from leveling or have had their levels purposefully reset to 1 at a World Core.

Coordinates of new worlds are found by spatial magic users, and the worlds are classified by a division of seers from the Arcadian Society into five different Tiers. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, with Alpha being the highest Tier.

These Tiers are decided based on planet size, population, quantity and quality of Ability Holders, and resources. And our planet has been designated as Gamma. The base average planet Tier.

Level of the user plays an important role in society outside of Vortel. However, it isn’t an absolute tell of strength since a level one could theoretically kill a level 300 should the level 300 let their guard down and the level 1 have a weapon of sufficient strength.

Most adults are already at least level thirty.

Raising the level of someone’s class has various effects on the user in question. Some of them include but aren’t limited to raising their physical strength, their mental capacity, their magical power, their mana capacity, and their lifespan.This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

Every user in the System tends to live for around 100 years on average, with every 100 levels doubling the user’s lifespan.

Worlds across the universe vary in their levels of technology and magical understanding, with Vortel’s level of technology being just a small amount above the average level of technology in the universe, and our understanding of magic a little above that.

That’s a lot of information to take in.

I already heard about the planet Tiers thing, but who knew people’s lifespans could increase through the System? Not that it affects me, considering that I’ll never age or die. Or at least I won’t age after I hit my prime, which shouldn’t be too long from now.

As for levels playing an important role, that’s kind of to be expected when everyone has a number floating over their heads. Even Albaria has some instances of privilege from having high Class abilities.

The way they tend to treat invasions is a little disgusting though, and that World Core thing is… interesting. Kind of surprised people would be willing to let go of power to invade another world.

But putting everything else on that list aside for the moment, I can’t help but focus on the revival part. And, more importantly, the void part.

Then I open up my skill description for Harvest again.


Skill Name:

Skill Description:


This skill allows the user to harvest the souls of the dying around them. They can then devour the soul energy within them, sending the souls off to the void. Or they can devour the soul whole, taking in the cores of their souls and erasing them from reality itself in the process.
