
The moment I pass through the doors, they close behind me. Leaving me inside of the Spire on my own as I look around at the bottom floor.

It’s a rather mysterious place. Filled with floating blocks, various towers, floating mana creatures that just casually float through the air defying gravity, and other moving objects in the air.

The mana creatures vary in shape and size. Some look like floating spheres made of various different rings, with some of the popping out and going back in. Other mana creatures look like different shapes like octagons and triangles or pyramids. All just floating around the place.

Lastly there are more mana creatures on the ground that are very clearly stone and iron golems. Often with sets of metal armor on. Full plate armor. And polearms.

No swords though, which is surprising.

Other than the mana creatures, the towers sometimes stretch upwards into massive blocks. Which are, from what I’ve heard, more sections of the Spire.


I did a little bit of research before coming here, and I’m pretty sure the second Tier starts…

My thoughts trail off as I look high up into the air. All the way to a very far point so far up that it’s a little difficult to see. Where a ceiling is.

Right. The second Tier starts on the next ‘floor’.

Above that ceiling.

I turn my attention to the various towers all around. Some of whom build off of previous towers on those large blocks.

Then there are some that just kinda start midair completely defying gravity. With some entrances that have floating blocks near their entrances, and other floating blocks moving around making a pattern that they move back and forth across.


Some of the golems on the ground level take notice of me and begin walking towards me at a brisk pace. I turn my attention to them before sprinting forward and punching it right in the head, denting it and sending its helmet flying with my physical strength alone.

I blink at that before raising my fist and looking at it. Then I turn to look at the golem as well. A golem that is still walking towards me.

So I punch it in the chest this time, denting it as well. And without hesitation, I pull out my sword and cut straight through the thing with ease, slicing it in half.

[User has killed one being of Level 8. Requirements to reach level 50 have been updated. New requirements are as follows: 999971/1000000 beings have been granted Death.]


I… haven’t really had much chance to test out my physical strength now that I think about it. Over the years I’ve mostly just used explosives, my Death Spirits, and guns to kill the mana creatures. I haven’t really used my own physical strength to beat them to death or use a blade. Despite having a swordgun.

But I’ve gotten a lot more physically stronger over the years, haven’t I? I know I’ve seen it when moving around. Just based off of my speed, maneuverability, how high I can jump, and so on.

A faint smile stretches across my face at this. At the realization of just how much stronger I’ve gotten.

Then I tap my foot once while summoning hundreds upon hundreds, even thousands of Lesser Death Spirits throughout the ground floor around me. And without hesitation, I point forwards while declaring, “Off you go! Start your hunt!”

All of the thousands of Lesser Death Spirits sprint forwards before tearing apart the golems in a massive wave.

A sight that is rather cool to watch.

So I watch it with my arms crossed for a bit before tilting my head upwards to look at the path I’ll need to take forward.

Hmm… that’ll work.A case of theft: this story is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report the violation.

I begin walking forward through my Death Spirits, all of whom are going around slaughtering golems one after another. With little Asher going off on his own as well to explore. But I stop walking within moments. Because a notification appears in my vision along with a System Message.

User has leveled-up to level 50.

User will now be given their fifth skill.

Assessing user’s accomplishments and actions… assessment complete.

User will now be given the following skill:

Death’s Judgment

This skill allows the user to infuse direct attacks using the user’s bare skin with flames of Death’s Judgment. These flames will not burn away at those inflicted by them, but will instead be left as a curse on them. A curse that will disable all healing.

Judgment is left in Death’s hands.

Beware, for those who are judged will bear the marks left by Death herself for all eternity.
