
After having the guards show us around a bit, the emperor doesn’t take up much of our time. Nor does he bother to talk with Shirogane even a single time during the little tour.

He just up and leaves, telling me that if I need anything, I should just ask his guards. And if they can’t give it to me, they’ll notify him or the archduke about it.

Because as it turns out, just like most rulers, he’s a busy man. He’s got work he needs to take care of.

Eventually I find myself alone in the room I was given along with Shirogane.

To my surprise though, he’s just kinda collapsed on the bed face first.

I tilt my head at him before reaching out and poking his side. And when I don’t get any reaction, I ask, “You still alive?”


He just groans.

Yeah, he’s not alive.

I crouch next to the bed, practically sitting on my heels as I hug my knees with one hand and just poke his side with my other hand a few times.

“You’re sure you’re not alive?” I ask after a few pokes.

He groans again, so I shrug to myself and stand back up. Then I walk over to the balcony, letting the corpse lie.

Once I get to the balcony and rest my arms on top of it though, I call back to him, “You’re gonna have a hard time here. You sure you don’t want any help from me?”


Shirogane groans again. But this time he answers after a few seconds, “No… the emperor would just get even angrier.”

“If you’re sure,” I comment, not looking back at him. Instead just looking out over the massive castle we’re on a high floor of.

Several seconds pass as I look at the city out in the distance. One that looks very medieval yet not at the same time. Which is very off-putting, if I’m being honest.

Cybernetic horses drawing magical carriages with people who are no doubt nobles. Not to mention cybernetic horses that are drawing regular looking carriages that are still no doubt enchanted and magical but not to the degree of the nobles’. Then there’s the homes which look like medieval homes, but I can sense magic coming off all of them. And they have some appliances in them that are clearly not medieval.

Overall, bizarre.

I try to look around to see if I can spot any of the Spires, and I actually do manage to spot one after squinting a bit. It’s in the distance and is sticking up at an odd angle. Probably because it’s so far away that I can only see it around halfway up the tower.

So bizarre. I’m sure it’s standing up straight, but it just looks at an odd angle from here due to how far away it is.

The emperor mentioned that the closest Spire was entire days’ travel from here. Which would explain it.

I lean over the railing of the balcony, putting my cheek into the palm of my hand as my arms rest on the railing while I gaze out at the Spire. And after staring at it for several minutes, I stand up straight and stretch a bit. Then I turn to look at Shirogane to find him still collapsed half dead inside on my bed.Love this story? Find the genuine version on the author's preferred platform and support their work!

“What about if I just ask him outright why they won’t trade?” I ask Shirogane while crossing my arms. “I won’t try to change his mind or anything. I’ll just ask and nothing more.”

He groans again, but this time he nods his head.


“Sounds good then,” I tell him while uncrossing my arms and walking over towards the door. “I’ll be heading out to a Spire now. The emperor is probably busy right now, so I’ll leave asking him about that later.”

He groans again.

“And please leave my room at some point,” I tell him, with a frown after reaching the door. “You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you. Don’t give up right away.”

He doesn’t say anything for a second before he finally sits up from my bed.

I nod my head at the sight before closing my door behind me and facing the maid that was stationed outside of my room.

“Would you mind getting me a ride to the closest Spire?” I ask the maid, and she immediately bows towards me and sets off calling soldiers.

And not long after that, I find myself standing outside of the castle with an escort of soldiers and a carriage.

Feeling more than a little awkward at the overly dramatic display.

But I get in the carriage, nonetheless.

The ride itself in the carriage doesn’t actually take anywhere near as long as the estimated time the emperor stated. Meaning he meant by foot or regular vehicle.

Not a magical carriage that enters another dimension to travel.

When we arrive at the Spire, I find the thing to be absolutely fucking massive. So large that it stretches into space and still continues going up. Past the atmosphere itself.

For a moment it gives me pause as to how people are supposed to fight on an open-space battlefield. But I quickly realize that anyone strong enough to get that high in the tower probably has a way to get around the problem.

Would be more shocked if they didn’t.

Just like there are water breathing potions, there are space one as well.

Although those, from what I understand, simply put a supply of air in your body that is slowly fed to your lungs for you. Rather than what the water breathing potions do.

Anyways, the tower itself is completely white with no other colors in sight. It’s entirely made out of a smooth marble with no cracks or dents anywhere. Just perfectly smooth going all the way up. Meanwhile there are some balconies, windows, and small and rather dangerous obstacle courses extremely high on the outside of the tower.

Meaning some perfect exits to the place. And ways to clean myself off afterwards.

I look at the base of the tower to find it surrounded by a large wall with the entrance of the Spire sealed behind grand white doors, and the wall sealed by a large gate. One made out of metal bars.

Also, I can’t help but notice that the walls themselves have a shiny silver film that for some reason doesn’t look thick across them. One that quite literally glows with a starry shimmer to it.

“Lady Aria, if you would please head this way,” the captain of the knights who is joining me says while motioning towards the wall. A wall that is quickly and suspiciously being evacuated of people as we approach. With everyone making their exit the moment they see us. “I will assist you past the magical silver gate.”

Ah, so that’s magical silver.

“Is the entire wall made of magical silver? Or is it just one small layer?” I can’t help but ask as I walk closer to the wall.

The captain quickly answers as he takes his helmet off, revealing a slightly elderly face with long silver hair and golden eyes matching the emperor’s, “The magical silver is simply layered very thinly over the wall in a small film. It was melted down and then hardened over the exterior of the wall in order to provide additional protection to it.”


Once we reach the wall, it opens without us even having to say a word. Then I go inside, and the captain stops outside of it, stating to me that he has to return to his duties. And that some guards will always be stationed here for my return to escort me wherever I desire to go on the planet.

Overall, very nice treatment. Albeit a bit awkward too since it’s obvious the emperor is practically spoiling me.

Feels almost as weird as the Rex Dynasty in a way.

I let out a sigh at that, briefly glancing around and feeling relief that at least these people won’t freak out just from me sighing. Then I turn around and walk towards the lovely white doors of the Spire.

The doors span several meters into the air, making far more room than one person would ever need to walk through them. And they’re a set of double doors with no handle on them.

I reach for the doors, and the moment my hands touch them, they begin to creak open on their own.

A smile reaches my face as I see the inside.

Time to go back on the hunt.
