All Across Aral

All around the planet, one necromancer after another spanning thousands of different death magic users, every last one instantly turns in the direction of the Gate to Sheng. As they sense a powerful wave of death energy radiating out from it like a sun. A wave so powerful they’d never seen anything like it before.

And all at once, they all know exactly what it is.

Death has arrived in Aral.

Then numerous individuals around the planet burst into action.

Some of the death magic users ignore her presence, choosing not to bother her. Others try to head directly for Death, wishing to meet her. And some begin making preparations to defend her.

But all of them quickly realize that Death’s presence is too overwhelming.


So overwhelming that most of them can’t pinpoint her exact location. Leading to a swarm of death magic users arriving at the city she is in, all scouring the city for her.

Meanwhile the governor of Aral severely tightens security all over the city to deal with the fanatics of all kinds swarming it as he stands up from his office desk chair making one call after another. Not being able to relax for even a moment.

“Make absolutely certain no one bothers her while she’s here! She’s not making herself known, so keep your distance!” the governor shouts into his latest phone call, informing the fifteenth city ruler of the current situation.

He continues making one more call after another until he’s informed every single city ruler on the planet. Then he leans back in his seat and sighs. But despite the work this has put him through, he can’t help but smile a little at the thought of Death herself being on the same planet as him.

“Sir,” his secretary says as she walks into the room. “Word has been sent to every mercenary, hunter, and lesser political figure on the planet not to bother Lady Death.”

The man nods his head, saying, “Good. And the enforcers?”


“They’ve been notified as well,” she says with a nod in return. “All the enforcers in the city Lady Death is located are currently working to keep anyone who slips through the cracks away from her.”

The governor hums, acknowledging her as he turns to look out the window in the direction of where Lady Death is.

Meanwhile, in the city Aria is located, enforcers – Arlan’s law enforcement – rush all around the city, capturing one crazy fanatic after another as they all rush straight towards the trio of foreigners driving through the street. With some of the fanatics even trying to rush past the enforcers, ignoring them while letting them get free attacks on them just to get a glimpse of Death.

But none of them ever get within a block of her.

All while the bystanders nearby the enforcers and fanatics either panic and run away from a heated battle or watch on the sidelines as the enforcers easily handle the problem. And news quickly begins to get out about the ‘terrorist attacks’ spread around the city.


Huh. Well this is surprising.

The three of us just drive straight on through the street without any problems. And according to Shirogane, the city looks just like it usually does. Nothing at all looks different.Unauthorized content usage: if you discover this narrative on Amazon, report the violation.

Which is strange in and of itself.

Shouldn’t the death magic users be able to tell where I am? That’s why we avoided going to Rex in the first place. Because we knew we’d be swarmed the moment we arrived at the city.

So… why aren’t we being swarmed here? Shirogane said that there are a lot of death magic users on every single world of the Rex Dynasty of the Dead. Meaning that this world should have a lot as well, even if death magic users are far less common in general.

A lot of it is apparently because death magic users tend to move to the Dynasty rather often, making it a very diverse nation.

But nothing is happening at all. There should’ve been some reaction.

I did my research. The citizens of the Rex Dynasty were all riled up about me the moment the System announced me a while back. To the point that some of them went full on fanatical, worshiping entire shrines and setting up temples.

Some to a literally psychotic degree.

Which was rather terrifying to hear about.

So even if we arrived at the capital world and the nation’s higher ups leave us alone, like they probably would have, that wouldn’t mean that it would be easy to pass through. Not with all of those fanatics spread across the capital world, many of whom are on par with the Clan Leaders of Luk’tar or even the Atlantis royalty in level and ability, likely going after me.

And I have no plans of being captured and stuffed in a shrine somewhere as they worship the ground I stand on.


I can’t help but stare out the window of the nice but not overly nice hover car we’re driving through. Just at the passing cars, the people casually flying through the air both with and without powers, the billboards on the massive buildings we’re going between, and everything else.

Everything that is normal.

…why are there no fanatics here? There should be. So why?

It just feels so bizarre, seeing how against my expectations this place is.

I was honestly expecting to end up running all the way across the world from one fanatic after another while the enforcers here deal with them and try to slow them down. All while chaos runs rampant through the city.

After looking out at the city around us for a bit while we drive, I eventually just shrug and look down at my cellphone. Simply bringing up the internet of this world out of curiosity. But I quickly realize that the internet is different here.

“To connect, you need to change the setting on the phone,” Shirogane explains while the car drives itself, making me glance up at him. “The Rex Dynasty and the Eternal Dynasty have their own forms of internet. So you can’t connect to the Eternal Dynasty internet from a Rex Dynasty world.”

Wait, really?

“What’s the difference?” I ask out of curiosity.

He looks down at his own phone as he answers, “The Eternal Dynasty’s internet is cheaper and more available to everyone while the Rex Dynasty’s internet is more expensive and more private.”

More expensive?

“Is one better than the other?” I ask while turning my gaze back down to my phone again.

“Yeah,” Shirogane answers as I find the setting on my phone for the internet change. “Everything technology-wise is always better in the Rex Dynasty than any other place in the universe, including the internet. Which is about 1.4 times as fast as the Eternal Dynasty’s internet. And it can be accessed anywhere across the entire universe so long as you are allowed on it.” He pauses for a moment before adding, “Oh, and don’t worry about being allowed. You’re allowed on it at any time, anywhere. Simply because you’re Death.”

Oh, well that’s convenient.

On that note, I begin to search the internet for more information about the Rex Dynasty.

Only to find some… unexpected news spreading across the world we’re on. News about a bunch of random terrorist attacks in the streets of the very city we are in right now.

How odd…

I look around out the windows, but I don’t see anything. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just regular vehicles flying by and stuff.

It’s so… what’s going on?

I stare out the window for several seconds before eventually just shrugging again and focusing on my phone once more.

Meh. Doesn’t have anything to do with me.

I am rather curious about how there’s so much terrorist activity in one of the Nine Grands though. It’s not really something you’d expect from one of the most powerful nations in the universe.

Then again, I’ve seen already that higher technology tends to empower the lower leveled people who have weaker abilities. Which makes them capable of doing a lot more damage than they normally would be able to.

So maybe terrorist activity in a nation with the most advanced technology makes more sense when I think about it like that.

Not a very pleasant greeting though. Since this is my first time entering the Rex Dynasty of the Dead and I’m immediately greeted by terrorism showing up across the world.

Even if I haven’t seen it myself.

Well, I guess it’s still better than the greeting I was expecting.

I lean my head against the window of the vehicle, just looking out it while enjoying the peace and quiet.

It at least looks nice in this part of the city right now.
