Magister Vibius paused but kept his smile.

“What do you mean, incarcerated? Those two are working on an important mission, Miss NSLICE-00P.”

“Observation: Friendlies Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan are currently located twenty-five meters below this location, under heavy guard, and with their possessions confiscated. Analysis indicates a 94.63% chance of forcible incarceration.”

Magister Vibius paused again but managed to keep his expression under control.

“I am not sure I follow, Miss NSLICE-00P. Where exactly are you getting this idea from?”

“Observation: Magister Vibius appears to be avoiding the question. Potential deceit detected, desire to avoid falsehood detection detected. Please provide a direct response to the query. If an acceptable explanation cannot be provided, this unit requires that friendlies Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan be released and prioritize their obligations to this unit.”

Magister Vibius held her gaze for a moment, tapping his side. Eventually, he heaved a sigh and looked down.


“I see. I cannot hide anything from you, can I, Miss NSLICE-00P? Here, come and make yourself comfortable, and I will explain the situation.”

Magister Vibius walked over to the table in the room and took a seat. NSLICE-00P remained standing. Magister Vibius waited for a moment before moving to speak.

“It is true, yes, that those two Exploratores are being kept here, under guard even. But it is no lie that they are involved with a highly sensitive mission of grave importance. They are being kept here for their own protection.”

“Requesting Elaboration.”

Magister Vibius nodded, his expression turning grave.

“Let me tell you the dark secret of the Empire, Miss NSLICE-00P. There are forces seeking to destroy not only the Empire, but the very walls of the world itself. And I believe you have already encountered them…”


Magister Vibius went on to explain the Cults of Mana and the knowledge he had on them. He told NSLICE-00P how he and Magister Caelinus had come to know of them and worked to purge Utrad of their influence. He stated the likely goal of the man NSLICE-00P encountered in the Mines of Might.

“And that is why I had to keep your friends under guard. This cult…their influence extends even farther than I know. And now you and your friends have foiled one of their plots directly. That will not go unnoticed…or unpunished.”

He lowered his head towards her.

“I must apologize, Miss NSLICE-00P, for I have used you. I took my Exploratores under my protection, to ensure the cult couldn’t retaliate against them. But I left you out in the open, in hopes of drawing them out. I hoped you would be powerful enough to survive the retribution, but I needed to protect my own assets. I hope you can understand. Your friends…were opposed to my plans, and concerned for you.”


Magister Vibius looked up and nodded.

“But now that you are here, and have largely figured things out on your own, I think there’s a better way. We have a common enemy, one who will come for us and everyone we care about. Help me, NSLICE-00P. Let’s take on this foe together, and destroy this cult down to its very roots. And once the threat is destroyed, your friends will be safe, and I will have no further reason to keep them confined.”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye flickered. Magister Vibius was not at all trustworthy, she knew that much. But…body language analysis didn’t catch any overt falsehoods. And NSLICE-00P’s analysis of her own encounters indicated a significant probability the Magister was correct about the existence of a cult. She had already encountered another individual who created a ‘corrupted dungeon’, after all. And, if his suspicions were correct, she had now terminated at least two of their members. That was more than sufficient grounds to expect hostility from any wider organizations those individuals may have been a part of. NSLICE-00P might already be at war with such a cult.

On the other hand, she didn't have any evidence that the man in the Mines of Might was connected to the man in Castra Turannia or that an overarching organization existed at this stage.

If nothing else, she should request additional intel to confirm the existence of a potentially hostile organization. It made sense, too, to leave the friendlies under guard while such an investigation was underway. And if such an organization was confirmed to exist, acquiring allies against a mutual enemy may, in fact, be beneficial.A case of theft: this story is not rightfully on Amazon; if you spot it, report the violation.

Estrith frowned.

"Do not trust this Imperial, Queen of the Dobhar. His words smell of deceit."

"Observation: Body language analysis does not indicate any overt falsehoods. Does friendly Estrith have intel to share to the contrary?"

Estrith furrowed her brow.

" Just a feeling."

"Acknowledged. Request: This unit would like to view any evidence Magister Vibius has for these claims. Additional cooperation pending based on confirmation that a hostile organization exists."

Magister Vibius grinned...

Taog was sitting on the cot in his cell, leaning over his knees. His hands were sweating but he continued gripping them together anyways.

He had been an idiot.

They had been warned that Magister Vibius was not to be trusted. They had been told that something was going on in Utrad. And then he walked right into the thick of it with no preparation or planning.

He should have waited for NSLICE-00P to return before meeting with the Magister. They could have brought her along, or at the very least let her know what was going on. Or he should have smiled and played along with the Magister, instead of rejecting outright and then assuming he could still walk away. It was obvious, in hindsight, how the Magister would respond. He wouldn’t trust the two of them to keep quiet about an impending rebellion.

And now they were trapped here, with no way to contact any of their friends.

Taog heaved a sigh.

And here he said he was going to protect Ateia. Hah, he couldn’t even protect himself.

He couldn’t protect anyone.

It was then that Taog paused. Something washed over him, on the back of his mind. He couldn’t identify what it was, but it felt familiar. It felt like when he and Ateia ran after NSLICE-00P during the Battle of Castra Turannia.

His eyes widened as he thought of their friend.

He wasn’t sure how, but somehow, he knew.

She was here. She was in the building, right now.

Taog frowned. She might be here, but that didn’t mean he could contact her. Worse, it was likely she was talking with Magister Vibius. He could tell her anything he wanted…

Taog rose to his feet, his eyes narrowed.

He didn’t know what he was doing. He had no reason to believe it would work.

But…NSLICE-00P knew things that she shouldn’t. She could identify traps and monsters long before Taog could even see them, despite his enhanced senses. She knew the right path in any dungeon maze. She clearly had some powerful senses beyond the norm.

So, Taog decided to hope. To hope that NSLICE-00P’s abnormal methods would work in his favor.

He started talking to the air. He reached out with his mana to that thin connection he had with NSLICE-00P, hoping she would notice.

“Seero, I hope you’ll surprise me, just one more time. If you can hear me by some unexpected means, then don’t believe anything Magister Vibius tells you. He and his boss are planning a rebellion, he tried to get us to join in and imprisoned us when we refused. Please, rescue Ateia if you can, and then get out of here.”

And as it turned out, NSLICE-00P could, in fact, hear Taog’s words via unexpected means. She suddenly froze, and her robotic eye began spinning and flickering. Even Magister Vibius was taken aback for a moment before his smile returned.

“Negative Response: This unit has received intel that Magister Vibius is planning to rebel against the Empire. This unit’s directives state that this unit must maintain cordial relations with the Empire, and so will not affiliate herself with any factions hostile to it. As Magister Vibius will relinquish official authority with the Empire, this unit demands the release of friendlies Ateia and Taog, and then will evacuate the probable combat zones.”

For the first time, Magister Vibius’s smile dropped.

“How did you…look, miss NSLICE-00P. The cult has infiltrated the Northern Court and the highest positions of the Empire. They can no longer be trusted, and they will come after you. It is simply foolish for you to carry on as if none of this is your business. Yes, we are planning some extreme measures and yes, the Northern Court will resist but this is only because such measures are necessary. The Empire will endure, stronger than ever, under our guidance. And you…if you help us, why the resources of the entire Imperial North will be at your disposal. We will spare no effort to find your missing people. Entire Legions will search on your behalf, and you will have access to every classified document available. The Empire as it is will not deign to help you beyond the bare minimum, and soon, it will turn against you. And then it will be you alone against the might of the cult and whatever they may bring to bear.”

“Query: Does Magister Vibius have proof the Empire has been infiltrated by a hostile faction to said degree and guarantees that this unit will receive the proposed compensation?”

Magister Vibius frowned.

“They’ve covered their trail well but rest assured, I have some of their documents. As for compensation, I have a Contract skill, we can sign a contract to that effect. You will have your reward, I can guarantee that.”

“Analysis: Compensation premised on a successful rebellion is insufficient to justify unprovoked hostility against a previously cordial entity with an ongoing contract. Presence of hostile infiltrators in Empire-owned territory does not signify a full subversion of the Empire’s political and military leadership to the extent implied. Magister Vibius has consistently left key intel out of conversation and has failed to provide convincing evidence for the key claims. This unit concludes further dealings to be too risky to be entertained and further discussion an inefficient use of time. This unit requires the immediate return of friendlies Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan. Further delays may necessitate a direct response.”

Magister Vibius sighed, and then narrowed his eyes.

“I wanted us to cooperate freely but you have left me no choice. If you will not join us, then you are a threat. NSLICE-00P, join with us, or I will execute Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan.”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye turned red. Estrith gripped her spear.

“Warning: Hostile intent towards this unit or the aforementioned friendlies will result in immediate termination.”

And so Magister Vibius and NSLICE-00P stared each other down…
