When NSLICE-00P returned to the inn, she did not find her friendlies. However, she knew from the drone assigned to them that they had some business with the Exploratores. Logs from the drones and the mana connection from her contract with them indicated they were still at the Exploratores HQ, so NSLICE-00P did not react even as the night went on.

After all, she was busy investigating the Exploratore’s comments on her drones’ inadequate stealth measures.

So it was not until the next morning that NSLICE-00P realized the situation was abnormal.

She took Estrith and moved to the Exploratores HQ in order to check in on the friendlies and determine their status. The staff greeted her politely and led her to the office of the Magister Exploratores. Magister Vibius stood up with a smile, walking forward to shake her hand.

“Ah, you must be NSLICE-00P! Welcome, welcome, I’ve heard much about you and am glad we finally have the chance to meet.”

“Greeting: Hello, this unit is designated NSLICE-00P. It is nice to meet you.”

Estrith simply glared at the man. Magister Vibius ushered them in and took his seat.


“Now, how may I help you today, NSLICE-00P?”

“Request: This unit requests a status report on friendlies Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan. To this unit’s knowledge, they remained at this location overnight after being requested for Exploratores business.”

Magister Vibius nodded.

“Yes, I have need of them. They will be working on a classified mission here at the Headquarters for the foreseeable future. I apologize for the inconvenience, I am aware they were assisting with your mission. If it pleases you, I can assign some other Exploratores to cover for them in the meantime? We have some veterans here who could undoubtedly aid your quest?”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye flickered.

“Negative Response: Immediate replacement of the friendlies is not necessary at this time. Statement: It is a major directive of this unit to ensure the safety of friendlies Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan. Please confirm the risk of termination is at acceptable limits. If not, this unit must request the friendlies be released from other duties, or that this unit be informed of the situation.”


Magister Vibius held up a hand.

“I understand. And not to worry, they are not in any danger at present. I apologize, but their current mission is to remain classified, even for an Amiciti Populi Elteni. But please, let us know if there’s any other way we can assist you. We’ll be working hard on your request as well.”


With that, NSLICE-00P rose to her feet and left the room. Estrith glared at the man one last time before scoffing and following suit. Once they had left, Magister Vibius frowned and rubbed his chin.

“Hm, she’s attached to those two it seems? From the reports, I thought she might be fine with a better replacement? I’ll have to rethink how to approach this then…”

Outside the building, Estrith frowned.

“Queen of the Dobhar, I do not like that man. My instincts tell me that we shouldn’t trust him. And I do not think the Imperial welps are strong enough for a solo hunt, if that is what he was implying.”

“Observation: Body language analysis did not indicate any direct falsehoods.”

Estrith furrowed her brow but nodded.

“If you say so. Still, I must request that you avoid any deals with him that would impact the Dobhar, at the very least.”

“Request acknowledged. Response: This unit will attempt to acquiesce unless a higher priority directive takes precedence.”

Estrith narrowed her eyes at that but grunted and followed along quietly.

NSLICE-00P decided to continue upgrading her subordinates in the meantime, so she and Estrith made their way towards the dungeon. But along the way, she found Agedia by the entrance to the dungeon.

“Ah, there you are. Come on, we need to talk about your friends.”Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.


NSLICE-00P and Estrith followed her to the tavern and the three sat next to Vafum. The dwarf waved his hand under the table and a magic circle appeared there. NSLICE-00P perceived a small bubble of mana surrounding their table.

“Query: What is the purpose of the deployed barrier?”

Vafum grunted.

“Privacy, lass. You’re definitely being followed if I know the Magister which, unfortunately, I do.”

Agedia went over to the bartender and came back with several mugs.

“I got the drinks!”

Vafum heaved a sigh.

“Agedia, I’m a dwarf, so believe me when I say you should not be drinking in the early morning!”

She waved her hand as she took a swig.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I’m…what do you call it…acting casual?”

Vafum slapped his forehead.

“Well, at least Vibius’s people won’t believe she’s talking about anything important.”

He also accepted a mug from Agedia and started drinking himself.

“Query: What do contacts Vafum and Agedia have to discuss with this unit?”

Agedia’s smile dropped at that.

“It’s about Magister Vibius…and your friends. You went to see him earlier, right?”


“What exactly did he say?”

NSLICE-00P reported on their conversation. Vafum and Agedia both rubbed their chins and took sips of their drinks. Agedia crossed her arms with a frown.

“That settles it, your friends’ are in trouble.”

“Statement: Magister Vibius stated the friendlies are not in danger, and body language analysis did not indicate deceit.”

Vafum shook his head.

“They don’t need to be in danger to be in trouble, lass. And be wary of Magister Vibius. Just because what he tells you is ‘true’ doesn’t mean it’s everything you need to know.”

“Query: Does contact Vafum believe Magister Vibius is withholding key intel?”

Vafum scoffed.

“That old goat is always hiding something. But in this case, absolutely. What he told you makes no sense. No offense, but your friends were green as a nauseous goblin, and were working for an Amiciti Populi Elteni to boot. The Magister wouldn’t trust the two of them with a mission important enough to justify pulling them away from you.”

“Query: Then what is Magister Vibius doing with the friendlies and what is the probability they will be terminated?”

Vafum frowned.

“The first question is easy, lass. It’s aimed at you.”

“Objection: This unit is not affiliated with the Exploratores or the Empire.”

“That’s exactly the problem. You are powerful, independent, and have uncertain allegiances and your own motives. And now you’re sitting in the province capital, right when we’re seeing signs the Magister’s preparing for something big. He either thinks you can help and wants you onboard…or if not that wants to make certain you won’t be a problem. I’m guessing he wanted their help with that and they refused. That’s why he offered to replace those two with his own people now.”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye flickered at that.

“Query: What is the probability the friendlies will be terminated?”

Estrith furrowed her brow at that question. But Vafum shook his head.

“Shouldn’t have to worry too much about that. You’ve made it clear they’re important to you. That old goat wouldn’t waste leverage. But you should be worried about what he will do next. He will attempt to either convince, manipulate, or control you, and will use them to do so if he believes he can.”

Estrith turned to look at NSLICE-00P.

“Queen of the Dobhar, what are you going to do?”

Agedia gave her a knowing grin.

“Oh? Worried about those two, are you?”

Estrith scowled.

“I simply wish to know the Queen of the Dobhar’s next actions, that I may fulfill my duties. Nothing more.”

Agedia simply smiled and took another drink.

“Yes, of course.”

Meanwhile, NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye flickered.

“Analyzing scenario…”

By all accounts, the situation resembled a hostage scenario. NSLICE-00P’s old protocols indicated a ‘no negotiation, terminate all hostiles irrespective of hostages’ response but that was inappropriate in this situation. Not only would that threaten the major directive to ensure Ateia and Taog’s safety, but the Empire as a whole was not a hostile entity and NSLICE-00P needed to keep it that way if at all possible, so immediate termination of the Exploratores and their local authority was not an acceptable option.

As such, she had to try and analyze the situation based on her directives. And unfortunately, she had few viable courses of action. Ultimately, Magister Vibius was an authority within both the Exploratores and the Empire, and had some amount of official jurisdiction over Ateia and Taog. NSLICE-00P could not object to his current actions unless she could confirm an immediate threat to the friendlies or to herself, or that the Magister had acted beyond his official authority. As stated before, her contract with Ateia and Taog was premised on them fulfilling their Exploratores duties, after all.

Attempting to manipulate or control her reduced his trustworthiness but did not necessarily indicate hostile intent. And she did not have hard evidence of this either, only the opinion of the local contacts based on circumstantial evidence. However, it did mean that direct negotiation with the Magister might contain some risk.

“Conclusion: This unit does not have a justifiable reason to act, and lacks sufficient data to determine if a direct response is required. This unit will attempt to covertly assess the situation of her friendlies and so acquire the missing intel.”

Vafum eyed her for a moment.

“I suppose that’s all you can do for now. Just, be careful, lass? The Exploratores have been in the information business for a while now, you’ll be hard pressed to outmaneuver them.”


Agedia frowned.

“And…one more thing before you go. That girl, Ateia, is more important than you know. Make sure those two are alright at the end of this, ok?”

“Statement: The survival of friends Ateia Niraemia and Taog Sutharlan is a major directive for this unit.”

With that, NSLICE-00P and Estrith stood up and left. Vafum raised an eyebrow.

“What did you mean by that, Agedia?”

Agedia thought for a moment before motioning to Vafum. He leaned in so she could whisper to him.

“Something Tibbers told me. About why he moved to Turannia. And why we needed to stay behind. I’m…not supposed to share it but I think you need to know now.”

She whispered into his ear. Vafum’s eyes widened and he swore.

“Crap. I wish I had known that before the old goat got his hands on her. He’ll never let her go if he finds out who she really is.”
