The next morning the group returned to the dungeon. They were just at the entrance when NSLICE-00P spoke up.

“Request: Can entity Agedia guard the friendlies today?”

Agedia tilted her head.

“Sure, but what will you be doing?”

NSLICE-00P pointed to 00B and the others.

“Explanation: Due to the level difference, friendlies Ateia and Taog have a different optimal upgrade location from other subordinate units.”

Ateia frowned for a second but then nodded, smiling at 00B.


“Ah, that makes sense. Yeah, go ahead and train your monsters, Seero. We’ll be fine.”

Taog looked incredibly worried, but shook his head.

“Seero…don’t destroy the dungeon or anything, ok?”


He slowly nodded.

“And…stay safe, ok?”



NSLICE-00P then deployed one of her drone golems, which flew in between Ateia and Taog before vanishing from view.

“Statement: This unit has deployed an autonomous unit to monitor the friendlies’ progress, and will move to reinforce should the friendlies be at risk of termination. This unit requests the friendlies avoid excessive risk as it will take this unit some time to arrive in that case.”

Taog nodded back at that.

“Sounds good, we’ll be careful. Thanks Seero.”

And so the two groups split up and made their way to their respective destinations in the dungeon. Once they had split, NSLICE-00P deployed the covert monsters, along with Melion, and got to work.

R ducked as a spearhead stabbed past his head, barely missing his ears. In front of him was a Naked Mole-Ratkin with a scrap iron chest plate and an iron spear. He dashed forward, extending his claws for a counter. However, just as he was about to strike a warning blared in his head from the NSLICE network. Another Naked Mole-Ratkin to his opponent’s side turned and thrust its own spear towards him, and 01R was forced to retreat. His opponent pressed the advantage and moved to spear him before he could land.

Just then a thread latched onto his back. 01R launched into the air, up and above the spear, as one of the spiders, 03S, pulled him up. 03S then swung him forward and 01R landed on his opponent’s face. He was in no position for a decent attack but still clawed at his enemy as he was able. The monster dropped its spear and tried to grab the cyber-rat, and in doing so left itself open. 01C rushed into the gap in the spears and grabbed the Mole-Ratkin’s leg, pulling it to the ground and away from its comrades. The rat and spider monsters then set upon the foe, including the trembling Rattingtale and Snuan. The other Mole-Rats moved to attack but the Canus monsters warded them off.

Such a process repeated until their foes were defeated. The wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen had adjusted her strategy, and no longer saw fit to gift them with free kills. They were now to earn their own victories, the boss-queen would only intervene should one of them fall into mortal peril.

R approved of this change. The boss-queen had been granting him and his fellow monsters gifts they did not deserve from the day he was born. It was high time they start contributing something, if not to the boss-queen then at least to their own growth.

What 01R did not approve of was his own performance. He looked down at his claws and clenched his paws. More and more he felt the limits of his species. Even with the assistance of the cybernetic components, he still could not match a basic humanoid monster in strength. Even Naked Mole-Ratkin lower level than him could overpower him if he contested them directly. And his advantages in speed and agility were hindered by his small size. He could move as fast as he liked, but the sheer difference in reach meant the larger opponents still had time to react regardless.

He could not continue on as he had. A basic increase in stats may have been enough to defeat a mundane predator, but was not sufficient against other monsters and magical creatures. He needed an edge, something to overcome the limitations of his species.

It was then that Snuan came up to him, hiding behind him. She was eyeing 00F as she did, as the cyber-cat watched her in return. 01R sighed. There seemed to be a trend of cowardice among his fellow rat monsters that originated from the outside world. Yet more proof of the boss-queen’s superiority.

“Hey hey, when do I get some of that shiny-pretty armor?”

R crossed his arms and scoffed.

“When you are worthy-deserving of it, yes yes.”

Snuan glared at him.

“Don’t be callous-cruel! I’m in great danger-peril, yes yes! The only one! Everyone else has that shiny-pretty armor, yes yes!”If you find this story on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the infringement.

R shook his head.

“I am not. This armor is not equipment-gear. It came-appeared from an evolution, so you must raise-grow your levels before you may acquire it, yes yes.”

Snuan continued glaring at him but said no more. 01R sighed and shook his head once more. He still was…conflicted about outsiders like this growing more like the boss-queen. But if the traitorous thing was granted the boss-queen’s armor, then he could accept this rat-thing receiving it as well. She at least did not speak treason and blasphemy with her every word. Besides, it was only natural that all would seek to become more like the boss-queen…

Then 01R froze.

He started to tremble.

He had realized his mistake.

All this time, he had been focusing on himself. His strength as a mere monster rat, his attributes and his claws. But the boss-queen did not simply fight like any old man-thing. No, she was something more, and that was thanks to her cybernetic components. Her armor was more than just defense. It contained weapons and powers and even her physical attributes. It boosted her thinking, her magic, and her senses. It turned the boss-queen into the weapon.

The boss-queen had declared ALL her monsters receive these components at first opportunity. It was clear she intended for them all to become more like her. So why was 01R insisting on acting like a mere monster rat? Why was he not trying to become even more like his boss-queen?

R felt chastised as he, for the first time, opened the Implants menu in the sacred records.

Available Implants



Mana Upkeep


New Implant Slot


Adds additional slots for implants. Grants +2 HP, +2 Mana.

Internal Weapon Bays

None for implant, upkeep will be added for each weapon/trap installed

May integrate weapons into cybernetic components, dungeon master may also install available dungeon traps. Will reduce maximum mana to maintain or reload the weapon in question, cost will depend on the weapon or trap. Please note that some traps and weapons may be unavailable based on your size.


(may use more to boost power)

Enables flight and tactical boosts.

Energy Channels

None, costs mana to use

Enables user to channel internal energy into external attacks.
