The group made their way into Velusitum, and quickly found an inn. Between the people of Velusitum and the Otter Burrow, NSLICE-00P gained two dungeon levels over the night, reaching dungeon level 100. The next morning, Ateia tried talking to the innkeeper.

“Agedia of the Mélusine or Vafum Broadbane of Khalbuldor, huh? Only the Aesdes know where Agedia is at any given time, but Vafum’s heading up a diver company in Khalbuldor, I hear. He should be there. Though, whether that miser will deign to meet with you is another story. As for Agedia…go around and start fights in taverns, and she’ll appear somehow.”

The innkeeper shook his head. Taog gave Ateia a look but she just shrugged.

“It’s that or we bet on the Exploratores.”

Taog nodded, and the group moved out. NSLICE-00P deployed her covert subordinates along the way, with their new and improved stealth mini-drone golems.

Normally 01R would take off running immediately, rushing to fulfill the wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen’s order at maximum haste, but today, he waited. He stood in place, looking at the drone-golem in front of him. He frowned.

The new cyber-rats and drone-golems were useful, for sure. They had many more eyes now, and each of them had their own subordinate golem to command. There was nothing wrong with either in and of themselves. 01R was only grateful that the boss-queen’s army grew.


But…his disloyal heart could not help but dread the implication.

The boss-queen had summoned them more help…which implied that she thought they needed the help. Which meant…01R was not fulfilling his duty effectively enough. Oh, the gracious and kind boss-queen never said anything to that effect, but 01R did not wish to wait for her rebuke. He wanted to help her, not wait for her to help him. His previous way of searching…was not enough, not anymore.

So he took a moment and pondered. What could he do to do more? How could he better fulfill the boss-queen’s will? How could he reduce her burdens?

He sighed, and ordered the drone to activate. It vanished from view as it rose into the air, and then both rat and drone started to scan the area. He didn’t know, so he would continue on as before. But he swore in his heart he would find a way. He would become better.

The wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen deserved no less.

The group made their way towards the mountain range on the side of Velusitum. There they found massive stone gates built directly into the cliff face, opening up to tunnels leading deeper into the mountain. The gates were open, and wagons full of trade goods drove in both directions. NSLICE-00P detected numerous Earth attribute signatures moving underneath the ground as well. And to either side of every gate, short and stocky guards took positions with metal armor covered in runes.


This was the dwarven colony of Khalbuldor.

The dwarves had built a colony into the mountain range bordering Velusitum. The dwarves were an independent ally of the Empire, rather than a client race, however, so the colony was not officially considered part of Velusitum. This was a partnership that went back to the earliest days of the Empire, such that almost every province of the Empire had at least one dwarven colony within its borders.

The dwarf guard raised an eyebrow as he looked over the group.

“What business do some Exploratores have in Khalbudor? I thought you all were off on the front.”

Ateia shrugged.

“A mission of our own. We’re looking for Vafum Broadbane.”

The guard frowned.

“Got the short end of the straw, eh?”

Ateia raised an eyebrow.

“Do you know him?”

The guard shook his head.

“Ain’t a dwarf in Khalbudor who doesn’t at this point. Some sort of trouble with the dungeon shut down his operations, so the miser’s been complaining in the tavern ever since. Refuses to let anyone else drink in peace, he does.”

Ateia and Taog exchanged glances. Taog heaved a sigh.


The group made their way into Khalbudor. A huge, spacious cavern had been dug into the mountain, reinforced by massive stone pillars decorated in runes and carvings. Short stone structures covered the floors and the walls of the cavern. NSLICE-00P still observed humans and other species, but the majority of people in this place were the short, stocky, and bearded dwarves. The air was filled with the sounds of forging as countless blacksmiths and craftsmen plied their trade. There were even large structures reminiscent of factories, NSLICE-00P observed loading docks where the Earth attribute train cars were loaded with crates.

The group continued on, searching for the tavern. They did not have to search for long, as they heard the shouting long before they found the building. Taog raised an eyebrow as he watched all the pedestrians give the building a wide berth. He heaved a sigh as Ateia approached.The author's content has been appropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

“You calling me a weakling?! I’ll have you know I took down the Green Wyvern! I can handle a little worm!”

“I’m calling you an idiot! That ‘little worm’ already tanned your hide!”

“That’s because YOU cheaped out on the weapons! Get me a real weapon already and I’ll have it down pat!”

“That’s because YOU can’t be bothered to take care of anything I buy you! You’ve broken five, FIVE enchanted Mana Iron lances in the past year alone, you stupid snake!”

“Because YOU keep buying from the lowest bidder! It’s not MY fault if your cheap crap can’t handle my skills!”

“It is ABSOLUTELY your fault! MOST people can use one Mana Iron weapon for years, at minimum!”



Ateia took a deep breath, and then opened the door. A collection of different races sat at the bar, drinking among themselves. Behind them, a man and woman were shouting at one another. The man was a dwarf with black hair and wearing a fancy robe. The woman had long, golden hair and well-used plate armor. She also had the lower body of a snake, covered in green scales.

Both were flushed and holding half-empty mugs. Not their first, judging by the mugs on the floor and tables around them.

The barkeeper glanced over at the newcomers and shrugged.

“Bar is, in fact, open, if you don’t mind a bit of noise. They’re annoying but they won’t start a real fight. Broadbane’s too cheap to pay for damages.”

Ateia’s eyes widened.

“Ah…is that…Vafum Broadbane?”

The pair stopped shouting and glanced over. The dwarf scoffed.

“Aye, that’s my name. Now shove off. I don’t owe anyone money and we aren’t taking any orders while the bloody dungeon’s closed.”

Ateia shook her head.

“My name is Ateia Niraemia. Magister Exploratores per Turannia Tiberius sent me.”

The room went silent. The snake woman crouched down…and then leapt across the room all at once. She landed right in front of Ateia and grabbed her hands.

“Wow! Tibbers sent you?! How is he?! Not drinking too much, I hope?! Does he talk about me?!”

Suddenly her eyes narrowed.

“Wait…you’re not his girlfriend, are you?! He…he can’t! You’re too young!”

Ateia shook her head with all her might and the snake woman smiled.

“Ah, I knew it! Good old Tibbers would never do something like that! Barman, a round for my new friends! Come in, drink drink and tell me more!”

Suddenly the stone floor rose up, forming a giant hand. The hand picked up the snake woman and dropped her on the other side of the room. Vafum Broadbane stepped forward, shaking his head.

“Shove off, Agedia! Gush on your crush to someone who cares! Better yet, just move to Turannia already and stop bugging me!”

Agedia glared at him.

“You know I don’t do well in cold rain!”

Vafum shook his head and cursed, then looked over the group. Then his eyes widened.

“Wait, Ateia Niraemia you said? With a half-Wulver boy and a wandering knight looking lass?”

Ateia nodded.

“Yes, that’s us.”

“Ah crap.”

Agedia suddenly shot up, no longer flushed. Vafum motioned and the pair sat in one of the booths. NSLICE-00P’s group moved to join them. Vafum heaved a sigh.

“Look, Tiberius warned us you bunch would be coming. But…your timing’s a bit awkward.”

Taog frowned.

“What do you mean?”

Agedia’s eyes narrowed.

“Something’s going on in Utrad, we aren’t sure what. Magister Caelinus has been off at the border for a while now, he normally doesn’t have this much trouble with the Centaurs. The Legion’s been ignoring new dungeons, letting them pop up around the cities like they’re apt to do. But the Magister Exploratores and the guard have been working overtime cleaning up bandits, criminals, and officials they say are corrupt. I think they’ve made record arrests this year.”

Ateia tilted her head.

“I mean, isn’t that their job?”

Vafum shook his head.

“Officially yes, but everyone knows how it works. Small bandit groups aren’t normally a high priority, and crime is only illegal if you can’t afford the bribe. It feels like Utrad’s trying extra hard to clear the field, keep everything spotless as far as people are concerned, at the cost of letting the dungeons go unchecked.”

Agedia nodded.

“Normally, something like that happens when one of the province higher-ups is planning a big play, and doesn’t want anyone left who can cause trouble.”

Taog narrowed his eyes.

“What kind of play?”

Vafum frowned.

“That’s the thing, kid, we don’t know. A new invasion to expand the province? A purge of political rivals? A big, expensive infrastructure project to revolutionize the economy? A march on Corvanus to usurp the throne? It could be any number of things. Normally, I’d be hearing some gossip from the merchants and officials I do business with, but Khalbuldor’s dungeon is shut down. And everyone knows I hate gossip, so I ain’t hearing crap while my diving company’s out of work.”

Agedia nodded.

“Normally I could make my way around the taverns and find some guard with too much to drink and too much to say, but they’re sealed up tight. The Legate Legio per Velusitum is cracking down on his men, and the comitatenses and Exploratores are all out of town. And the bookworm officials all run when I come to drink, cowards.”

“Maybe if you could visit a bar without starting a brawl, you might have a better reputation.”

“Says the one stuck here drinking all day. At least I’m trying to do some work!”

Vafum shook his head, biting back his reply.

“So yeah, we don’t know what’s going on, only that it’s something big, and both of us are basically grounded at the time.”

He heaved a sigh.

“Look…I owe Tiberius for a lot. He said you’re looking for some folks. I’d love to help but I’m not sure it’s smart. If I start asking for favors while I’m out of work, it’ll raise questions. And right now, that might draw the wrong kind of attention to you.”

Agedia smirked.

“Only because you’re such a miser.”

Vafum crossed his arms.

“And obviously the drunkard is of no help unless the people you’re searching for live in a bar.”

“What was that?!”

Ateia rubbed her chin.

“You said there’s a problem in the dungeon? What’s going on?”

Vafum heaved a sigh.

“An Adamant Bull Worm showed up and decided to make our local dungeon its home. Huge, covered in armor tougher than steel, impervious to Fire or Earth magic. Likes to feast on metal. A dwarf’s worst nightmare. Now, normally, a monster like this showing up in one of the province’s few sanctioned Metal dungeons would whip the Imperials into a frenzy, and the Legion would spare no time or effort to kill the bloody thing. But all the comitatenses and Exploratores are away, wouldn’t you know it, and Khalbudor ain’t got a champion that can kill something like this. So we’re stuck waiting until either Magister Caelinus gets back or one of the Dwarf cities can send reinforcements.”

Ateia and Taog exchanged glances.

“...could you help us if someone dealt with the worm?”

Vafum narrowed his eyes.

“Stop right there, girlie. Even this idiot with muscles where her brain should be couldn’t leave a scratch on that thing. So don’t get stupid ideas into your head.”

Agedia crossed her arms.

“I totally could have taken it if YOU would just get me a good weapon!”

“Your idea of a ‘good weapon’ is made of dragon scales and mithril! I could kill the bloody thing if I could afford something like that, no magic required!”

And so the two started arguing once again. Ateia turned to NSLICE-00P.

“So, Seero. How do you feel about hunting an Adamant Bull Worm?”

“Response: This unit has no particular feelings regarding entity ‘Adamant Bull Worm’. This unit has no data on said entity and cannot predict probability of a successful termination. Recommendation: This unit proposes covert reconnaissance.”

Ateia grinned.

“Works for me! Taog?”

Taog just stared into the distance.

“Normally, I’d advise against us running off against some clearly super dangerous monster. But…it’s Seero. So…whatever Seero says.”

“It’s decided then!”

And so the group got up and left the bar as the shouting grew louder once again.
