All of NSLICE-00P’s monsters stood in the monster hangar. Before each one was a newly summoned Mini-Drone Golem. Rattingtale shivered, the boss-queen forcing him to be in the same room as the wretched spider-thing was a grave insult. But the boss-queen’s commands were clear this time, so he had no choice.

“Statement: Each NSLICE unit will be assigned an autonomous wingman to expand unit capabilities. Establishing loyal wingman connections now.”

NSLICE-00P connected to each of her cyborg subordinates in turn, applying the loyal wingman protocol between them and their drone. Rattingtale gnashed his teeth as he felt her presence in his armor once more. He had not managed to take control of these enchantments, but he was making progress. Soon, he would be free from this torment. But for today, he would have to endure her humiliations. Her words appeared in his visions once more.

“Status Report: Loyal wingman connection established between NSLICE Excellion Formantus Rattingtale the Third and Unit Rattingtale-A. Please test connection and issue a command to subordinate unit.”

He felt a connection to the new monster. He could now see out of the creature’s eyes, and it seemed to report its status to him. Rattingtale wanted to resist, wanted to cry out. How dare she grant his glorious and esteemed name to this…this…this hunk of metal! But commands from the boss-queen could not be ignored, not least of all with all of her peons present and watching.

He looked at the hunk of metal and frowned. It had no legs, and only a single arm at the bottom of its body. He had no idea what it was supposed to do in the first place.

“The Great-High King of all the land commands you, rise and submit-prostrate yourself to your better.”


Rattingtale jumped as the drone began to move, four blades spinning on its top. He was about to flee the new monster’s wrath when it began to rise into the air. Then it tilted forward and remained in place, as if lowering its front towards him.

Rattingtale paused, and stared at the floating metal.

“Um…fly-move higher?”

The drone moved higher.

“ lower?”

The drone moved lower.


“Fly-move around me?”

The drone started spinning around Rattingtale.

Soon he started to grin.

And then to laugh.

And then to cackle.

The boss-queen had made a mistake! She had finally made a mistake! She had given him a subordinate that obeyed his every command! The Great-High King would rise once again!

He swore he heard one of the wretched-spider things giggling, but as he looked around the others were testing their drones as well, so that must have been his imagination. He did frown at the sight though.

It seemed everyone was getting a loyal subordinate, including that traitor 01R.

Rattingtale rubbed his paws together. He would have to be very clever with his use of the new subordinate.

Meanwhile NSLICE-00P returned to the Exploratores HQ, where Ateia and Taog were just waking up and about to go restock their supplies. She approached them.

“Greeting: Hello, friendlies Ateia and Taog. This unit is pleased to see the friendlies are now functioning with only minor symptoms of alchohol poisoning.”

Ateia just groaned. Taog shrugged.

“Well, one of us had to stay moderately sober. Good morning, Seero.”

“Query: Do the friendlies know local laws regarding autonomous units, specific classifications: drones or golems?”

Taog froze for a second, then heaved a sigh and shook his head.

“Um, never heard of drones, but as far as I know golems are treated as equipment. No particular rules but you’re responsible for anything they do. I think there are some rules about bringing larger ones in town, to make sure you’re not blocking the streets or something, but I don’t know for sure. Let me guess, Seero, you’re asking because you magically have a huge golem made of magic metals, or something? I’m right, aren’t I, Seero?”

NSLICE-00P summoned one of her drone golems. Taog blinked a few times.

“Huh, not as bad as I expected. I mean, I’ve never seen anything like that before, but it’s small. What’s the catch, Seero? Is it made of mythril or something?”

“Negative Response: The primary material for this model is aluminum.”

Taog frowned.

“Really? There’s nothing…abnormal about it?”

Just then, the drone activated, and started to fly. Taog crossed his arms and nodded to himself.The author's content has been appropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

“Ah, it can fly. There it is.”

Estrith approached the group at this time, looking like she was chewing on something extremely bitter. She turned to Ateia.

“You there, human…Ateia. I require your assistance.”

Ateia groaned.

“Ugh, can you keep it down today, Royal Guard lady? I’m not in the mood.”

Estrith grit her teeth but spoke more softly.

“ me where I may acquire one of those ‘tents’.”

Ateia heaved a sigh.

“Fine, yeah, sure. We have to go buy supplies anyways. You have money, right?”

Estrith went silent for a moment. Ateia felt her head pound.

“ have money, right?”

Estrith finally whispered.

“...what is money?”

Ateia just stared at her.


Taog stepped over and whispered into Ateia’s ear.

“The Dobhar don’t really trade or use Idrint, from what I hear.”

Ateia just groaned.

“Ugh, I am not in the mood to explain money, or where to go get it. Just, go ask Seero to spot you, or something.”

Estrith trembled, clenching her fists. She, proud warrior of the Dobhar, the one assigned by Her King to guard the Queen of the Dobhar, was now reduced to begging from her charge? A failure and a humiliation of the highest order.

But…the memories of the cold nights on the road flashed through her mind.

Estrith thought to herself.

Well, it was only natural for a Dobhar leader to split the bounty of the hunt as appropriate. If anything, she deserved more from the Queen of the Dobhar…who…could have finished all their recent hunts without Estrith’s help whatsoever…

That was besides the point!

If she took this ‘money’ from the Queen of the Dobhar…she would be taking resources from the humans and using it for the sake of the Dobhar. She would be guiding the Queen of the Dobhar for the sake of their species as Her King commanded. She could even go as far as to say she was raiding the Empire and plundering their treasure!

Such were the thoughts Estrith repeated to herself as she approached NSLICE-00P, with her eyes locked down on the ground.

“...Queen of the Dobhar…please lend your warrior some ‘money’.”

“Query: What is the purpose of the request and how much money is required?”

“...for a tent. And I need…um…”

Estrith trembled, but was forced to glance over at Ateia and Taog. Taog shrugged.

“Probably one hundred to three hundred Idrint, if you want a decent one. Could go as low as twenty if you just want something to cover your head.”

“Acknowledged. Follow-up Query: Does friendly Estrith have a method to transport required currency?”

Estrith grit her teeth and looked away.



Fortunately, the Item Foundry had basic sacks available, so NSLICE-00P created one filled with three hundred Idrint, and then handed it to Estrith. Estrith blinked as she stared at the sack in her hand. Eventually, she lowered her head.

“...thank you, Queen of the Dobhar.”


“Ugh, you done then? Let’s go.”

Taog shook his head.

“I warned you to slow down last night, you know?”

“Shut up, Taog. Not helping.”

The group left Ferreis Colles and made their way towards Velusitum. Along the way though, something happened.

Level up! Dungeon level is now 97!
