Monstrum Censor Proculus Vagionius Augustalis could not help but sigh at the sight ahead of him. Grex Magna’s security surrounded the group that had walked into his office with unregistered, highly-dangerous monster species in tow. His employees had ceased their work to balk at the armored warrior, the pair of young Exploratores, and the otterkin that had marched into their workplace…and the monsters at their feet.

He stared at the armored warrior’s expressionless, and in one case glowing, eyes.

“Let me get this straight, you want to register these monsters as fully tamed and approved for interaction with the general public?”


“They weren’t registered at birth?”


“Do you have a record of taming?”



“Can you at least tell us where these monsters came from?”

“Negative Response: That information is classified.”

“Are you a registered trainer with the Monster Tamers’ Guild?”


“Do you at least have a letter of recommendation from a registered Tamer or government authority?”



“On whose authority are you requesting this?”

“Answer: This unit’s own. This unit is designated as an Amicitia Populi Elteni.”

She held out a brooch. Proculus glanced at his main receptionist, who nodded his head. Well, if they hadn’t even verified that before escalating to him, he would have been very cross indeed. Proculus took a deep breath.

“Ok, miss…”

“Reminder: This unit is designated NSLICE-00P.”

“...miss NSLICE-00P. I get that you’re a friend of the Empire and all and technically yes, we’re supposed to help you with any reasonable request. But what you’re asking here isn’t as simple as skipping a border inspection or having some town guards clear traffic for you. Monster taming is a highly restricted and highly dangerous affair. There are steps to this, procedures that must be verified. We cannot cut corners, and we cannot allow negligence. If we get it wrong, people will die. Entire towns have disappeared because an insufficiently tamed monster was allowed inside. And what you have here is not some simple Diaboli Ovis or a domesticated Pegasus. Felix type monsters are extremely dangerous unless you know exactly what you’re doing, and even then most Felix trainers lose limbs with frightening regularity. Even a Canus monster is a vicious predator if it hasn’t been rigorously trained since birth. And don’t get me started on the bear. Only those idiots at the circus do that, and they never allow them to interact with the public without extraordinarily powerful safeguards in between. So no, I cannot verify these monsters as safe for public interaction unless you can prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are completely and utterly safe to be around.”

“Query: What would suffice as proof?”

Proculus heaved another sigh.

“For the Canus types? Birth certificate and a detailed record of training by a registered tamer verified and confirmed by at least two senior tamers and one Monstrum Censor with no affiliation with either the breeder or the tamer in question. There are no procedures in place for Felix or…ursine type monsters, since they are not to interact with the general public in the first place.”

The two Exploratores behind the warrior frowned, and glanced at each other. Suddenly, the human girl grinned. She walked right over to the bear monster…and picked it up in her arms.

The staff and security gasped…and then gaped as the bear didn’t maul the girl’s face, just cried weakly instead.

Proculus exhaled once more.

“Impressive…but for all I know, she’s the original breeder and the beast is imprinted on her. It does not suffice as proof that the public will remain safe.”

The human girl grinned and started walking towards the nearest guard. The guard jumped and raised his weapon. Proculus raised his hand to stop them both, then looked NSLICE-00P in the eyes once more.If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.

“Ok, if you’re going to that far, then we do it right. Are you willing to accept all liability in the case of injury or death, including criminal consequences and financial indemnity as appropriate? Forfeiting all rights and immunity granted by your status in that case?”


Proculus turned and nodded at a clerk. One signed waiver later and Proculus turned towards one of the guards.

“Manius, go pet one of the Canus types.”

Manius jumped and looked at Proculus with wide eyes.

“Me?! Why?!”

“Because you always brag you have the highest defense among the guards and frankly we’re all tired of it.”

All the other guards chuckled and began egging Manius on. He groaned and gingerly stepped towards the nearest Canus. It narrowed its eyes and growled lightly as he approached, but it remained seated. Manius slowly reached his hand out…

He touched the fur of the monster’s head. The monster growled and whimpered, but otherwise did not react.

Everyone’s eyes widened.

Proculus took a deep breath. He couldn’t stop a friend of the Empire if her monsters were that unnaturally docile. But he also refused to be responsible for someone’s death, so he would still insist on anything he could.

“We will need to run a full range of tests…but if they can pass to my liking, then, and only then, will we verify them. Is that acceptable?”


He sighed once more.

“Well, let’s get this over with.”

Several hours later, NSLICE-00P and company were resting in a living room. 00F, 00C, 01C, and 02C were all curled up around her, whimpering. Ateia had 00B in her lap and was gently stroking his fur.

“There there, it’s all over now. You did great, you know?”

B whimpered in response…but moved towards Ateia’s hand. The monsters had been subjected to a full range of stress tests, including painful provocations, to test the limits of NSLICE-00P’s control.

But they had remained calm as per NSLICE-00P’s instructions, and so the Monstrum Censor had no choice but to verify them as NSLICE-00P requested. They each now wore a collar with an enchanted jewel at its center.

At the cost of a great deal of stress for the monsters.

NSLICE-00P watched Ateia, and logged 00B’s stress levels diminishing.

“Query: This unit is observing friendly Ateia restore 00B to ideal condition, but cannot determine the mechanism. What sort of protocol has friendly Ateia engaged?”

Ateia tilted her head, and then smiled wryly.

“They’re just kids, and have just been through something unpleasant Seero. You have to comfort them afterwards.”

“Requesting Confirmation: So physical contact and verbal encouragement reduce organic stress levels?”

Ateia suddenly stared at NSLICE-00P. Her face twisted, first in confusion, then in sadness. She spoke softly as she responded.

“...yes, it does work that way, Seero.”


NSLICE-00P looked down at her other monsters. They were all looking up at her.

She raised her hand, and began to copy Ateia’s actions, slowly stroking their heads.

“Encouraging Statement: NSLICE units have successfully accomplished the designated task. Units are not predicted to receive any further damage in the short term.”

The Canus Minors began wagging their tails. The Felix Minor didn’t respond…but moved closer to NSLICE-00P’s hand. 00B’s eyes shot open and he leapt out of Ateia’s lap, rushing over to NSLICE-00P, who began petting him as well. Ateia frowned, and then sighed.

Meanwhile, in the monster hangar, 01R was frozen solid. NSLICE-00P had not registered the covert units in order to keep them classified, so they were all on standby at the moment.

“They are…receiving affection…directly from the wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen? That is…this is…”

R swore in his heart he would fulfill his next task as excellently as he could.

And so the team left Grex Magna after a bit of commotion. Ateia and Taog were quite shocked when NSLICE-00P went around a corner and the monsters vanished without a trace, but after NSLICE-00P told them it’s classified they just shrugged and said “It’s Seero, after all.” There were stories of high-ranking monster tamers or archmages being able to summon their monsters and familiars on-demand.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, and the group safely arrived at the next town. Ferreis Colles, a town of miners and blacksmiths. And as they checked in with the Exploratores HQ, the receptionist’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Excuse me, I don’t mean to pry, but are you by chance the group that dealt with that dungeon near Aquilo Perfugium?”

Ateia and Taog’s eyes widened slightly.

“Um, yes, that was us. Word travels quickly, huh?”

The receptionist nodded.

“Taking on a dungeon with a group as small as yours is quite impressive, after all. Would you…be willing to entertain a similar request?”

Ateia glanced at NSLICE-00P.

“What do you think, Seero? Want to take on another dungeon.”

“Affirmative Response: Dungeon terminations are highly efficient in terms of upgrades.”

Ateia turned back to the receptionist.

“What’s the job?”

The receptionist beamed at that.

“A dungeon popped up right on the outskirts of town. I know it’s a lot to ask, but would you be willing to take a look at it?”

Taog raised an eyebrow.

“Right on the outskirts? Shouldn’t it have been dealt with already, then?”

The receptionist frowned.

“Normally, yes, the Legion and the Exploratores would prioritize something like that even with an ongoing incursion. But this dungeon happens to have a lot of monsters highly resistant to physical damage, a normal team won’t cut it. We need a full complement of dungeon-ready battlemages, and those can’t be spared under the current circumstances. So we’re in containment until the incursion is dealt with…but the dungeon is growing with each day and the incursion continues. I’m worried the dungeon might be…exceptionally difficult to deal with if we leave it until then.”

She looked at the group.

“Normally, I wouldn’t expect you to be able to handle it, but you already surprised us once. Do you think you can take a look at this one?”

Ateia and Taog glanced at Seero, then glanced at each other, then turned to the receptionist and spoke as one.

