Seero and Ateia, who were focusing on the Realms of Mana and flooding the area with Holy mana respectively, caught wind as the Herald of Rain’s presence passed into the area, and just as quickly retreated. Seero’s robotic eye flickered as she attempted to trace the target. Ateia turned all her focus to Divination.

Seero could vaguely track the Herald of Rain’s movements through the Realms of Mana, but she could not identify the point in the Material Plane where the Herald of Rain returned to. From what Seero could tell, geographic distance was somewhat variable in the mana dimension, and so distance and direction traveled there did not equate to equivalent movement in the Material Plane upon return. Seero herself mainly traveled through the boundary between planes, entering the Realms of Mana only at its point of contact with the Material Plane. She was not yet confident in her ability to navigate the Realms of Mana themselves, save for the ability to remove herself from a given Realm to a new Material Plane, or to return to her anchor points.

And well, if she knew the Herald of Rain’s anchor points, she wouldn’t need to track her movements in the Realms of Mana.

Meanwhile, Ateia scowled.

“The Holy mana cut off. Feels kind of like the Realms of Mana, I think she must have moved to a corrupted dungeon or something.”

Seero felt her emotional processes activate. She was starting to feel…annoyed. Amulius glanced in between the two girls.

“Your Majesty, did something happen?”


Seero's emotional processes connected with her speech protocols in her attempts to classify her response.

“Irritated Answer: This unit detected the high-priority target designated Herald of Rain, likely attempting mana-based espionage. This unit and friend Ateia attempted to track her location, but current attempts have failed.”

Amulius frowned.

“So…they know we’re here?”

“Curt Response: That is the logical conclusion.”

Seero’s robotic eye flickered as she continued to analyze the situation. She was modifying her protocols and sensors to keep an eye out for any further approaches by the Herald of Rain…but the Herald of Rain had clearly realized she had been compromised. Any further attempts would not likely use the same method. She considered her capabilities and those of her allies…but they had already attempted every known method to locate the Heralds of the New Dawn. She was no closer to tracking down the Herald of the New Rain in the Material Plane than she had been before.


And that meant that the most efficient course of action was to carry on with the current mission. Terminating corrupted dungeons would cripple both the Empire of the Sun’s and the Herald of the New Dawn’s strategic reserves, and their ability to sustain a long war. And now that the Herald of Rain was likely aware of their efforts, she could not allow them to continue. So, if Seero continued with her attack, the Herald of Rain and her allies would be forced to respond.

In other words, the easiest and most effective method to locate the Herald of Rain would be to continue her dungeon termination mission. Albeit, said method might provide the Heralds with an opportunity to ambush Seero and her allies. She would need to proceed with caution.

As Seero calculated, Ateia and Taog filled in the others on the situation. Nolnyth crossed her arms and frowned.

“If the enemy knows of our location then we should get moving. I recommend we withdraw before we are caught by Archons and a monster horde.”

Ateia shook her head as her robotic eye flickered.

“Seero says we should press on.”

Nolnyth stared her down.

“That would result in us being caught by the Empire of the Sun, and perishing as a result.”

But Ateia held her gaze.This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

“That’s the point. Seero wants to draw out the Heralds of the New Dawn. If we keep tearing down their dungeons, they’ll have to come and stop us. As long as we know it’s coming, we can prepare an ambush.”

Nolnyth narrowed her eyes.

“I think you are severely underestimating my former peers. I do not know how powerful the Queen of the Dobhar is, but I can tell you that I am the strongest of the pathetic little band the Empire scrounged together to handle the greatest threat to its existence.”

Aulus had to hold back Cominia again while Nolnyth continued.

“The other Archons each approach me in might, and even I cannot deal with a High-Archon. High-Archon Vommik is sure to respond since we are destroying his secret weapon in his own territory, an insult he cannot overlook. So, tell me, human, can the Queen of the Dobhar handle all of that on top of the endless monster horde and whatever those imbecilic cultists come up with in their mana-hazed insanity?”

Ateia smirked.

“First of all, I’m not exactly human. And secondly…”

She turned to Taog and they both grinned.

“Yes. Yes she can.”

She turned back to Nolynth and dropped her smile.

“But in case you’re worried…you’ve seen the portals already. You know Seero has a way to retreat immediately.”

Nolynth shook her head.

“And what range do these spells have? A short-range teleport is insufficient to escape from a High-Archon.”

Ateia smirked again.

“Want to visit Turannia?”

Nolnyth raised an eyebrow, but Ateia just kept smirking.

“You are serious? I would not take kindly to such a jest when it is my life on the line.”

Ateia just kept smirking. Nolnyth sighed.

“Very well. Let us see what the Queen of the Dobhar can do. But be warned, if I feel my life is at risk, I will withdraw, with or without you.”

Ateia shrugged.

“Suit yourself.”

And Nolnyth rubbed her chin as she turned away.

“Impressive loyalty, if nothing else. But a High-Archon is no easy foe.”

As for Seero…she was currently finishing up her plans…and a conversation with Melion. She had to wait for the Heralds of the New Dawn to move before she could ambush them. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t prepare now.

And as it turned out, Melion’s latest tests were going quite well indeed. If all went well, Seero may have some additional assets on standby when the enemy arrived.

With her calculations complete, Seero turned her attention to her sensors, and began searching for the next dungeon…

High-Archon Vommik scowled as he sat on his throne, looking to where some of the slave-mages modified a miniature map of the front. It was a three-dimensional construct, with Earth, Air, and Water mages creating fully-accurate replicas of the terrain and current weather conditions, while Illusionists projected images of the soldiers on either side.

The situation hadn’t changed, just like it hadn’t for the past day. By his calculations…he could not break the Imperial defenses. The humans had already proven they could hold the monster horde alone, and with those airships still skulking behind the walls the High-Archon couldn’t commit his own subordinates. Even he would not needlessly throw away his own assets into certain death, not unless he could achieve something with the sacrifice.

And with the Queen of the Dobhar assaulting his dungeons, the situation would only grow worse. The High-Archon might be forced to pull back his entire army to search for her if they couldn't pinpoint her current location. And to do that...would cause this invasion to fail, even after they defeated her.

At that moment, one of his servants approached him, bowing low and remaining silent. Vommik sighed.

“You may speak.”

The servant remained bowed.

“My Lord, your…guest has sent word. She has located the Queen of the Dobhar.”

High-Archon Vommik slowly rose to his feet. All conversation in the room ceased, and the slave-mages paused their work. The air began to distort and the ground began to tremble. High-Archon Vommik’s mana flared to life, surrounding him in a visible aura as his eyes began to glow.

“Assemble all of my Archons and my retinue. We march within the hour, any who are late shall suffer my wrath.”

“It will be done, My Lord.”

The servant backed out of the room, while the slave-mages scrambled to communication artifacts to relay his command. High-Archon Vommik paid them no attention as he strode through the room.

If he slew the Queen of the Dobhar, her forces should flee the fight, and the humans’ morale would plummet. He himself could take the field, and smash through the remaining Imperial defenses by his own hand. He also planned to force that insolent Herald of Rain to contribute as well. It was the barest fraction of what she owed him, after how her false promises and mistaken assumptions had led this conquest to the brink of failure.

Within days, he would break his foes, he would complete his peoples’ eternal mission, and he would stand supreme atop the ashes of the Empire. All humanity would bow at his feet, wrapped in his chains.

And then…the Council of Archons would pay for doubting him. Starting with the two who abandoned him on the eve of his final triumph.

The High-Archon held out his hand. His mana condensed and twisted through countless magic circles, lightning and wind began surging through the room just from the tiny amounts of mana he let leak from his hand.

It had been too long since he had destroyed his foes in-person. Yes…he could see it now. His mistake had been to entrust his victory to others in the first place. That was what allowed the others to doubt him, and take advantage of his patience.

It was time to remind the Council, the Heralds, the Empire, and the world of the power of High-Archon Vommik.
