Once the new Material Plane had formed and Ateia connected it back to the original, Seero found herself in another relocation, as she had the first time she escaped the Realm of Eternal Night. In this case though, since the new Material Plane had been absorbed into the original, she found herself left in motion, as she no longer had a destination.

But that was fine. Seero used her modified Blink Spell to move towards the link between the Primary Home Base and the Material Plane, pulling on her connection with Ateia. Ateia pulled back from the other side, and the Holy mana of the Material Plane responded to the effort. As such, an entrance to the Primary Home Base managed to reopen in the underground tunnel, and Seero stepped out.

Ateia’s glow died down as she let the Holy mana return to its normal flow. Nolnyth stomped up to the two of them.

“What exactly do you two think you’re doing?!”

“Answer: Terminating the target dungeon.”

A vein bulged on Nolnyth’s forehead.

“How exactly does flooding the area with extremely obvious amounts of mana…”


But at that moment, Nolnyth froze. Her mana perception was easily enough to feel the presence of a corrupted dungeon. In fact, corrupted dungeons spat out so much mana that even a level one civilian couldn’t miss it at their current distance from the target entrance. And in this case, the mana of Eternal Night's tendency to block all senses made it very easy to identify.

And right now, Nolnyth could no longer feel the dungeon. Everything felt normal above the tunnel, and the mana of Eternal Night was no longer blocking any of her senses. Nolnyth’s eyes widened.


Cominia, Aulus, and all the knights and Sun Elves also stared in shock as they perceived the situation above. Even Amulius was in a daze as he walked up to Seero.

“Your Majesty…can you explain what happened?”

“Answer: This unit and friend Ateia terminated the target dungeon.”


Amulius continued to stare.

“Without entering it?”


Amulius furrowed his brow.

“Can you explain how?”

“Explanation: This unit navigated to the hole in the boundary of the Material Plane and utilized Rift termination protocols to cut the dungeon’s connection to the Realms of Mana, then friend Ateia utilized the resulting Material Plane expansion to repair the boundary. It appears the world’s ambient Holy mana autonomously terminated the dungeon once it was cut off from its source of mana.”

Amulius continued to stare, blinking several times as his mind attempted to process that statement. Cominia’s jaw dropped.

“And that’s…easier than assaulting a dungeon?”


Her mouth closed.

“Oh, ok. Right. Obviously. My mistake, I guess.”

Cominia then walked off, clutching her head. Seero, meanwhile, turned to Nolnyth.

“Request: Please identify the next target location if known. If not, please inform this unit so she can activate search and destroy protocols.”

Nolnyth was currently staring blankly and unresponsive, so it took a bit of time before she could answer.

The group began tunneling away before anyone could come to investigate, and arrived at the next dungeon without incident. Everyone began to stare at Seero intently. As for Seero…

“Status Report: Activating corrupted dungeon termination protocols.”

She wasted no time in opening another entrance to the Primary Home Base and repeating her feat. This time she ended up in the Realm of Inferno. All around her was burning flames, a firestorm she couldn’t see the end of. She could feel the sheer heat even through the extended distance her Spatial Angling defenses created. Her sensors were useless: her thermal and visual sensors were overwhelmed by the light and heat, audio sensors could only hear the roar of fire, and the flames were somehow burning radio waves, which thus never returned to her radar. Her very mana caught fire on contact with the flames.Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

But the Anti-Mana Bomb didn’t.

A wave of sparkling rainbow light extinguished the flames, which were replaced by the golden and silver light of Holy mana…

Seero stepped back into the underground tunnel shortly after. Cominia stared at her.

“She…did it again.”

Aulus nodded slowly while staring.

“She did.”

Ateia made a wry smile.

“It’s Seero, after all. You get used to it.”

Taog stared at her with half-closed eyes.

“Ateia, you do know you’re a part of it this time, right?”

Ateia opened her mouth, paused, and then closed her mouth.


Cominia suddenly shook out of her daze.

“That’s right! Amulius, what the crap?! What even is your daughter?! Some sort of super hero?! A dragonkin?! A mini-Aesdes?! Just who did you get with?!”

Amulius just shook his head.

“I already told you, this happened while I was gone. Her mother was a normal human, too.”

He frowned a bit at that but turned away to hide his face. Cominia stared at him suspiciously but didn’t press any further.

The next time, Seero extended the range of her attempt. Since she was moving through the boundary of the Material Plane anyways, she predicted that physical proximity was not necessary. Ateia could likewise operate through the Holy mana of the world at extended ranges.

As for the results…Seero found herself pounded by crushing force the moment she arrived. An endless tide of water rushed over her, attempting to crush her from all directions, work its way into her lungs, and push her out into the hole in the boundary all at the same time. Fortunately, her Spatial protections and a bit of Gravity Magic kept her in place, and so she got to work cutting off the Realm of Deluge. She had to use the Equalizer in this case, however, since the tide was too rapid to toss an Anti-Mana Bomb a safe distance away.

Bit by bit, she ate away at the tide, replacing it with Holy Mana. Since she took a bit longer, she actually saw some of the denizens of the Realm. Beings of pure water mana that blended in with the Realm’s own, seeming to lack any biological matter that Seero could detect. However, they kept their distance, warded off by the Equalizer and Holy mana.

And so, Seero managed to form the new Material Plane up to the size of the hole in the boundary.

Cominia was shaking her head as Seero returned back.

“Wow, Your Majesty. You took like, a whole five minutes with that one.”

“Explanation: The terrain of the hostile Realm prevented this unit from utilizing prior methods, and this unit had to conduct the protocol manually, reducing the overall efficiency of the process.”

Cominia stared at her.

“Wow. How unfortunate. You should be ashamed that it took you a whole several more minutes to wipe out a corrupted dungeon.”

“Acknowledgement: Inefficiencies have been logged and this unit will analyze potential improvements to corrupted dungeon termination protocols.”

Aulus just shook his head.

“Don’t mind her. She’s just trying to cope with her shock and the incredible displays of magic you’re demonstrating.”


Meanwhile, Nolnyth was staring at Seero and rubbing her chin.

For the next dungeon, Seero didn’t even need to open an entrance to the Primary Home Base. She had modified the Blink spell, which shared very little with its original magic circle at this stage, to move her beyond the Material Plane on its own. This allowed her to enter and move along a more direct path through the boundary, improving the mana and time efficiency of the transit.

And this time, she arrived in the Realm of Overgrowth.

A wall of green surrounded her in every direction. Vines and branches twisted together in such numbers that they formed completely solid walls. The moment Seero arrived, they began to grow once again, attempting to fill in the space created by her Spatial Angling.

Seero’s robotic eye flickered and she held up her hand, charging the Equalizer. Unlike all the other Realms encountered thus far, the Realm of Overgrowth appeared to be formed of solid, biological matter. Under normal circumstances, the Equalizer wouldn’t be effective on a wall of plants. On the other hand, it had worked just fine against the water of Deluge, which also shouldn’t have been the case. So, Seero decided to test things out.

The Equalizer beam shot forward…and the plants in its path began to disappear. It turned out the plants here were not truly organic matter, but instead consisted of pure mana that took a plant-like form. Mana converted to match the form of its attribute.

Which meant the Equalizer worked just fine.

Seero tunneled out a decent size hole in the plant wall and then tossed an Anti-Mana Bomb inside. As per her calculations, the plants regrew almost immediately, sealing the bomb away from her.

A few moments later, and the wall of plants was torn down, and Seero was free to proceed with the protocol.

Nolnyth rubbed her chin as she watched Seero return from the Realms of Mana unharmed, yet again.

“Her skill in spatial magic and her knowledge of the Realms of Mana seem unparalleled…but it could be that she’s some sort of specialist? I will have to see her in combat to know for sure. But, if she is not limited to what she has displayed here, then…”

Meanwhile, Cominia groaned while Aulus grinned. He held out his hand and she dropped some coins into it.

“I told you, you’re getting too worked up. Her timing on this has been pretty consistent, you know?”

Cominia clutched her hair.

“No, I don’t know! I don’t know anything! Girl can waltz into the Realms of Mana, erase dungeons, and patch up holes in reality like they’re just a leaky roof! So who can say she won’t suddenly pull it off in a few seconds next time?!”

Aulus tossed the coins around with a clink and grinned.

“I did.”

Cominia groaned again and then sighed.

“What are we even doing here? We’re completely unnecessary.”

Aulus tilted his head.

“It bothers you that we don’t have to work?”

Cominia glared at him for a moment and then sighed.

“It’s just…everyone else is fighting at the moment. It doesn’t feel right to be doing nothing.”

Aulus stared at her in shock. Cominia scowled.

“Oh come on, Aulus! I know I’m not some knight devoting my life to the throne, but that doesn’t mean I want my home destroyed! I did spend years on a suicide mission to destroy dungeons, in case you forgot?!”

Aulus chuckled, and then his smile dropped.

“Well, be careful what you wish for. We may not be needed for the assault the dungeons like we expected…but what do you think the Empire of the Sun is going to do when they inevitably notice the dungeons disappearing?”

Cominia’s eyes widened slightly, and then she nodded with a serious expression.

“Right. And if it takes the girl a few minutes to purify a dungeon…then we’ll have to hold the line.”

Aulus nodded.

“Let’s pray it doesn’t come to that.”
