Seero returned to Corvanus along with Ateia’s group. They now stood in the war room, where Magister Canus’s face was grim.

“So here’s the situation: the Empire of the Sun launched a full-scale invasion of the Eastern Empire once the boons of the Aesdes vanished. They apparently have found a way to control corrupted dungeons, and used the flood of monsters to overwhelm the initial defenses. The Eastern Empire managed to stabilize the line but then the situation with the dungeons began. The Eastern Empire contained the major dungeons but was forced to commit their reserves to the task. Now they have nothing left to reinforce the main front, and are being pushed hard. It will not be long before the line breaks entirely.”

Magister Canus frowned.

“Emperor Julius has invoked an emergency contingency, calling upon the entire Empire to assist. The problem is…I don’t think we can. The North’s Legions were spread thin even before the dungeon crisis. Thanks to you, Your Majesty, we have the situation under control, but the Legions we could send would not be enough to make a noticeable impact. The South’s airship fleet and the Sky Legion might have been able to help…had they not taken heavy damage recently. And in any case, the Sky Legion is currently committed to several dungeon assaults at the moment, and won’t be able to move until those are completed.”

He then turned to Seero.

“So…I’m sorry to ask this, Your Majesty. I know you are not fond of being dragged into other people’s wars. But we have no choice. Would you be willing to assist the Eastern Empire? If you could at least clear the dungeons, that would help immensely. Because if the East falls…the rest of the Empire goes with it.”



Magister Canus blinked.

“You agreed?”


Seero’s robotic eye flickered. Her non-intervention protocols had long since been deactivated, and at this point the Northern Empire, at least, was considered an ally. With the change in her primary directive, there was no reason why she couldn’t intervene besides the general risk of termination when getting involved in a conflict.

And more importantly…Seero’s analysis indicated that the Empire of the Sun may not represent a third-party in this conflict. Their invasion of the East included corrupted dungeons which apparently were not attacking the Empire of the Sun’s own forces, so it was evident the Empire of the Sun had a way to control those dungeons. An ability that was apparently unprecedented in all of Aelea…until the Heralds of the New Dawn had come along. And Amulius had already confirmed the presence of corrupted dungeons in the Empire of the Sun was connected to the Heralds of the New Dawn.

The probability that the Empire of the Sun and the Heralds of the New Dawn were working together was quite significant…and there was therefore a chance the Empire of the Sun was already hostile to her. If nothing else…the missing cultists from the South had to have gone somewhere. To the west and south of the Southern Realms were dangerous and unexplored oceans. So…the most likely answer was that they had fled east.


In this situation, a preemptive intervention to prevent the fall of an allied nation was calculated as acceptable to Seero.

Magister Canus let the relief show on his face.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. You’ve saved us once again.”

And so Seero left Corvanus and flew east, passing over the Southern Sea and into a truly massive mountain range, home to the Dwarven Clans and other species allied with or subjugated by the Empire. As she traveled, she extended her mana to every dungeon she detected. Some surrendered without a fight when faced with her Holy mana. Others resisted at first, but gave way when confronted with her dense and powerful mana. A few still resisted. Seero marked these for later as she did not have time to conduct a full on dungeon assault.If you spot this story on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.

Meanwhile, Ateia was sitting in the Primary Home Base. She watched the scenery go by though the CELIU network…and spread her own mana to Bless the people fighting below. During Ateia’s mission to the Banshee’s Cove, she had discovered that her skill assistance was not a one-way street. When the mages of the Necrotorum had casted spells none of the cyborgs had encountered before, Ateia’s Blessing supported them…and in doing so was molded into new shapes that were recorded by Ateia’s cybernetic components.

After that, Seero had granted Ateia permission to assist with her Blessing as she saw fit. The Primary Home Base was growing as Imperials conquered monsters with Ateia’s help, the CELIU network was acquiring new spell protocols for its database, and the Empire took less casualties as a result. So far, there had only been benefits.

So the confused defenders of the Empire watched as Seero flew across the sky…and then a vision of a young Aesdes appeared in their eyes, spurring them on and filling them with power. Only for the tide of monsters to dry up shortly after, once they had overcome the last wave.

Soon after, Seero arrived. She stopped by a dungeon that had surrendered to pick up the group waiting in the Primary Home Base, as deploying some new assets, and then made her way to the capital of the East…

An entire mountain top had been flattened, and converted into the toughest fortress in all the Empire. Its walls rose above the neighboring peaks, with sheer cliff faces in all but one direction. The one slope that was (barely) gentle enough to walk up was protected by dozens of walls, each larger than the last. Carved enchantments covered every inch of the walls, glowing with power. And on top the walls and towers were countless siege weapons, and other contraptions that held powerful mana cores. The fortress itself held a large city, with numerous barracks spread out among its streets. Countless forges blacked the skies with smoke, while vast warehouses towered above the neighboring structures. The only clear spaces were vast training fields for the Legion.

This was Proclus's Bastion, the capital of the Eastern Empire, and the heart of the Legion. The base that supplied and commanded their endless war with the Sun Elves. The final defense that would protect the rest of the Empire and all peoples who freed themselves from the Sun Elves’ yokes, should all others fail.

The walls were currently lightly manned, however, save for the main gate. There a full legion waited, with two individuals standing above the gate itself, a man and a woman. The man was a human with a simple iron crown on his head. The woman was a griffin-kin, with an eagle’s head and wings, and the body of a humanoid lion. She wore the armor of the Legion, with only a few adornments that signified her rank.

These were Emperor Julius of the East and Maior Generalis Maximia Tetrica, the commander of all military forces in the East. The Maior Generalis frowned.

“You sure they were coming now?”

Emperor Julius nodded.

“Emperor Lucius has assured me that help was on the way.”

Maior Generalis Maximia waved one of her hands around.

“Yes, yes. The Queen of the Dobhar, right? I mean, she’s probably better than an extra legion or two, but she’s still just one person. We have several High-Archons tearing down our defenses, not to mention the endless hordes from dungeons both ahead and behind.”

Emperor Julius sighed.

“What are you trying to say?”

Maior Generalis Maximia turned to look him in the eye.

“I’m saying I have better things to do than to play diplomat. We have an entire war to fight, and we’re losing.”

Emperor Julius shook his head.

“And that situation won’t change if you’re away from the war room for an hour or two, Maior Generalis. This is an Amicitia Populi Elteni, responding to our call on the personal request of Emperor Lucius himself. Even you have some decorum you must maintain.”

Maior Generalis Maximia scoffed.

“That puppet’s word means little to us. I fail to see how any decorum is more important than the impending destruction of the Empire.”

Emperor Julius then allowed himself a small smirk.

“Even if Magister Militum Canus Sittius Dio stated that this woman could change our fortunes?”

The Maior Generalis flinched.

“...that man clearly does not understand the situation here. If he had, none of this would have happened. He certainly would not have abandoned his post only to take some cushy job in Corvanus.”

Emperor Julius shook his head again. The Maior Generalis never did forgive her former boss for retiring. But in any case, the communications officer was signaling their guest was on approach, so the time for complaints was over. Maior Generalis Maximia heaved a dramatic sigh.

“Finally. Let’s get going and get back to work.”

And then she froze. As did Emperor Julius, and all the Legion troops standing at the ready.

High in the sky, something broke through the clouds. It was an airship, vaguely reminiscent of Mirima’s designs, yet different from any Imperial vessel. It was sleek and curved, its exterior formed of unadorned metal. At the center of its bow was a large tube that appeared to run the length of the ship.

And most of all…it wasn’t alone.

An entire fleet of such ships broke through the clouds and flew towards Proclus’s Bastion. All around them, formations of small airships circled around on patrol. There were tiny by Imperial standards, each only large enough to carry a handful of people at most...but there were hundreds of them.

Emperor Julius managed to open his mouth and squeak out a few words.

“ ‘Just one person,’ huh?”

Maior Generalis Maximia did not respond.
