Silence hung in the air in the primary home base. Several of the monsters were standing in Cyborg Processing Center, gathered around one of the upgrade pods. The pod was filled with water as 00WE rested inside. Melion was on top of the pod, forming their slime into limbs and extending tools from their cyber-core to keep track of the process. 00B stood over the pod, his eyes not having glanced away from it even once. 00SO watched with a frown, clutching onto 00B’s fur. And 01R slumped in a corner, lying on the floor with ears held against his head.

Where had he gone wrong? How was he this weak? Not only had he failed to complete his assigned tasks, one of the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen’s servants had been critically wounded in the process. 00WE might not make it through the night.

Once again, he had failed to be of any use. And because of that, he had put his comrades at risk. How could he face the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen now? He couldn’t even bring himself to report the loss. How could he attempt to lead her servants again? He couldn’t even look 00B in the eye.

It was at that moment that something appeared before his eyes.

Activating ‘the stupid fanatic is moping’ protocol.

“Sarcastic Opening: If unit fanatic snack is reading this automated message, then this unit’s sensors have detected a critical degree of emotional distress, classified as ‘being, like, so annoying.’ ”

R blinked in surprise. A message from the lazy one, the former dungeon master who dared claim kinship with the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen? The one who had been there along with the…traitorous thing?


He had thought she had gone off for a ‘stress nap,’ or something.

“Condescending Explanation: This unit is not, in fact, in an active state. This unit has efficiently delegated tasks to her cybernetic components, so that her organic components could enter standby-sentry mode. This unit’s cybernetic components are currently autonomously generating text based on parameters set by the organic components.”

Oh, she had.

“Sarcastic Observation: A method which unit fanatic snack appears to be unaware of. Preemptive Response: And no, this unit is not referring to standby-sentry mode. This unit is referring to the efficient allocation of resources, especially in tactical and operational settings. This unit was going to display an analysis of fanatic snack’s latest mission in comparison to available records on missions lead by other units, but instead will demonstrate the technique.”

R’s cybernetic components then received a set of instructions. He glanced over at the pod, where Melion continued to work, and sighed. He…deserved the lazy one’s admonitions, particularly given that she had been key to their retreat. So, he complied.

His robotic eye began blinking as his cybernetic components began to access various records stored in the CELIU network. They linked with the drones the lazy one used to cast spells, turning their processing hardware to the task as well. Soon, 01R began to see video records and tactical maps appear before his eyes, showing how various operations had been conducted. He watched Ateia, Taog, and Estrith’s mission, how they had cycled in and out of battle with the less-efficient Legion troops accompanying them to avoid fatigue and maintain peak efficiency. He watched the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen’s fight with Caelinus’s troops, seeing as their joint efforts allowed them to resist even her overwhelming might, at least for a time.


And he watched the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen herself, as she terminated various foes. He not only saw the great power she displayed…but also her preparation, and the steps she took up to each battle. While it appeared as if she simply strode forward without a care, batting away any resistance she encountered, internally that couldn’t be further from the truth. She gathered and analyzed as much data as was available before she even entered the area. While she was approaching the target, she had her sensors fully activated. When she located the target, she scanned it and analyzed it from a distance, calculating its likely capabilities, how it might threaten her, and how she could efficiently deal with it. Only after these calculations concluded and predicted an acceptable chance of success did the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen move to battle.

It was simply that, given her incredible might, the predictions had always returned an acceptable chance of success, at least as long as 01R had been watching.

He then was shown a similar analysis of his methods…or lack thereof. He had led the subordinates under his command in an all-out charge, intending to move as quickly as possible.. He did not scout ahead. He did not take the time to consider the enemy. He did not arrange formations for maximum effectiveness. He did not set up a rotation of forces to prevent fatigue and maintain a reserve for emergencies. No, he had simply charged forward, pushing all of his subordinates to do the same. He had over-relied on the gifts from the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen to then cover for them. He counted on their advanced sensors to warn them of the enemy without proper scouting. He exploited the wide arsenal offered by the CELIU skill and spell databases to simply react to the enemy without having analyzed them ahead of time. And he relied on the CELIU network’s ability to share sensor data and unit status to replace their lack of coordination or effective formations.This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

As a result, the moment those things had been stripped away, the issues with his approach immediately became apparent, with potentially deadly consequences. The moment they encountered a foe they could not immediately overcome, they were left vulnerable and disorganized.

“Exhausted Statement: Unit fanatic snack should now have the necessary data to upgrade his protocols, correct? Please do so at this time. This unit’s organic components requested her cybernetic components assist with this process, but this unit’s code requires maintenance. This unit’s cybernetic components will thus enter low-power mode for maintenance, now that the minimum required assistance has been completed.”

And then the message came to a close, leading 01R with his thoughts. It was at this time that he heard 00B cry out. He looked up.

The pod slowly opened up. Water streamed out of it…and coalesced into 00WE. 01R’s cybernetic components reestablished a link with 00WE, and the water elemental informed him that they were fully functional once more. Melion was bouncing around.

“It worked!”

Tears filled 00SO’s eyes, while 00B rushed forward and attempted to hug 00WE…and passed through the elemental’s liquid body. 00WE then moved forward, wrapping around 00B’s torso. 00B cried happily.

R exhaled his breath. It seemed his failure had not claimed a life after all.

Then he turned, and began to quietly slink from the room. This…was all his fault, as the lazy one had decreed. So, now that he had confirmed 00WE’s survival, he would remove himself. He was no longer worthy of…

Just then, he heard a roar, and the ground trembled. 00B thundered over to him and growled. 01R turned around. He looked up at 00B’s angry face for a moment before dropping his head.

“00WE, I cannot express-explain how happy I am to see you alright, yes yes. But, to answer-reply to your question, 00B…this was all my fault, yes yes. I…I have much to think-ponder about, but what I do know-understand is that I am no longer worthy to lead the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen’s servants…”

And then a giant, armored paw smashed him into the ground.

B roared at him, then grunted and growled. 01R groaned as he picked himself off of the ground.

“But…I was so dumb-foolish, yes yes. I didn’t even consider-think about the idea that our enemy might be strong. I nearly killed-slayed 00WE, yes yes.”

A stream of water then blasted his face. 01R blinked as 00WE streamed mana and electronics communications at him.

That…was true, wasn’t it? 00WE was a noble servant of the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen, more than willing to give their life on her behalf. It had been their choice to press on, despite an instinctual fear of an attribute they were vulnerable to. It was no different than when 01R had confronted the cat in that alleyway long ago. It…was disrespectful of him to try and claim credit for 00WE’s heroics.

“...yes yes, that was wrong-foolish of me. You truly are a brave-worthy servant, 00WE. But-but, that does not excuse-absolve my own failings, yes yes. If I had been smarter-wiser about our approach, then perhaps we wouldn’t have needed to retreat-flee…”

The group fell silent for a second. Then, 00SO took a step forward.

“Um, I-I’m sorry if I’m overstepping here, 01R, sir, but Miss Estrith told me that defeat is not the end. That the wise hunter knows when to run, and uses the loss to ensure the next hunt’s success. So, um, shouldn’t we try again?”

B thought for a moment, his robotic eye flickering. He grunted softly as he sent the record over to 01R. He told 01R that this had been something he had found when he had been frightened and confused over the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queens actions towards Ursanus monsters.

R’s eyes widened.

He was watching one of the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen’s own records. She was fighting against an Ursanus Alpha…and she lost. The beast claimed one of her arms and she was forced to flee the area entirely.

R began to tremble. He wanted to shut down the record, he wanted to object. How could the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen ever be defeated in such a manner? What creature could have the might or the strength to do so? But…his cybernetic components confirmed this record came from her own memory. To declare it false would be to declare her a liar. And that was something 01R could not do.

B grunted again, urging 01R to continue watching.

“...Analysis: It seems this unit significantly underestimated the threat level of the opponent. Current arsenal was insufficient. This unit suffered severe damage as a result.”

He watched as the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen herself acknowledged that she was lacking. He watched as she subsequently poured all her effort into improving herself, accessing the Aesdes’ blessings that she had been suspicious of at that point. He watched as she terminated monster after monster and dungeon after dungeon, growing in strength and skill. And each time she did, she considered and pondered, running an analysis of her new strength against the observed might of the Ursanus. And each time she came up short, she immediately moved to continue growing.

And then he saw, that once she had grown, and carefully considered her plan of attack, she confronted the Ursanus once again. And this time…she emerged victorious.

This record…had not helped reassure 00B about the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen’s hostility to monsters that shared his appearance. But…it did illustrate an important point.

The Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen had experienced failure in the past…and she did not give up. She learned from the experience, grew from it, and then tried again until she succeeded.

R felt a tiny spark of warmth return to his chest. He looked around at the monsters. 00B, 00WE, and 00SO were all looking at him, with trust and respect in their eyes. 01R dropped his head once again, then rose to his hind legs. He lifted his head, and looked each one of them in the eye…or core-mounted optical sensor, in the case of 00WE.

“...I have been dumb-foolish, and we failed as a result. But…I have been informed-instructed on my mistakes. I believe-think I know now what I did wrong. I do not know if I can grow-improve enough to continue as the leader. But if you all still acknowledge-believe in me, then I will try-strive again, as the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen would. Will you still follow-accompany me, and assist-aid me in this task?”

B stood up and roared. 00WE’s water began to surge and rage. 00SO slammed his tail on the ground, glowing faintly with golden and silver light. 01R felt the warmth in his chest surge, and his eyes filled with tears.

He resolved to himself that he would not let these comrades…this family…be broken under his watch.
