Seero finished purifying the dungeon core while the dungeon master just stared at her. She then turned her attention to the other two groups, analyzing their situations.

Ateia had apparently succeeded in her experiment, and applied basic skill assistance via the CELIU network to individuals outside of it. While unnecessary for the CELIU network’s own members, the capability would be highly useful for cooperation with allied forces. And as Seero continued to analyze the situation in detail, she made a discovery. She detected a small amount of mana and data moving from the Imperial mages through Ateia and ultimately into the core of the Primary Home Base.

Shialnor’s data and Imperial doctrine had indicated that the Aesdes’ system didn’t necessarily provide anything new to the inhabitants of Aelea, but rather quantified and organized it into more easily understood forms. Skills, attributes, and more were simply descriptions of phenomena that were already occurring.

The same went for levels and experience. By Seero’s analysis, everyone and everything in Aelea was constantly absorbing small amounts of mana–from the atmosphere, from their food, from the ground, and from proximity to each other. And as they acted and performed various tasks, this mana gained small amounts of data recording what occurred. When that happened, the mana would permanently attach to the subject, increasing their overall mana capacity and capabilities.

And it seemed that Ateia’s assistance for their allies was no small feat in this regard. Her mana, and by extension Seero’s, was involved in every step of the process as Nonus and the other mages cast spells provided by the CELIU network.

Seero logged this as a phenomena to research further, and returned to analyzing the two groups’ progress.

Her monster subordinates were advancing more quickly than the allied force, but that appeared to be intentional. The allied force utilized a methodical and carefully paced approach, involving scouting, planning, reorganization, and rotation of frontline units so that all units could rest at regular intervals. The monsters, on the other hand, were pushing forward as quickly as they could, with all of them contributing to the fight at every moment. By Seero’s analysis, they would complete the dungeon more efficiently in terms of time, but with higher risk due to increased fatigue, rapid advances, and a lack of reserves.


She calculated that she should reinforce the monsters, both due to their rapid advance that would complete the dungeon soon, and due to their method of advance that could leave them vulnerable should the situation turn against them.

She informed the network that the dungeon had been purified and that she was enroute to 01R’s location, and then made her way out of the dungeon.

B roared as he rushed towards a giant golem made of black stone. His back cannon opened fire but the golem remained standing even after a direct hit. His repulsors and rocket boosters matched his roar as they launched him forward. He crashed into the golem, which caught his paws in its hands. 00B grunted and roared again as he pushed against it.

With Big Sister Lilussees watching over them, the younger siblings felt emboldened to push more aggressively. The group had rushed forward at impressive speeds, only slowing down to the maximum speed the drone-golems could travel at. But the resistance had grown increasingly stiff as they went on, and now their progress had slowed to a crawl.

The drone-golems were all out of ammunition, and had taken casualties despite 00B’s best efforts. Less than half of them remained, as 00B was forced to prioritize the cyborgs. Everyone else was low on mana, even Big Sister Lilussees.

Big Brother 01R was gritting his teeth and he flew through the air, slashing at the golem. He understood the situation as well as 00B. He knew that they would need to slow down at this rate.


And that thought burned in their hearts.

The Great Mother had already conquered her target dungeon, predicted as the most powerful of the three, and was moving to assist them. If they did not reach the end soon, then she would arrive and handle things on her own.

They would have failed to be useful to her.This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

So, despite the danger, despite the foolishness of advancing, not one monster spoke of stopping. Except for Big Sister Lilussees, but she always did so, and from the very start, so that was just how she was. And if they were not stopping…

B grunted as the golem socked him in the face. He managed to swipe at the golem’s torso in response, pushing it back slightly. Both failed to bypass the other’s HP barrier.

…then it was up to 00B to keep his family safe.

B didn’t have the raw speed of Big Brother 01R, nor the magical firepower of Big Sister Lilussees or the Great Mother. His mana reserves were surprisingly low, and so he couldn’t make use of many of the spells shared by the Great Mother.

But what he did have was raw strength and durability. A force of nature and metal combined into an unstoppable juggernaut. His HP barrier formed a visible shield around him that he could expand to protect his family nearby. His cybernetic components analyzed every incoming attack and told 00B how he should respond to minimize their impact. Active countermeasures could utilize mana, lasers, and even projectiles to intercept incoming spells. Should an attack make its way through, thick composite armor with magical layers would block and mitigate the attack. And should it make it through all the way to his squishy parts, then his natural Ursanus-lineage durability would kick in. His squishy parts were much less squishy than everyone else’s.

The black golem stepped forward, swinging another fist towards him. 00B’s cybernetic components indicated if he crouched down, the swing would deflect off his armor, and he could use that moment to flip the golem over him.

B did not do this.

The CELIU network informed him that several of his family were fighting behind him, and flipping the golem over would put them at risk. 00B refused to let that happen, so he took the blow head on instead. The cannon on his back swung around, loading a high explosive shell and firing directly at the golem’s fist. The explosion mitigated some of the golem’s momentum, while the shrapnel bounced harmlessly off 00B’s HP. 00B struck the golem’s arm with his paw, sending the punch wide as the armored bear slammed his shoulder into the golem.

And as the golem took another step back, 00B spent his mana to trigger a skill. Holy mana stirred up within him and filled his squishy parts, in a manner not unlike Little Sister Ateia. Strength surged through his body and he let out a roar that shook the room.

B pounced towards the golem. He leapt up with the assistance of his repulsors and swung his paw with all his considerable weight behind it. Repulsors on his arm and the back of his paw lit up as well, adding additional force to his strike.

His HP barrier shook for a moment as he landed his strike on the unyielding stone. A small crack formed on the golem’s head.

B renewed his attack, swinging repulsor and Holy mana assisted paws at the golem over and over. His cannon fired armor piercing shells at point blank range, leaving cracks and craters on the golem’s surface. The golem pushed back but Gravity Magic-infused webs from Big Sister Lilussees wrapped around its arms and legs, preventing it from responding. 00B was free to attack with impunity.

Soon, the ground was littered with chunks of black stone. The golem was cracked and crumbling. 00B was just about to reach its core…

But then, a second black golem stepped into the room, this one carrying a black spear. It stepped towards 00B. 00B grit his teeth but he took a step back and let his buff skill fade. He need to ensure he was at peak condition if he was going to take on a second foe.

The golem walked up to its fallen comrade…and then stabbed the fallen golem right in the chest. The stone spear was able to punch through the cracked and crumbling stone, crushing the golem’s core.

As 00B tried to comprehend what was happening, the black golem began to attack the remaining enemies. None of their foes could stand against its spear. And once it was done, it took a step back, planting its spear in the ground. 00B and the others eyed it warily.

“Well it’s about time!”

A short humanoid stepped into view from behind the golem. He had a large beard, with small tusks extending from his lower jaw, and wore a blacksmith’s apron with a hammer and pickaxe in his hands.

Big Brother 01R narrowed his eyes and stepped forward.

“Who are you?”

The newcomer scoffed.

“Who am I? I’m the dungeon master, ya rodent! Now come on, ya all are from some dungeon master here to subjugate me, right?”

Big Brother 01R glared at him.

“We are the servants of the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen and…”

The dungeon master nodded.

“Thought so. Well come along then! My dungeon’s going crazy, and not one of the new monsters listens to me no more! If yer Boss-Queen or whatever has a solution, then let’s hurry up and get on with it! I’ll go ahead and surrender or what have ya if ya can fix this.”

Big Brother 01R gnashed his teeth but 00B grunted at him. Big Brother 01R was especially sensitive about the Great Mother, and made a big deal of showing her proper respect. Well, 00B understood that, and would crush anyone who dared disrespect her, but he also knew the Great Mother would prioritize their survival. So she wouldn’t want them to pick a fight with someone who was offering to surrender.

Big Brother 01R glanced at him, and then sighed.

“Very well. Lead-Guide us to your core and then we shall consider allowing-permitting you to join the Wise-Mighty-Gracious Boss-Queen’s servants, if you are worthy, yes yes.”

The dungeon master rolled his eyes.

“That’s what I’m trying to do! Now stop lolly-gagging and get a move on!”

Big Brother 01R gnashed his teeth yet again but he nodded to the rest of the group. They all began to follow the dungeon master and his golem. 00B took up point once again, carefully observing the pair in front of them.

Because no matter what happened, 00B would protect his family.
