The ship pulled in, rising itself up and onto the dock like the others. Miallói turned to face NSLICE-00P, with the rest of the Selkies lining up behind her.

“This is where we part ways. Honored warrior NSLICE-00P, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for protecting my home.”

Miallói and the Selkies all saluted, then Miallói turned to the two Imperials.

“Warriors Ateia and Taog, I also thank you. It was thanks to you that my home is safe. We did not have much time together but I was honored to teach you for as long as I could. Remember your training, stay aware, and may your quest be successful.”

Ateia and Taog saluted back.

“Thank you!”

And with that, NSLICE-00P and the others made their way off the ship, and Miallói and her warriors returned to Turannia.


The group stepped off the ship. An Imperial official was waiting at the end of the pier, checking each passenger as they entered. When it came the group’s turn, Ateia and Taog pointed to their Exploratores clasps on their cloaks. The official nodded and waved them past.

“Identification, please.”

NSLICE-00P opened up a small compartment on her arm, and pulled out the brooch she had received.

The official raised an eyebrow before his eyes widened. He took out a small staff and waved it over the brooch. The staff’s magic core glowed green.

“My apologies, honored guest.”

He glanced at Estrith.


“Is this, um, your bodyguard?”

“Affirmative Statement: That designation is reasonably accurate.”

The official nodded.

“I understand. Well, then, carry on. Welcome to Aquilo Perfugium, Ma’am.”


And so the group stepped off the pier and out into the streets of Aquilo Perfugium. Taog turned to Ateia.

“Ok, so what now?”

Ateia grinned.

“What do you think? We start our search!”

Taog raised an eyebrow.

“And how do we do that? You have thought of a plan, right?”

Ateia crossed her arms.

“Taog, how long do you think I’ve been thinking about this? Of course I have a plan!”

“Which is?”

Ateia nodded.

“We make for the Northern Exploratores HQ in Corvanus! Someone there should know my father, right? And then on the way, we check in with the local Exploratores branches to see if we can find anything about Seero’s people, and complete a few requests to make some money.”

“That’s…reasonable, I guess.”

“Why are you acting so surprised, Taog?! Did you think I was just going to run off down the road with no plan?!”

Taog…averted his gaze.

“W-We should get moving.”

Ateia glared at him.

“We’re going to talk about your opinion of me later, Taog.”

NSLICE-00P, on the other hand, was talking with her monster subordinates.

“Notification: All units capable of covert intelligence-gathering should prepare to deploy soon. NSLICE network will deploy to search the local settlement for persons of interest as soon as this unit can locate a secure and confidential drop-off zone.”

B, who was lying on his back, rolled over and stood up.

“Statement: NSLICE-00B is not capable of covert intelligence-gathering, and will not be deploying at this time.”

B cried in protest.

“Statement: NSLICE-00B is a combat-specialized unit, and will deploy if combat is necessary.”The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.

B whined but laid back down.

Meanwhile Lilussees strolled out of her room, waving her pedipalps about as she stirred from her latest nap.

Having regained the ability to sleep as she desired (and having done so almost continuously for several days at this point), she was in an abnormally pleasant mood.

“Ah, like, what’s that, boss? Sending us out again? I guess that’s, like, fine, or something.”


“Like, when, though?”

“Answer: As soon as this unit has a chance to move to a secure location.”

Lilussees tilted her head.

“Hmmm…oh, because, like, the humans, or something?”


Lilussees rested a leg on her mandibles.

“But, like, couldn’t you just Transfer us, or something?”

“Requesting Elaboration: What is NSLICE Lilussees referring to by term ‘transfer’?

“Like, it’s a dungeon skill, or something? It, like, lets dungeon masters move their monsters around, or something? Otherwise, like, we couldn’t get our monsters to their spots without running them past the humans, or something.”


Upon review, NSLICE-00P located the skill Lilussees mentioned.

Dungeon Skills




Check the status of a target. More detail for targets within the dungeon.


Bind a consenting target to the dungeon, per terms agreed upon by both parties.


Move yourself, a subordinate, or a consenting target within your dungeon.
