NSLICE-00P stepped into the main hall of Castra Turannia's keep, with Estrith at her rear and Legate Opiter leading her. The hall was filled with limitanei, but now in shining armor and bright red capes. They stood in two orderly rows, standing straight and at attention. Behind them were the merchants, the landowners, and the notable citizens of Turannia, along with as many of the more common denizens of Castra Turannia as would fit. At the end of the hall stood Governor Aemilia, now dressed in an elegant stola made of Celestial Silk from the Land of the Stars, not a garb anyone in Turannia would have the means or opportunity to ever acquire. She was flanked by Dux Canus, wearing shining armor with gold and silver highlights, and Magister Tiberius, in the usual garb of the Exploratores but fully cleaned and polished. Ateia and Taog stood among the crowd, smiling at her.

NSLICE-00P walked down to the end of the hall and the crowd fell silent. Governor Aemilia then addressed her.

“NSLICE-00P, Rightful Queen of the Dobhar, Savior of Castra Turannia, in recognition of your deeds, I, Governor per Turannia Aemilia Hibera, hereby declare you an Amicitia Populi Elteni.”

She nodded to Magister Tiberius, who presented NSLICE-00P with a scroll and a brooch with a blue gem to signify her status. She channeled her mana through the brooch, binding it to herself.

And so NSLICE-00P became a friend of the Empire.

Shortly thereafter, Magister Tiberius summoned Ateia and Taog to his office.

“Ateia Niraemia, Taog Sutharlan, as Magister Exploratores per Turannia, I certify your training is complete and that you are fully commissioned as Exploratores of the Empire. Go now, reveal the enemies of the Empire, defend its borders, and make safe its people.”


With that, he handed them each a scroll, a metal brooch in the shape of a horse that represents the Exploratores, and a new traveling cloak. The pair saluted and took the items, Ateia not bothering to hide her grin.

Magister Tiberius heaved a sigh.

“Exploratores Ateia, I need to speak to you.”

He glanced at Taog.

“In private.”

Ateia frowned.


“I trust Taog with my life, Magister. Anything you have to say to me, he should hear as well.”

Magister Tiberius frowned, but then he nodded.

“...I suppose that’s fair. You will need trustworthy allies, after all.”

Ateia blinked at that.


Magister Tiberius walked back to his desk, and took a seat.

“You plan to leave Turannia soon, do you not?”

Ateia nodded.

“Um, yes, I’m sorry we won’t be around, but we promised Seero…NSLICE-00P that we would assist her on her quest.”

Magister Tiberius nodded.

“And because you plan to search for your father, right?”

Ateia froze.

“How did you…?”

He smirked at her.

“I am not the Magister Exploratores for nothing, young lady.”

Taog shook his head.

“Ateia, you were never very quiet about it, you know?”

Ateia looked away sheepishly. Magister Tiberius’s smile then dropped.

“...as an Exploratores, you are now authorized to travel the Empire at will, and to tackle any issue that you deem important to the Empire. And since you have made a promise to our savior, who is also now the Queen of the Dobhar, I cannot object to your departure. So instead, I will give you a warning.”

Ateia and Taog grew quiet. They silently glanced at one another before turning to the Magister.Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.

“Magister Tiberius…?”

He rested his elbows on his desk and crossed his hands together.

“Your parents had many friends…but they also had many enemies. There was a reason your father brought you here, to the furthest and most remote corner of the Empire…and there was a reason he left you here. More than that, he would not say, only that we were to keep you safe…and anonymous.”

Ateia’s eyes widened. Magister Tiberius sighed once again.

“That…is no longer possible it seems. So know this: be careful who you trust, and do not openly reveal your quest, or your parentage. Use NSLICE-00P as your cover, let everyone think you’re just helping her on her search. Do not put yourself in danger if you can help it. And if you get in trouble in Utrad, seek out Agedia of the Mélusine or Vafum Broadbane of Khalbuldor, either of them can assist you. The Magister Exploratores of Utrad is not an enemy, but not to be trusted, either.”

Ateia went silent. Magister Tiberius looked over at Taog.

“Exploratores Taog Sutharlan, I charge you with this mission. Protect Ateia Niraemia, do not let her fall into the hands of her enemies, whoever they may be.”

Taog frowned and nodded.

“I would have done that even if you didn’t tell me.”

Magister Tiberius nodded. And then he let a faint smile grow on his lips.

“Well, I can admit that by cunning, by luck, or by the work of the Aesdes, you seem to be prepared. No, rather, the relationship you forged with NSLICE-00P saved all of us. An Exploratore's relationships are also their strength, often their main strength, remember that well. I will definitely sleep better knowing you’re traveling in the company of an actual hero.”

Ateia and Taog froze.

“...Seero…is a hero?”

Magister Tiberius frowned.

“Oh…you didn't know? She didn’t tell you?”

Ateia and Taog shook their heads with all their might. Magister Tiberius blinked a few times.


NSLICE-00P was waiting at the inn when Ateia and Taog burst through the door. Estrith grabbed her spear at first, but scoffed and turned aside as she saw the two Imperials enter. She busied herself with a bowl of soup instead.

“Greeting: Hello, friendlies Ateia and Taog. Query: Have you concluded your business with Magister Tiberius?”

The two ignored her and marched right up to her, each placing a hand on one of her shoulders. Ateia spoke first.

“Nevermind that! Seero, what’s this about you being a hero?!”

Everyone heard a bowl crash on the ground as Estrith dropped her soup.

“Response: This unit has received a ‘Hero’ designation from the foreign system.”

Estrith began to tremble in the corner of the room. Ateia shouted at NSLICE-00P.

“How?! Why?!”

“Answer: This unit received the designation after terminating a hostile dungeon.”

Taog groaned.

“Seero, it wasn’t just any old dungeon, was it?”

“Speculation: This unit received a separate feat, so it does appear the dungeon was designated separately from others. The foreign system described it as a corrupted dungeon.”

The pair froze. Estrith’s trembling grew.

“Seero…you fought…a corrupted dungeon?”




Taog trembled as well.

“W-When did that happen, Seero? Weren’t you like…level 20 or something?”

“Answer: When Ateia and Taog were conducting Exploratores training. According to this unit’s logs, she was at personal level 28 at the beginning of the hostile dungeon termination.”

Ateia and Taog slapped their heads, groaned, and then sighed. Estrith held her head as she attempted to comprehend the words she was overhearing.

“Ok, so Seero’s a hero and can do anything pretty much. Well…that’s a good thing, right?”

Taog sighed again.

“...you know what. Sure. Yes. Seero’s a hero…and Queen of the Dobhar…I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the grandmaster of some knight order too. Are you, Seero? Are you the grandmaster of some knight order?”

“Answer: As far as this unit is aware, she is not a knight.”

Ateia jumped.

“Wait, you’re not?!”

“Uncertain Response: As far as this unit is aware, the term ‘knight’ refers to either an official member of a martial order chartered by a national authority, or an aristocratic title granted by a sufficiently high-ranking government official. This unit has no affiliations as of present, and her only official title on record is Amicitia Populi Elteni. This unit is not aware if term 'knight' has any additional meanings in the local context, and so cannot state with certainty that the designation is inaccurate, however.”

Ateia froze. Taog glanced at her.

“You know…we never actually asked her that, Ateia.”

“You know…you’re right, Taog. We never did. We just assumed…but she’s wearing that armor…”

“But like…anyone can wear armor…you know?”

“...I guess that’s…true?”

And so the mystery of NSLICE-00P’s identity deepened for the two confused teens.

Meanwhile Estrith was huddled in the corner, clutching her head.

“She’s…a hero? That? That foul demon lord who usurped My King…is a hero? That’s…what? It…it must be a lie. Those Imperials must be mistaken. The Aesdes would not permit such a thing to occur.”

It would be quite some time before Estrith engaged a rest cycle that night.

And so NSLICE-00P, Ateia, Taog, and Estrith moved to leave Turannia. Magister Tiberius shed tears of longing and Legate Opiter shed tears of relief as the strange and powerful wandering hero left their city. They were accompanied by Miallói and an honor guard of Selkies. The Selkies as a whole were not entirely certain what to make of NSLICE-00P yet, the one who both defeated the Dobhar and gave the hated enemy a place on Turannia, but Miallói’s own thoughts were clear. To her, NSLICE-00P was a powerful warrior who came to their aid when all was lost, and whose deeds allowed the Selkies to keep their homeland. And so Miallói had offered to escort the group across the sea.

NSLICE-00P originally wanted to fly but this was strongly vetoed by Taog and Estrith. Taog pointed out that it would be better to keep that ability confidential once more, since the Empire in Utrad wouldn’t recognize her right away and might misunderstand something unknown flying towards them.

And so the group made their way to the largest port in Turannia, arranging passage on one of the ships making for the mainland.

And as they did, a certain figure in a cloak, with the hood up to ward off the rain, glanced at the group, her attention drawn by the Selkie warriors.

She froze as her eyes landed on NSLICE-00P, and then moved to Ateia and Taog.

“A human girl and a half-wulver boy…so they were affiliated after all? And a Dobhar too…I guess I’ll need to investigate them as well.”

She walked back into the crowd, looking to book passage on the ship…
