It took a long time, a lot of maneuvering and posturing, a bit of angry shouting, and a great deal of stress (for the individuals who lacked emotional controls, that is), but the negotiations had finally concluded. The agreement was as thus:

NSLICE-00P would be declared an Amicitia Populi Elteni as previously agreed and the Empire would acknowledge she had defeated the Dobhar and subjugated them to her will. In addition, she would be granted some land in recognition of her contributions (also known as single-handedly winning the battle). This land would be recognized as territory belonging purely to her, with the Empire giving up all claim and jurisdiction there. The location of this land was the coastal fort that once defended against the Dobhar and the surrounding areas. The Dobhar would act as her stewards and take care of this land on her behalf. The land was mostly uninhabited due to the constant Dobhar raids, but any Imperials or Selkies that did remain in the area would either be considered under NSLICE-00P’s jurisdiction or else offered assistance in relocating.

NSLICE-00P would command the Dobhar to cease all hostility with the Empire and with the Selkies, and to conduct no further hostility save self-defense against unprovoked aggression. They were also commanded to remain within the borders of her land, and not to cross into Imperial or Selkie territory without prior approval, whether individually or en-masse. This would apply in reverse to the Empire and the Selkies regarding NSLICE-00P’s territory as well, in order to avoid any accidental encounters.

NSLICE-00P would ‘donate’ indemnities to the Empire and to the Selkies on behalf of her subordinates. This would be used to compensate for losses and repair damage dealt by the Dobhar invasion. Some extra was also added for the construction of new defenses between Castra Turannia and the coastal fort.

Finally, while NSLICE-00P vetoed any sort of mutual defense pacts, she did agree to close the borders of her territory to any enemies of the Empire or the Selkies, securing their flank.

Likewise the Selkies would also be declared an Amicitia Populi Elteni per their original agreement, and the Selkies’ territory was officially recognized as their own. In addition, Miallói negotiated for the return of some of the Selkies’ old territory, including Turannia’s second largest port, with the taxes and tariffs there now going to the Council of Hunters. As the Selkies were still considered an allied race, that territory remained open to the Empire and the Selkies agreed to retain Imperial law in the short term, with a promise to consult Governor Aemilia before changing any of those laws later on. Finally, many of the terms of the Selkies’ original treaty with the Empire were renegotiated as befitting their new status, including a change from the yearly contribution of auxiliaries to a mutual defense pact with the Imperial forces in Turannia.

And so the negotiations concluded. Uscfrea Ymmason had acquired a new home for his people, though he was forced to drop all debts with the Empire and subordinate them to NSLICE-00P. Miallói acquired independence and a lot of boons for the Selkies, who were now necessary to counter the large and independent Dobhar force in Turannia, though she had to accept the presence of their ancestral enemy on Turannia itself. Governor Aemilia could claim to have solved a major crisis while the comitatenses were away, and ended the Dobhar’s hostility to the Empire, though she gave up a lot of territory and set a client race free from Imperial authority in the process. Dux Canus had likewise ended the Dobhar threat and gave up some of the territory he couldn’t defend anyways, and so could focus his limited forces on the Forest of Beasts. Albeit with a large, previously hostile force at his back.


As for NSLICE-00P?

NSLICE-00P walked out of the tent. Friendly Uscfrea Ymmason moved to direct the Dobhar, preparing them for the trip to their new home while the Imperials and Selkies moved to clean up the battlefield. NSLICE-00P, on the other hand, stood in place, her robotic eye flickering as she analyzed the results of the latest events.

She had gained the full assistance of the entire Dobhar race with her primary directive. She had gained a homebase should one be necessary. She had gained recognition by the Empire and a promise of assistance with her primary directive, all while maintaining her overall independence from existing factions.

Not to mention…

Compiling experience…

Gained 1699 Personal XP and 1509 Dungeon XP!


Level up! You are now Personal level 50 and Dungeon level 83!
