NSLICE-00P lowered Ateia and Taog to the ground as King Uscfrea commanded his forces to stop attacking. Ateia and Taog ran up to Miallói and Dux Canus, while horns blew throughout both the Imperial and Dobhar forces. Soon, everyone on the battlefield ceased fighting and turned their attention to where NSLICE-00P and King Uscfrea faced off.

Neither combatant wasted any time. NSLICE-00P immediately started flying higher and King Uscfrea lobbed his axe straight towards her. It didn’t come anywhere close to the cyborg but it shattered the Aurora Barrage magic circle behind her. King Uscfrea then pulled a mana chain connected to the axe, causing the spinning weapon to loop around and approach NSLICE-00P from the rear. But NSLICE-00P boosted out of the way at the last second and the axe flew past her, landing back in King Uscfrea’s hand.

King Uscfrea grinned at the cyborg.

“You might have some flashy spells, but they call me Spellbreaker for a reason!”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye flickered.

“Acknowledged. Adapting strategy for anti-magic circle countermeasures.”

And then, the sky lit up.


King Uscfrea’s smile fell.

Dozens of small magic circles appeared in the air in a large dome all around him.

He tossed his axe at the center of the formation…but only a handful of the circles vanished.

This was not a single spell.

NSLICE-00P was casting dozens of individual spells all at once.

Which meant if King Uscfrea wanted to break them…he would have to do so one by one.


And then the magic circles flashed and he was assaulted by a barrage of Light Beams.

King Uscfrea grunted in pain, his eyes widening.

The beams…were hurting him.

It wasn’t all that much damage, but they were somehow piercing his fur. The fur that had bathed in the magical blood of a mighty sea-serpent and so gained special resistance to magic.

It was one thing when he was tanking a massive strategic spell like the mage had cast at first.

But small spells like this shouldn’t have impacted him at all.

King Uscfrea had no time to act surprised, however. The beams didn’t do much damage on their own but they were doing damage and most of all, there were a great many of them. He would obviously lose if he just let the mage pound on him.

So he immediately leapt into the air with all his might, pulling his axe back into his hand as he rocketed towards his flying opponent.

Meanwhile, NSLICE-00P was hovering in place mid-air. The downside of using individual spells like this was she had to devote significantly more processing power to maintaining and aiming the individual circles, especially if she wanted to Supercharge them. She had ceased her evasive maneuvers in the meantime, and so remained within a reasonable range of her foe.

But that was fine.

Because these weren’t just Light Beam spells.

The skill Multicasting is now level 10!

The spell Fusion Light Beam is now level 15!
