Raysdotter stretched and popped her back. “Finally out of that elfin’ Aaron be-cursed swamp!”.

“Technically it was a lake,” Aishablue provided, helpfully. Her normally clean, white robes clung tightly to her short brown frame. She was coated in a thin layer of blood and grime.

Raysdotter swung her spear to point back towards the lake. “Ya want me ta drown you, Aishablue?”

“Don’t threaten our mage.” Starshine chastised.

With a final series of squelching footsteps,Team Brighstar emerged from the Emerald Lake. They had finally reached the center of the dungeon, the hub from which all the other zones branched.

Balin twisted his back to adjust the shield strapped across his shoulders. It was a marvelous black and gold affair that Tania had given him at the going-away party. It was made with a combination of adamantium and goldsteel and had a fairly common pair of enchantments on it to reduce its weight and increase its strength. Nothing fancy, but it could be the difference between life and death.

In front of them stretched a seemingly endless plain. The heat here baked their skin, and the air was distinctly parched. Golden grasses as tall as a man whipped back and forth in a constant wind, and the sound of roaring and trumpeting was carried with it. The scent here was quite different from the must of the Emerald Lake, or the green dampness of the Darkwood. It was a dry and dusty smell, with a promise of scorched and thirsty days ahead.


They had reached the appropriately named Endless Plain. Roughly an hour north of here was the portal, along with an outpost - or small town - for adventurers staying within the dungeon. Far off to the east lay the Nightmare Tangle, north was the Teeming Jungle, and the Flowering Fields lay to the west. As soon as they reached the outpost, they would have graduated to become intermediate adventurers.

With their arrival came a welcome notification in Balin’s vision.


Milestone Gained!Congratulations dungeon explorer! Reaching a dungeon’s centre for the first time has granted you the ability to choose a Milestone! Please accept one of the following:
