We arrived back at the brewery to accolades, and much joyous noise. Aqua ran over to the Goldstone compound to grab the “Official Member of the Honourable Guild of Brewers” placard to hang over the bar. The announcement of Annie's Title supercharged the whole thing. Beer was drunk, dwarves were tossed, fists were thrown, and cats were dodged. Kirk held up a keg and shook it hard then exploded it over everything. It was a glorious celebration, but as all good things must, it came to an end with the dinner rush.

Sort of. The party more or less spilled into the pub.

I went to bed absolutely exhausted, as the past month of stress and worry all came crashing down at once. I slept the dreamless sleep of the weary, but woke up refreshed and raring to go.

It was the first day of the Octamillenial Brewing contest. And we were in.


Annie and I called everyone onto the brewfloor to take stock and prepare. We now had enough workers that the room was actually a tad noisy. I closed my eyes and let the sound wash over me. Zirce and Emma bantering with Johnsson and Kirk. Aqua and Annie discussing finances. Markus and Moony patiently listening to Richter wax poetic on his latest studies. It was a happy sound, and it reminded me so much of the best days at Beavermoose Brewery. Everyone doing what they loved and working hard.

I hollered to catch everyone’s attention. “Good Mornin’ everyone, where are my dwarfies at! I see Annie, Zirce, Emma, Johnsson, Richter, Markus, Moony, Aqua, and of course, meself.” I proudly puffed out my barrel chest. “John and Tom and Jeremiah and Balin are our final four, but they aren’t present and/or have retired. Have I missed anyone? No? Then it’s time to share tha big - !”


*Meeeeh* [Translated from Prima Donna Goat Interruption] “How could you not have eyes for me!”

“I mean, and of course, Penelope.”


I deflated. “And Georgie… anyone else? No? Sigh. The moment is lost. And how does Georgie even know what we’re talkin’ about? I thought he only followed basic instructions.”

“He isn’t, you’re just in his way.” Aqua snickered.

“Oh, sorry.”


I stepped aside and the boxy bronze golem wheeled past carrying some crates of bottles. It gave a cheery *boop* as it did so.

“I’m so glad that Georgie’s back.” Aqua squealed.

Richter and Johnsson nodded vigorously.

“He does brighten up the place.” Annie agreed, while reaching out to buff his outer shell. “You’re a great golem, aren’t you Georgie?”

The golem ignored her and continued his work.

I ahemed. “Alright! Here’s tha deal! We’ve been given the rules fer the Minnova portion of tha contest!”

“Are you goin’ to tell us, or keep us in suspense?” Zirce complained.

“Ooooh, like with those satin ropes Annie got shipped in?” Emma nodded. “I wonder what those were for?”

Annie choked and Aqua’s eyes bugged out. Kirk had the misfortune of laughing. My higher Charisma actually made it pretty easy to keep my own chuckle down to a whoof of air.

I continued while Annie jumped up and hammered a fist into Kirk’s gut. “The contest rules were shipped to all the contestants this morning. They arrived via [Courier], and heeeere they are!”

I held aloft a pristine white envelope. Considering its import, it was pathetically small and unassuming; I'd been expecting a stone tablet, or a golden placard.

With bated breath I tore the seal with my thumb and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I read it once for myself, then read it aloud.

“To you, Honourable Brewer, we present the following challenge. Brew a beer that captures the essence of what it means to be a dwarf. You must include a note detailing how your brew meets the criteria. All entries must be presented at the end of the month. The judges shall be announced exactly one week before the due date.”
