The more I thought about it….

The more I didn’t want to live forever.

Reincarnating in Erd had been a traumatizing experience – the feeling of being ripped away from my loved ones and acclimatizing to a new world was one I never wanted to feel again.

Yes, I had new friends and family now, but I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to do that again. And again. And again.

There was a reason popular culture back home often turned living forever into a curse.

[Otherworldly Elchemist] seemed interesting, but it just didn't quite mesh with what I wanted. Which was more magic. And given that early Specialisations impacted future choices, there was only really one choice for me.

Farewell, [Bottomless Barrel]! You were my favourite, and you saved my bacon more than once, but in the long term, I don’t really need you.




You have become an [Otherworldly Arcane Crafter]!
