The moment that the rig opened up, James was moving. His legs had yet to wake up, but it didn't stop him from trying.

"Jackal, what did I miss?"

James asked eagerly as he wobbled towards the coffee machine. His arms were desperately tugging at the bodysuit to take it off, while his legs attempted to sabotage his efforts of moving across the room. After a couple of beeps, the hot liquid started pouring into his awaiting cup. James idly realised that the bodysuit was much harder to remove than usual. A casual glance down showed him that the material was tight around his chest and arms. When he moved his torso, the bodysuit pinched at his skin uncomfortably.

Good Evening, James. Congratulations on completing the Legendary Class Quest. I've categorised your updates into sections, so please tell me which you would like to hear first.

Upcoming events, media coverage, competitor analysis, in-game developments, business relations and miscellaneous information.

With a coffee in hand and dressed only in his underwear, James kicked away the bodysuit and took a seat in front of the screens.

"Thanks Jackal, let's start with in-game developments!"


You have officially become the first Vampire Class player in Abidden. You have unlocked a Bloodline, which will grant you new abilities and reputation as you level it up.

"Actually, wait. What's a bloodline?"

A Bloodline is a levelling and rank system that is unique to Vampires. In their society, the purity of an individual's blood determines their rank.

There are seven distinct Bloodlines, from which every Vampire can be traced back to.

When a Bloodline reaches its maximum potential, its holder becomes a Vampire Lord, which is the pinnacle of their hierarchy.

For more information on the Bloodlines, you will need to visit Dervius at one of his Temples.


James couldn't help but grin at the explanation. He was going to have Vampire powers!

A small part of his brain wondered what the use of being a Vampire Lord would be, when there were only two Vampires in existence.

Wait... they don't expect us to have kids, do they?

James' mouth hung wide open as he frantically thought back to the wording of the quest.

Jackal's voice thankfully interrupted his thoughts with the next in-game update.

You've also become the third player to reach the Legendary rank. By completing your Class Quest, you have become the Legendary Dread Captain of the Tempest.

One of your rewards is to customise your Dread Ship. Here are the options that are available to you.

Void Blood

Prerequisites: Kill the Legendary Void Kraken

Prerequisites: Void Demon as Member of Crew

Allows the Tempest to teleport to and from known locations around Abidden.

With the blood of the Void Kraken soaked into the wood of the Tempest, the Ship has inherited some of its power.

If there was a Void Demon that could navigate that realm, the Tempest could use the defeated Kraken's power to move instantly across great distances.

After reading it, James immediately wanted to accept the 'Void Blood' customisation.

He idly imagined teleporting up to the Sky Palace, which made him laugh.

Dread Storm

Prerequisites: Captain is Dread Pirate and First Mate is Storm Mage.

Allows the Tempest to summon a deadly storm to cloak the ship.

All crew are immune to the storm effects, but trespassers and enemies will be struck by lightning upon entry.

The Tempest was named for its ferocity in the storm. With a Storm Mage as a First Mate, the ship will wield the elements against its enemies.

"That's kinda cool, I guess."

James had to laugh at his own reaction. If he had only been given 'Dread Storm' as an option, he would have been overjoyed.

But it failed miserably when put in direct comparison with 'Void Blood'.

He tried to think of it objectively, though. In the fight he had just been in, 'Dread Storm' would have been invaluable.

James tried his best to play devil's advocate as the next one popped up.

Night Haven

Prerequisites: Vampire Captain

Prerequisites: Favoured by Dervius

Dervius' Secret Crypt is created below deck.

The Tempest becomes a Haven for all of Dervius' followers, which boosts experience gain and learning proficiencies.

Unique Followers will seek the Tempest to become a part of its crew, to trade artifacts or to teach new skills.

The Secret Crypt contains several coffins, many of which contain heirlooms of Heroes and Villains past.

If certain requirements are met, then the Vampire Captain may be in for some surprises...

All thoughts of this being an easy, one-sided choice went out the window.

James stared at the 'Night Haven' for a few moments, completely ignoring all the ones that came after it.

There was one that upgraded all the cannons to Unique rank, then another that moved the ship up to 20% faster.

Oddly, there was even one that allowed a Cantina style bar to be opened below deck because Pedro was a member of the crew.

You won't be able to make your selection until the next time that you log into the game, so think carefully about which option you'd like to choose. The action is permanent, and you will only be able to select your preference once.

Next, they have upgraded your Heirloom items to Legendary Rank.

Would you like to see them?

James set his coffee cup on the kitchen countertop with a frown on his face.

He couldn't decide which one he wanted more. The 'Void Blood' ability was an incredible one for joining battles and escaping tough situations. Yet, it had the limitation of only teleporting to and from known locations. All he knew so far was Rayth, so he would only see its value when he had discovered more of Abidden.

The 'Night Haven' was essentially telling him he'd get more followers, more crew members, heirlooms and potential vampires in the future. Extra experience, skills and artifacts sounded great... but it wasn't as great as teleporting.

"Yes, Jackal. Show me the equipment."

James muttered in a deflated voice.

Equipment Granted:

Vampire Captain's Aimpatch (Legendary Heirloom)

Restores Sight - 60%

Skill Unlocked: Prediction

Skill Unlocked: Perception

Skill Unlocked: Night Eye

+25 Aim

+25 Dexterity

Vampire Captain's Dreadblade (Legendary Heirloom)

-486 Damage

Skill Unlocked: Siphon Slash

Skill Upgraded: Dread Cleave (Previously: Cleave)

Skill Upgraded: Reflect (Previously: Ricochet)

Skill Upgraded: Phantom Blades (Previously: Fake Slash)

Vampire Captain's Dreadfire Pistol (Legendary Heirloom)

-1026 Damage

Maximum Charges: 6

Unlocked Ammo: Moonlight, Blood, Dread

Skill Unlocked: Longshot

Skill Unlocked: Debilitate

Skill Upgraded: Dread Draw (Previously: Quickdraw)

Skill Upgraded: Last Words (Previously: Crackshot)

"Do you think they used the word, 'Dread' enough in the descriptions?"

James asked Jackal, who promptly ignored him.

Despite the weird naming conventions, the damage levels really jumped out at him. Jageranimus had over one-hundred thousand health in their last encounter... and if James had met him with these legendary stats, the fight would have been over in a flash.

"What is the catch with these items, Jackal?"

James knew there was no way it was going to be this easy for him.

All values are correct and assume that the Dread Captain is aboard the Tempest at nighttime.

"I'm going to just go ahead and guess that there are going to be some horrible debuffs if I do anything during the day?"

There are some debuffs if you're not on your ship, and if you are unprotected from the sunshine. Royal Road's content has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

James raised an eyebrow.

"So I can actually login during the day?"

You can see from your other equipment that it protects you from the sun.

Equipment Granted:

Brim of Solitude (Legendary)

Wisdom +10

Luck +5

Skill Unlocked: Sunguard

Skill Unlocked: Anonymity

Gloves of the Duelist (Unique)

Dexterity +4

Aim +4

+15% Proficiency in Crafting

Dread Breeches (Unique)

Dexterity +8

Skill Unlocked: Shadow Slide

Dread Boots (Unique)

Dexterity +8

Skill Unlocked: Shadow Step

Spectral Greatcloak (Legendary)

Strength +12

Charisma +10

Skill Upgraded: Conquest (Previously: Capture, Intimidate, Command)

Skill Unlocked: Shadow Cloak

Phantasma's Vest (Legendary)

Charisma +15

Attractiveness +10

Unlocks Trait: Attractiveness

Skill Unlocked: Seduce

Lucky Silk Shirt (Standard)

Luck +1

Swindler's Stopclock (Unique)

Charisma +5

Intelligence +2

Skill Unlocked: Barter

James' eyes kept darting up and down the list, which caused dozens of questions to surge through him.

Most of his thoughts were logical or curious about the new movement skills... but then there were others that just kept bringing him back to that damn Vest.

It had to be Locke. The Goddess of Charisma was showing her hand again, and that's why he now had a seduction skill.

He brought his now lukewarm coffee to his lips and took a long drink.

"Thanks for that, Jackal. We can leave all the quest stuff for later. I was mostly curious about the stats, skills and upgrades."

Would you like to hear about the media coverage now?

"Yes, let's do it!"

Earlier this evening, while you were in Abidden, Frederick Hargreaves gave an interview on the Samantha Show. His conversation on that show went viral, specifically because he revealed the events of the District One Invitational that happened ten years ago. In that interview, he explained how you single-handedly brought the Paragons to victory. His heartfelt praise of your accomplishments, coupled with his anger for how society failed you, created a very compelling and sympathetic image. At the end of the interview, he told the audience your real name and revealed your status as an E-Class citizen. As we speak, 'James Sylvester' is trending across all noteworthy social media platforms. Public sentiment towards 'James Sylvester' is remarkably high, which was gauged through quick-time votes asked throughout the broadcast.

When the Dread Pirate Sylvian attacked the Celestial Crusader, Quentin Bell released a cinematic of all your achievements in Abidden thus far. The compilation also included some footage of the District One Invitational and some choice snippets from the interview with Frederick Hargreaves. They broadcasted it live on Abidden's main channel, pushing Helena's attack on the Sky Palace to the second channel. The viewership is still being calculated as millions are continuing to watch the raid. As of right now, it is currently the most watched event in Abidden's history, eclipsing the Raid Event of last week.

Vendetta Enterprises has yet to release a comment regarding the Raid.

James didn't even register the coffee cup falling to the ground, nor did he hear it bounce and roll across the floor.

He couldn't process what he just heard.

Jackal, as if understanding that he was having difficulty following the whole situation... put up visual proof of what was happening at that very moment.

Reports, videos, reactions, articles and clips of the battle were absolutely everywhere. Pictures of him from years ago were resurfacing from when he was a kid.

A day ago, nobody knew his name... and now he was famous?

Competitor Analysis is quite brief. Many have slated Jorgen Baw for his humiliating defeat, but there were several outlets that reported on viewers who were pleased to see him actively hunting the Dread Pirate. There is widespread speculation that his sponsor, Volte Aerospace, will probably drop him. They have yet to make a statement. Despite a poor performance in the game, sentiment is that Jorgen has backbone, which created an interesting rivalry within Abidden. His lack of scripted scenes, and a real human desire for revenge, made some of the audience sympathetic. The vast majority of viewers, however, believe that the Scumlord unfairly demonized 'James Sylvester'. It is too early to determine the future of the Celestial Crusader, but many hope that he will be a permanent fixture in the game. There is an ongoing petition to replace the active Heroes with the rest of the Scumlord team. The recent interview with McClean on the Samantha Show created a lot of speculation around a Scumlord team up to rival the Paragons in Abidden. McClean has suggested that he could be convinced to return to gaming, if it was the right role and sponsor.

James was barely hearing anything Jackal was saying at this point. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the screens that were constantly refreshing with new, sensational articles about him.

You have a meeting with Nox in District One later this morning. The reschedule confirmation came in when you were revealed as a Wildcard in Abidden. You've been requested to take part in an interview panel with the other Paragons this afternoon, and attend a meet & greet with some of Abidden's main sponsors in the evening. There is a proposed celebratory dinner that will take place tomorrow night, too.

"Wait, there's an interview panel? Like with reporters?"

The moment he said the sentence, he felt like an idiot. Obviously it was going to be with reporters.

It will be a private event and not open to members of the press. The Neophyte Bar will host it, who have been officially listed as one of your secondary sponsors. Its purpose is to determine the next intake of Wildcards that will be added to Abidden, through Vendetta Enterprises. Unfortunately, the plans to meet with the prospective Wildcard sponsors got leaked to the public, which has caused the Board of Investors of Abidden to organise their own rival event. There is speculation that they will be short-listing new Hero candidates, as well as deciding who gets released from the current roster.

There was simply too much information for James to take in.

A wry smile crossed his lips when he heard that the meeting of the Paragons would be at the Neophyte Bar. James couldn't wait to see Billy's face when Greaves stepped into the bar.

"Was there any other news that I should know about?"

James asked as he got to his feet and paced around the room. His eyes were drawn to a movement outside his window.

You've received a congratulatory donation from Dryksell Pharmaceuticals. They've requested a meeting and have offered to work around your schedule.

Upon further inspection, he saw it was an enormous advert covering one side of a nearby skyscraper. The obnoxious signage was bursting with rapid images of the Dread Pirate during the Legendary Class Quest.

Without hesitating, James tapped the interface at the side of the window panel, turning the entire pane reflective.

Whatever James had expected of his own reflection, the reality was far from it. He didn't look half dead anymore. The gauntness that he expected in his reflection was nowhere to be found.

Bringing his hands to his face, he prodded the skin around his cheekbones. Even his colouring had improved in the last few days. The constant black circles that hung under his eyes were gradually fading, too.

Nexus Rigs released a statement during your fight that they were proud sponsors of the Dread Pirate, and were going to start work on a new Rig called the Tempest.

James paused as he heard Jackal's words. He had received a donation from Dryksell Pharmaceuticals?

In that moment, his eyes were drawn to the scars on his arms. Those hadn't faded and were a stark reminder of where he had come from.

Closing his eyes briefly, James laughed humourlessly. He had spent the last ten years watching every single credit, trying to make sure he could survive and stay ahead of the loan repayments.

Now, just a few weeks later, he was floating around his apartment with a top of the range Rig, an S-Class Sponsor wanting to meet with him, and a view... of his growing stardom.

When was the last time he checked his account balance?

James opened his eyes and took a steadying breath. He looked back down to the discolouration of his skin. He had been sitting in a Slum Arcade only a few weeks ago.

Everything since he logged into the game had been about Abidden. The Dread Pirate Sylvian had taken over, and James Sylvester went into autopilot.

That chance encounter with Milly at the DV8 Cafe, it gave him his second chance... but what was he doing with it? He wasn't an idiot. He wouldn't have got this far without his friends. Nor would he even have any relevance without the work of the Paragons.

James sighed audibly as he turned to look at the Chessmaster in the centre of the room.

Without connections or money, there was no way for people to move up in the world.

They have moved your appointment with the Citizenry Office up to tomorrow. You can apply for a D-Class Citizenship. They expedited this at the request of Nox.

Lastly, in relation to your business affairs. As the Owner of Travesty Holdings, Nox Holdings require you to carry out an in-person inspection of the property, Apartment Block 516.

When completed, you will gain full ownership of the property and will be eligible to receive the subsequent rental income.

James paused at those words, his brow furrowed in concentration.

The beginnings of an idea were forming in his head, but it was absolutely insane.

Ever since the moment he had sat with the Paragons, a question hung ominously in the back of his mind.

It was the question Varya had asked him at their reunion.

"What would make you happy?"

Money wasn't the answer, nor was it fame or recognition. None of the things he had dreamily aspired towards over the years had been the answer.

Deep down, he had always known what would make him happy... but it was an impossibility.

"Jackal, how many apartments will I own once I have the deed?"

James bit his lip as he asked the question.

There are thirty-eight single-room apartments and twelve double-room apartments in Apartment Block 516.

Unfortunately, I cannot access the current records to identify its current occupancy, but I will have this information after you secure the Title Deed.

With a glance at the Chessmaster at the centre of the room, James made a quick judgement call.

"Jackal, how much would twelve Third Generation Nexus Rigs cost?"

If you were to buy them new, from Nexus Rigs, it would cost $125,000.00 credits per rig, totalling $1,500,000.00 credits.

However, if you bought them refurbished or from a reputable second-hand outlet, the individual cost would be between $75,000.00 and $100,000.00 credits per rig.

Making the total range between $900,000.00 and $1,200,000.00 credits.

Normally, numbers that high would make James feel physically ill. But now, he needed to look at things from a different perspective.

The Dread Pirate Sylvian had become the Legendary Vampire Dread Captain.

James had achieved the unthinkable, and now he wanted to do it again.

But this time, as James Sylvester.

I will monitor the price fluctuations of the 3rd-Gen Rigs and keep you updated.

Shall I enquire on your behalf if Nexus Rigs would give the Dread Captain Sylvian a discount?

"That would be great, thank you, Jackal. There's one more thing I'd like your help with for now."

Go on.

"Can you help me track down the Slum Arcade players, if I give you their in-game names?"

Yes. May I ask for what purpose?

James exhaled slowly as he finally admitted what he wanted most.

"I want to show the World what E-Classers are capable of..."

And how will you achieve that?

James walked across the room and picked up the discarded coffee cup. He was very early into the planning stages, but everything felt like it was just clicking together. As though this was the best solution.

"We're going to do this in secret. Similar to the Wildcards in Abidden."

James spoke as the ideas came to him. Excitement welling up within him.

"I'm going to be their sponsor. It'll be done through Travesty Holdings, so they can access the Rookie & Intermediate Leagues. They'll all have a permanent residence at Apartment 516, and they'll have access to their own personal Rig. Twelve rooms... means we can make two full teams of six."

Is the end-goal for them to win a space as Wildcards in Abidden?

James laughed good-naturedly as he shook his head.

Despite his ambitions, he was keeping his expectations in-check.

"The end-goal is for them to win the District One Invitational."
