Chapter 52   ~ “Can Two Paths Become One?”

“But i think, I love you...”

“My empress!”

Cathain gently took some of her flying hair in the air, at his hands and kissed it.

He looked up and stare at her widening blue eyes in shock and smiled at her devilishly.

Where, Eleanora looked at Cathain with a shocked and horrified gaze.

She could imagine the 26-year-old Cathain looking to her in the appearance of a 16 year-old teenager.



Cathain in the past, sometimes would look at her like this. Which would be full of obsession and possessiveness.

Red eyes, which wanted to possess her, cage her and keep her tied with him.

His red eyes is no longer the eyes of a teenager, which always looked at her with a little annoyance.


Just like how her soul was a adult in mentality but child at appearance, his expression just now was the same.


‘N-No... No... It can’t be... ‘

Eleanora unconsciously kept murmuring in her mind as she continued to step back from him.

“I love you, Ele. I- I missed you so much... ” Cathain spoke as he took step towards her.

He doesn’t know why he is feeling so heart break when he said he missed her.

And why did he said that? It felt like he was being controlled by something.

But it was so heavy that he felt his heart was breaking apart as he spoke those words.

Eleanora kept gazing at the floor as her mind stopped it’s functioning.

‘How can this happen? Is he back in the past like me too?’

Cathain tried to touch her face but Eleanora slapped his hands away and finally looked at him with a gaze full of hatred and disgust.

“Don’t touch me! I hate you! Did you hear clearly? I hate you!!”

Eleanora gritted her teeth and yelled at him. Her eyes was full of hatred and rage.

But Cathain just kept standing infront of her. She turned away to leave and he chased after her.

The moment she tried to open the balcony gate, Cathain suddenly slammed the door again and took his mouth near her ear to whisper.

“Remember, You can only be mine... My empress.”

Cathain immediately backed off after he finished his sentence and Eleanora stomped out from the balcony without looking back.

She took the emperor’s permission to leave the banquet in the excuse of feeling unwell and the emperor granted her permission to leave because he sensed something wrong.

On the other hand, Cathain didn’t left the balcony and watched her as she run away from the banquet and stepped into her carriage.

He kept staring, till the carriage with Blue and white coloured flag, and crest disappeared from his eyes.

Cathain turned his body and leaned on the railings. He kept staring at the shining moon and hold up his hands high towards the moon.

‘You can’t escape me, Ele...’ Cathain spoke in his mind as he tried to grip the moon with his hands.

He narrowed his eyes and his lips curved up into a smrik.

Everything was finally making sense to him. He kept having dreams about a woman.

Whose eyes was always lonely, even if it smiled sometimes; soon it would become gloomy again.

He kept having dreams about the woman, who had shilvery shiny hair with blue eyes.

She kept working hard and hard, kept hearing gossips about her, being ignored by someone.

Today after he saw Eleanora’s cold eyes and had his last vision; he finally came up with something.

If what he saw was future, then the current Eleanora is totally different from this and she is the only one who is acting differently from his vision.

And her acting differently, somehow made him acting differently too.

He had been having visions since they fall into the water. So, it can only be one thing.

He was back in the past but his memories couldn’t adjust with his current body yet.

Although he doesn’t remember much, he decided to try out by calling her ‘Empress’.

And the way she reacted, he is now sure that, those was not normal visions.

So now, it can only be two possible way. One, they both are back in the past again. One with her full memory and him, without his full memory.

Two, he is just thinking and dreaming nonsense.

But the second thing doesn’t suits at all. So, it can only be the first one. He have to try more harder to find out all the memories.

‘This is why i felt the urge to know about you more, the reason i did those stupid things because i already loved you for a long time...’

‘I will make you mine again, Ele...’


Right after reaching her house; Eleanora dismissed everyone from her room.

She closed the door and slowly slide down on the floor and clenched her fist.

‘How can this happen! Why?’ There was no tears in her eyes but her eyes was full of rage.

She finally short out everything. She thought about facing the reality and find out about the past.

But everything will go wrong if Cathain remembers everything too.

‘N-No, This can’t be. If he was really back in the past, he couldn’t behave like this from the start.’

Eleanora stood up from the floor and sat infront of her mirror. It was a 22-year-old adults image in the mirror.

Lifeless and tired blue eyes with a gloomy face, which haven’t smiled for decades.

‘Do you want to be me again?’ The girl in the mirror asked.

‘No, I won’t be like you again.’ Eleanora replied and the girl in the mirror smiled.

‘Bring justice for us and punish the guilty... also live happily.’

‘Don’t lost yourself in the midst of this.’

The girl in the mirror said before she vanished from the mirror.

Eleanora was seeing her own 12-year-old appearance in the mirror again and sighed heavily before she looked up to the mirror.

She smiled brightly as she spoke, “Yeah, I can do this!”

Past Cathain or not, nothing can stop her this time.

She will become a knight as she wanted and discover the past to prevent the past incidents occurring again.

Eleanora walked and stood beside her window as she kept gazing at the moon to become determine again.

‘I will never give in to you again, Cathain.’


Once love turn into great hate, where once missed become a obsession.

Two people with two different thought, Can they ever become one again?
