Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Beast Attack

If the value of this Iron Armor Cow’s scales was around five million, then the value of this Cow Gallstone should be at least ten million or even more.

A cow with a Cow Gallstone has the potential to advance to a higher level. For instance, bovine Mutated Beasts might evolve into Iron Armor Cows or Unicorns, but these are actually different species mutated from an ordinary cow.

Aside from the African Buffalo or Rhinoceros that could advance to B-level, these ordinary cows couldn’t advance to B-level unless they have a Cow Gallstone.

No wonder this cow grew so big. If it were given some more time, it might have become a B-level beast. Unfortunately, before it could reach B-level, it was killed by Lin Zhen, and the Cow Gallstone became Lin Zhen’s trophy.

Happy to collect the Cow Gallstone, Lin Zhen felt extremely delighted to receive a loot worth over 20 million after killing a C-level beast.


Gathering everything he needed, Lin Zhen returned to the armored vehicle, where the others had already finished their fight.

With the biggest cow drawn away by Lin Zhen, the remaining five Iron Armor Cows could not pose a real threat to the four War General level experts. Shi Lei was the first to kill an Iron Armor Cow, then lent support to Ye Tiancheng, and the two of them together returned to kill the remaining Iron Armor Cows led by Zhao Liang one by one.

However, they had just finished and were about to support Lin Zhen when they saw Lin Zhen had already returned.

Not only did he come back, but he also brought back the cowhide, scales, and horns of the dead Iron Armor Cow.

“Well done, Lin Zhen! I knew you’d make it! You killed a Mutated Snake before, so killing a Mutated Cow is no big deal.” Zhao Liang, who was exhausted, sat on the ground. He had a hard time leading the three cows around in circles. If it

weren’t for Gao Yan constantly using his sniper rifle to attract the Mutated Cows, Zhao Liang would have faced danger.


A sniper rifle was indeed a bit weak against Mutated Cows.

Shi Lei, panting as well, said, “Good to have you back. In our group, you might be the first one to kill a Mutated Cow. It seems like a genius is really a genius.”

Ye Tiancheng didn’t say anything. His dual swords were too light to deal much damage to the Iron Armor Cows, and in the end, he had to rely on Shi Lei’s help to finish them off. Being outranked by a newcomer like Lin Zhen made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

“Alright, Old Gao, you’re in charge of dissecting these cows. Collect the scales, horns, and such, and when the money is sold, we will distribute it among everyone.”

He then said to Lin Zhen, “Lin Zhen, you might not be familiar with our squad yet, but this is how we deal with the Mutated Beasts we kill together. Don’t worry, you will definitely not lose out. Just for killing the biggest Iron Armor Cow, you might earn an extra two or three million.”

“Captain, don’t worry, I understand.” Lin Zhen placed the scales and other items down, handed over the crystals, but he didn’t take out the Cow Gallstone. Such items that weren’t part of the plan could be kept without reporting.

Seeing Lin Zhen’s intact cowhide and scales, Gao Yan exclaimed, “These scales are so perfect, there isn’t a single crack. Lin Zhen, how did you kill it?”

“Eyes. I stabbed my gun into its eye socket and churned its brain.” Lin Zhen demonstrated the action.

“Amazing! Being able to strike the eye of an Iron Armor Cow during battle, just for this, I think you are the number one among the young generation in Ice City. People like Changfeng’s Chen Jingchou and Dragon Slayer’s Lei Ming, as well as our martial artists Fu Chengya and Shen Tuhua, can’t compare with you.”

Lin Zhen just laughed. He never intended to compete with these people; his goal was only those few individuals.

Gao Yan started dissecting the cows while Shi Lei and Zhao Liang went to rest in the car. Lin Zhen and Ye Tiancheng stayed to guard the area, and the team quickly got to work.

The death of the Mutated Cows attracted some nearby Mutated Beasts, but because of the presence of the cows, there weren’t any powerful Mutated Beasts nearby. Lin Zhen and Ye Tiancheng could easily handle them.

During this process, Lin Zhen hardly exerted any effort as Ye Tiancheng seemingly wanted to show off his skills. Basically, he alone dealt with the approaching Mutated Beasts. Lin Zhen was happy to be at ease and just watched Ye Tiancheng’s performance.

During the occasional downtime, Ye Tiancheng would take out his phone to take pictures of the trophies and post them on the internal martial artist’s website.

Such actions could somewhat expose their location, and Lin Zhen felt it was inappropriate. However, seeing that Ye Tiancheng was posting it on the internal web, he didn’t say anything.

Half an hour later, Gao Yan finished dissecting the Mutated Cow corpses, and everyone got back into the vehicle.

“Everyone did a great job just now, especially Lin Zhen, who single-handedly killed the biggest iron-armored cow, earning our team a considerable income.

Now I will outline the plan for everyone.”

Shi Lei took out the map and explained, “According to the information, the giant palm bear is situated in the center of Yi Lan county town, inside the stadium. Some martial artists have gone there before, but many have encountered danger. There are numerous mutated beasts in the stadium and it’s very dangerous to approach them rashly. Therefore, we need to advance steadily, ensuring our own retreat route, in order to have a chance to deal with the giant palm bear.”

“Now there are eight squads entering Yi Lan, which can be considered the first wave. There will be a steady stream of martial artists coming from Base City behind them. We don’t need to worry about how others will proceed, we will just follow this road and push forward. Five hundred meters ahead, there is an ancient city hotel ruins, which can still barely accommodate people. We will rest there first, then push forward from there, trying to reach the stadium as quickly as possible. Understand?”

“Understood!” Several people answered in unison.

“Alright, let’s take action now. Everyone, stay alert! We may not only face mutated beasts in the wilderness, but also other martial artist teams, especially the Demon God Squad, who have suffered a loss of one billion. They won’t let it go easily.”

Several people nodded to indicate their understanding.

The armored vehicle slowly drove forward. Along the way, there were no more advanced mutated beasts like the iron-armored cow. Most were E-level and F-level beasts. Everyone wasn’t interested in hunting them. Only D-level mutated beasts were considered valuable. If they killed all the mutated beasts they encountered, even ten armored vehicles would not be enough to carry them. The car drove to the entrance of the hotel and the five men got out.

The hotel building is relatively well-preserved, a five-story building that still vaguely reveals its former appearance. historical

After getting off the car, Ye Tiancheng started taking photos with his phone, seeming to enjoy posting things online.

Seeing that Ye Tiancheng had interest in it, Shi Lei and the others didn’t rush to enter the building and stood outside casually.

Not far away, there was a ten-story building which, although dilapidated, had not collapsed. No one knew how it had been able to hold up for so many years.

Lin Zhen looked at the building and felt uneasy. Buildings like this with a honeycomb structure were often the home of mutant birds, which could be dangerous.

Thinking about this, Lin Zhen said, “Captain, I think that tall building is dangerous. There might be a large group of birds living in it. We should either not stay here or quickly go inside the hotel. If we are attacked by a swarm of birds, there might be casualties.”

Ye Tiancheng, who was taking photos, laughed and said, “Lin Zhen, you should not show off your textbook knowledge here. Yi Lan is close to Peony City, so in order to ensure the safety of the army’s airspace, the mutant birds are cleared regularly every month. There are no big groups of mutant birds around here. And even if there were, it’s almost nightfall and other than nocturnal birds like owls, other birds would have returned to their nests by now. Unless you make a lot of noise, they won’t come out. Do you think owls will appear in groups?

Hahaha! Your textbook knowledge is not refined enough.”

Lin Zhen furrowed his brows as bird mobility was quite large, and Yi Lan had never been fully captured. Furthermore, even if he didn’t alert the birds, it didn’t mean others wouldn’t. Ye Tiancheng’s words couldn’t confirm anything.

But since he was new to the team, it wasn’t appropriate to contradict him openly, so he didn’t say anything more.

After Ye Tiancheng finished taking photos of the hotel and posted them online, there was suddenly a puff of smoke in the distance and an explosion sounded from the tall building.


A firework erupted in the sky with a faint red blood hue.

“Damn it! It’s a blood mist bomb, specially designed to attract birds in the sky.

Someone’s ambushing us!”

As soon as Shi Lei said this, everyone felt the light dimming around them.

It seemed as if a bomb went off in the building, and countless mutant birds flew out from it. They quickly found the closest group of people – Lin Zhen and his team – and the bird swarm quickly formed a dark cloud, swooping down at a high speed!

“Careful, it’s brain-eating swallows!”

Brain-eating swallows, originally called swallows in the calendar era, began to mutate after the God Transformation Day. Each swallow became the size of an eagle and turned from a beneficial bird into a bird of prey. Although only F-level mutated birds, they were extremely fast and always attacked in groups. They would peck open a person’s skull and eat their brain.

“Form up, I’m in front, Zhao Liang in the back, Lin Zhen and Tiancheng left and right, protecting Old Gao! Move towards the entrance of the hotel. It’s much safer inside.”

Shi Lei quickly issued a combat order. Although facts had proven that Lin Zhen was right, it was no longer meaningful to argue about it now. This time, everyone had to stay together. Otherwise, they would definitely die under the bird swarm..
