Chapter 22: Chapter 22 Level 3 Limit

Seeing Fu Chengya’s results, Zhao Liang nodded: “These results are pretty good. Generally speaking, if the Genetic Potion’s enhancement doesn’t exceed 45%, it’s considered poor; between 46% and 50%, it’s considered qualified; between 51% and 55%, it’s considered good; and between 55% and 60%, it’s considered excellent. Fu Chengya’s results can be considered good.”

However, Fu Chengya’s face didn’t show much joy, because he was a first-class student. First-class students who take the potion are usually guaranteed to have good results, with some even reaching excellent results. However, he was only good, and Shen Yuhua hadn’t come out yet, so his results were expected to surpass Fu Chengya’s.

As for qualified and poor results, those were generally seen when second and third-class students took the potion.

At this time, 21 minutes had passed, and Shen Yuhua came out of the room.

“Brother Zhao, I have completed my optimization, and I’m ready for testing.”


“Alright, start the test.”

Shen Yuhua confidently walked up to the testing machine and began the three physical fitness tests.

Finally, Shen Yuhua’s results were out: left-handed punch strength 638Kg, right-handed punch strength 646kg, punch speed 12.8/m, nerve response 0.049, optimization enhancement 56%, overall strength evaluated as a mid-stage Sixth-Level Warrior.

“Shen Yuhua’s results are not bad. The Genetic Potion’s enhancement rating is excellent. With this excellent rating, you should have a significant achievement in the future,” Zhao Liang said.

Hearing Zhao Liang’s evaluation, Shen Yuhua was even more proud, and the students from his school gathered excitedly around him, like stars surrounding the moon.

Fu Chengya’s face became even more displeased. Although his good rating was not bad, Shen Yuhua’s excellent rating immediately overshadowed Fu Chengya’s accomplishment, which the arrogant Fu Chengya found hard to accept.


“Alright, now you’ve seen the effects of the Genetic Potion. You are all basically third-level warriors now, so train hard and reach the peak of the third level as soon as possible to take the potion again. I look forward to seeing more excellent ratings or even exceptional ratings from you,” Zhao Liang said.

“Brother Zhao, are there higher ratings than excellent?”

“Of course, there are. Universal Genetic Potion can also have an enhancement of more than 60%, and the custom-made potion tailored to an individual’s specific conditions can generally increase their strength by 70%. That would be an exceptional rating. However, personally, I don’t recommend custom-made potions because if it fails, the price to pay is extremely high.”

The students nodded in agreement, well aware of the importance of Genetic Potions and the proportion of their enhancements. Generally speaking, if a third-class student took a Genetic Potion, there would likely be a poor result, with some people possibly achieving a qualified result.

Second-class students would likely receive a qualified result when they take the potion, while some might get a good result.

First-class students were likely to get good results, while some could get excellent results.

As for third-class and second-class students reaching excellent or exceptional results, it wasn’t impossible, but that would require using a custom-made Genetic Potion.

Private customization was like gambling, but the chance of winning was minimal: only 20%.

If a custom-made potion failed, the martial artist would lose their potential, not only needing to take a lot of precious medicines to recover, but their maximum enhancement for the next time would only be poor, which meant they would not exceed 45% improvement, essentially losing their future.

Therefore, custom-made potions were a double-edged sword, with an 80% chance of harming oneself.

After saying this, Zhao Liang turned around and left. As a War General Level martial artist, he needed to spend more time in the Wilderness Area, not dealing with these student-level kids.

After Zhao Liang left, the testing hall immediately became lively.

Fu Chengya looked at Shen Yuhua with resentment: “Shen Yuhua, just because your Genetic Potion’s effects surpassed mine, don’t think you’ll be on top forever. We’re both Sixth-Level Warriors now, albeit me in the early stage and you in the middle stage. I’ll be entering the Wilderness Area soon. As long as I kill more monsters, I’ll earn more money and have more opportunities to improve my strength. This is just the beginning.”

Shen Yuhua replied without reservation, “You think you’re the only one who will enter the Wilderness Area? I’m already a mid-stage Sixth-Level Warrior. I’ll also join an adventurer team and enter the Wilderness Area soon. Fu Chengya, don’t delude yourself. As for this year’s top newcomer in Gale Martial Arts Hall, I’ve already set my sights on that title!”

Fu Chengya no longer argued with Shen Yuhua and started shopping online instead.

After the completion of the Martial Artist’s gene optimization, they would choose their martial arts techniques and weapons to prepare for entering the Wilderness Area. In fact, many students have researched a particular weapon before and have their plan ready.

With regard to weapons, besides cold weapons, some Martial Artists also choose firearms. However, those who chose firearms were mostly Martial Artists with lower talent – those who may not have much potential in cold weapons duels and would need to rely on firearms.

One advantage of firearms was that they were easy to learn, and it was easy for these physically outstanding Martial Artists to train. However, the downside was limited achievement.

Lin Zhen saw this and did not pay attention to what Fu Chengya and Shen Yuhua would choose. If there was more competition between these two, people would temporarily not pay attention to him, and he could use this time to quietly improve his strength.

In fact, during this time, for the sake of the last first-class student quota, almost all students were giving it their all, striving to reach the Sixth-Level Warrior peak in the shortest time possible. Lin Zhen’s neural response was already enough, and he wasn’t far from the War General Level in boxing speed. His right hand was fast, but his left hand lacked practice, making the gap to the War General Level quite significant. Even though he mastered the breathing technique, it wasn’t possible for him to immediately surpass others by a large margin.

Ten days passed quickly. Lin Zhen had hardly left the Gale Martial Arts Hall during this time – practicing boxing during the day and secretly practicing his Spiritual Power at night when no one was around.

His Spiritual Power cultivation had progressed rapidly. The green energy ball in his mind was silverizing more and more, and the strands of silvery energy were becoming more and more abundant, already accounting for a quarter of the total. He could now be considered at the Silver Early Stage Spiritual mind master level.

He could even control three flying knives at once, and their power even surpassed that of a handgun.

Honing his left hand on purpose, he progressed rapidly. Today, he finally crossed the 390kg mark.

With a punch to the punching target, a “397kg” mark appeared on it.

“Not bad, 397 for the left hand and 399 for the right. I’m already at the peak of War General Level, with a punching speed of 7.99 punches per second, which is the limit of the War General Level. I should be able to take the Genetic Potion soon.”

The customized Genetic Potion had arrived that morning, just in time.

At this moment, everyone was working hard to improve their cultivation. Lin Zhen knew that several second-class students were about to reach the War General Level peak, but their progress was slightly slower than his. If he were to take the potion now, he could secure the last spot as a first-class student.

Just as Lin Zhen was considering whether or not to take the potion immediately, Zhao Liang came over and told him, “Lin Zhen, the police station called me earlier. The time to detain those gangsters is almost up, but Zhang Huai hasn’t visited them even once. It seems that he knows it’s useless, so he chose to let his subordinates endure the punishment and not come to ask for help.”

“He doesn’t even ask about them?” Lin Zhen really hadn’t expected that.

“Yes, the police station can only detain them for at most fifteen days, and after that, they have to release them. It seems Zhang Huai would rather let his subordinates suffer than bow down and settle the matter.”

“Humph! So he’s counting on us not daring to do anything to those bastards? Since he doesn’t want to compromise, let’s just break a leg for each of them!” Lin Zhen clenched his teeth, his heart burning with anger.

“Should we take the initiative to meet with Zhang Huai once? If we can reach a compensation agreement, that would be the best outcome. Otherwise, us breaking the legs of those gangsters would also give others something to talk about.”

“How many more days can those gangsters be detained?”

“At most four more days. They must be released after four days.”

“Alright, in three days’ time, I want to arrange a meeting with Zhang Huai.” Lin Zhen made up his mind. historical

“Three days… but….”

Zhao Liang hesitated to speak, and Lin Zhen knew what he meant. He was not strong enough to negotiate with Zhang Huai yet.

Lin Zhen smiled: “Brother Zhao, you don’t have to worry. I’ve already reached the War General Level peak, and I can take the Genetic Potion now. Once my gene optimization is complete, I won’t just be this weak rookie anymore.”

“But even after your gene optimization, you still… Ah! I almost forgot, you chose the customized potion! Lin Zhen, are you really confident of success?”
