TN : I had waiting for an update for some novel (cut & paste is one of them) but there is no news in Novelupdate until I check the site, and it turn out that they stop translating (Thanks Izzi and Jin for your hard work). then I check for the RAW and it turn out not too difficult to translate (at least for this chapter) and not too long too. So, Here you go (for now it became side project, let's see if I can take 3 translation or not). also, I translate using MTL so put up with low quality, until professional TL take this project.

Chapter 102 : Aboutthe clan

The weddingceremony was able to finish safely except for our spiritual exhaustion.

People of theroyal family.


People of thetemple.

... ... And mostof the people living in the kingdom celebrated our marriage more than anythingelse.

Of course, therewill be a lot of people who do not accept our marriage and think that they donot like it.

Still manypeople are happy that they blessed us with a smile.

Truly, I am trulyhappy.

God who gave methis chance to make this happiness.


Two nice wiveswho married to me.

I am sincerelythankful to all the people involved with me!

"It wasnice to have finished safely"

I was talking toAisha who felt the pressure to get married in front of a lot people like me

"... Un, Iwas happy that many people blessed us, but after all I got tired a bit."

When we areleaning against the chaise longue, Aisha is sitting next to me on the rightside.

Then, Aisha leavethe body to me and start leaning the same way.

"fufu~, we have become husband and wife!"

IIRC, it's beena while since I was flirting with Aisha?

While tying herarms around my arms, when I was talking languidly *dala dala*, Sylphi who wentto the king's place came back to my room.

"Unfair!Both of you !!"

Soon announcesdissatisfaction as far as power to us and jumps in to the left of me who isvacant.

It is preciselywith flowers in both hands, it is strange to say by myself but ... ... I had ablissful time with a really good smile.

...... Eh, Waffle?

Un, Waffle is placeon my head as usual.

Even if he sawthe situation of us because the race did not feel anything even if saw a maleand female eyebrows of any different race, the state did not change anything.

Ultimately, our flirtingcontinued until Airi asked to come in the end.


"Well, yourwedding ceremony ended safely, First of all that was what I said. However,there are still many things have to be decided"

Called by the King-sama,I heard such a story.

What I have todecide? What is it ... ? The family namehas been decided ... ... I do not think thereis any, but..?

Am I forgot it? noticingmy expression.

The King-samacontinues to talk with a bitter smile.

“You will launcha clan right? As I said before, I give out permission, but I will not be ableto officially register it unless you decide the name of the clan”


That's true.

The name of theclan, I often decide on something recently.

Waffle’s name,family’s name, and clan’s name … …。

Then, is it nogood if don’t decide right now?

“… … King-sama, mayI have a little more time?"

“fumu, It isindeed cruel if must decide right now. Okay, as soon as you decide, please comeand report. The room that you guys had stayed this time is kept open at alltimes. It would be nice to use it when moving with the magic of example”

With thepermission of the king, I was able to receive time, so I have to do a thirdfamily meeting.

However, we havealready received requests from the country for the clan, so we have to decideearly.

"And then,although you are emerging, you are already a member of a noble. I think that itis rare, but you may visit the other nobles. Beside the house to greet it,there various thing to do. What are you going to do about that?”

Silphy returnedthe answer to the king's question.

"Since I ambuilding a clan house right now, I will make the part of second floor asFortuna house foreign facility"

Un, when Idecided to build a clan house, there was a proposal from Sylphi to say so. ButI do not know well about the noble's residence, so I asked oyakata to talk withSylphi and draw the drawing.

I guess oyakataand the others is doing their best at this time now.

"Have you considered it properly, then itwould not be a problem. So what about the clans' receptionists and staff doing?"

Staff? Isn’tAisha’s real job is receptionist?

Anyway she was apopular receptionist for the adventurer guild.

"...... Myne brother-in-law, isn’t you tell me that Aisha is staff member?"

Brother-in-law seethrough my thinking and asking.

Well then, whatshould I do?

I have nottalked with them about this drifting ... ... 。

When I bothered withmy head, Aisha starts talking.

"... ... I have an idea but ... ... Isn’tthere report coming from Lucas' guild chief Bazam Hathaway? "

Hmm? Perhaps ...... Will you pull out someone for the receptionist from the guild?

"Lucas'guild Chief... .... Oh, that's the case? I have heard that ... .... No way!? Theidea that you mean is, That girl!?"

"Yes, Ithink that it is most convenient to hide in our clan, how is it?"

Hmm? Hmm?? Aconversation that I do not understand at all is occurring between Aisha and theking-sama. I thought that only I did not understand, apparently so did Sylphy.

I am tilting myhead very often.

Ah! Brother-in-lawseemed to understand.

It was asuddenly surprised face.

"... Aisha-dono,that is"

Brother-in-lawseems to be upset unusually.

What on earth isit?

The king seemsto be thinking with the eyes closed.

Aisha seems tobe waiting for the king's idea to come together without saying anything more.

... ... It'sabout 5 minutes to go with a heavy atmosphere.

“Fuu, Iunderstand. Indeed it is reasonable to say properly. Although I was planning toprotect it with the kingdom, Lucas will be more difficult to notice than herewith more people. If you say you are in your place, you can watch in closeproximity to us, and above all there's Myne too"

Un, I do notunderstand at all!

Aisha heard thestory of the King-sama, she breathe a sigh of relief.

"But then,another person at the reception, isn’t it necessary to have an escort at alltimes?"

"……that’scertainly true"

"Okay, if you say that, I will select it. Myne,Sylphy, there is no objection? "

Even if I told likethat ... I do not understand the situation at all ... ....

But Aisha seemsto be convinced of it for the time being, and the king-sama will not doanything that make us troubled, why do you have a reason to oppose itseparately?

"......honestly I do not know, but I will leave it to you."

As I said so,the King-sama nods greatly, and this story ended.

"Well,let's talk about when reporting the name of the clan, as other items are not sourgent. We will return to Lucas soon? Before citizens, we take a carriage toback home"

With that wordof king-sama, this place became dissolved, we ended up finally returning toLucas.


...... Now, weare on the way home with a very gorgeous carriage that the king-sama prepared.

Even when Icame, there was virtually no vibration and the speed of movement was extremelyfast.

If this is thecase, it looks like we can return to Lucas in today.

Well, I have toask Aisha because it's a big deal, I talked with the King before.

"... ...Hey, Aisha ... ...."

"Yes, Iknow ... ... after we got to the clan … …”

... ... I wonderwho is it?
